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Protein Shakes

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Do you use protein shakes? I don't usually lift often because it does slow my time down for XC but I've started to do it 5-6 times a week now.


Anyway... Do you guys use protein shakes or not? Brand? Results? Cost? Taste?


I used to just drink a tall glass of low fat chocolate milk (works great tastes great) but I bought this Whey stuff thats pretty expensive but should work great.

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Im all natural.

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i only used creatine for a while can't help with protein

Edited by DamageINCs

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I've tried one, didn't really have a reason to, just wanted to taste it lol.

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i use whey. Gold & standard whey what is says on it lul.

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nah i have to be skinny

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Zero Fear1

Tall glass of low fat chocolate milk? Lol I don't know about that but..



Pick up Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein (Wouldn't get the chocolate one it doesn't blend well). I've tried loads of protein powder and they usually all taste like complete shit or just don't cut it for me. But this one tastes great and helped me out alot. If your trying to gain weight or just improve your overall performance I highly recommend buying this, I lift every other day and this made me put on weight pretty fast and it really helps me overall. Like I said I wouldn't buy the chocolate flavor because it doesnt blend well but Strawberry and Vanilla are amazing.



I'm not sure about the cost I can usually pick up a regular tub of the stuff for about 30 bucks which isn't bad.

Edited by Zero Fear1

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Tall glass of low fat chocolate milk? Lol I don't know about that but..



Pick up Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein (Wouldn't get the chocolate one it doesn't blend well). I've tried loads of protein powder and they usually all taste like complete shit or just don't cut it for me. But this one tastes great and helped me out alot. If your trying to gain weight or just improve your overall performance I highly recommend buying this, I lift every other day and this made me put on weight pretty fast and it really helps me overall. Like I said I wouldn't buy the chocolate flavor because it doesnt blend well but Strawberry and Vanilla are amazing.



I'm not sure about the cost I can usually pick up a regular tub of the stuff for about 30 bucks which isn't bad.



chocolate milk has a good balance of carbs + protein but its usually about half of the protein shakes and a bit less of other things the protein shakes add into it. I'll try the strawberry one, Love strawbery milk.


I have no idea how long a tub lasts but for 30 bucks thats more than my gym membership.

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