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P2P Cluster

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We headed out to the P2P cluster, personally I thought nobody was going to bother showing up. But within a few seconds of walking out of our log out spot, we found Jaja.



Reign of Terror Starting: 250~




The whole event was tons of fun, we crossed the whole wilderness clearing clans like FF, VR, Brut, AF, Mayhem, Jaja, EoS, RSD, and Renegade. From 50 portals to mossies to spiders to gap to Red Dragons gate, to corp beast to bounty hunter and down to FoG. The whole event lasted about 90 minutes and we basically made everyone end (with the exception of FF/Mayhem who fought in low wild).


We ended up fighting AF like 3 times, chasing Brutality 4 different times, and clearing Jaja 3 times. Everyone else we ran into just once.


It wasn't as laggy as I expected and most had a lot of fun, thanks to AF for organizing the event. Hope to see more in the future.
















Reign of Terror Ending: 110 in TS




Thanks to everyone we fought today, we had a blast.

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GF, shame noone could really put up much of a fight.

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Shit load of kills, gained probably around 1.5M in rune/super restore =]

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was fun died twice got around 7~ kills.

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Was fun, I think I had 3 kills and 5 deaths.

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I came and watched, did a few snipe snipes meh, was fun.


Nice (H)

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thx lads

died more returning than fighting...


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