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how to sleep?

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well a few year's ago I started to have trouble sleeping (falling asleep, staying asleep) and lately im having the same problem again.



I've went to the doctor's and they just said it was nothing but it's starting to piss me off and making me miss school.



Last time it just went away and wasn't a bother, but now with more shit i have to do, it's became a real nuisance.



any idea's?


oh and i take melatonin supplement's but they aren't helping. and im not on any meds or anything.

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grats on having insomnia

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Do you work out? If you don't, start doing it. Not easy to get tired if all you do is scape.

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Not sure how people can go a really long time without sleeping... My whole body starts hurting and i feel like shit


but anyways I cant really help you out, just google some help or something :blush:

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Do you work out? If you don't, start doing it. Not easy to get tired if all you do is scape.

What he said.


You don't even have to work out, just do something that gets your body moving for a few hours a day.

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Run a mile a few hours before going to bed, eat dinner, and then you'll get tired. I used to rarely get sleepy, but now for some reason I fall asleep at like 9:30 PM when I used to go to bed at like 2 am.

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Oh, i work out, + i bike and run with my dog's when not doing actual excercice, but im still havent that problem.



iI also play hockey like 4 x a week for 2 hours each time lol.



only reason i even play scape still is because i have to babysit alot.

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Run a mile a few hours before going to bed, eat dinner, and then you'll get tired. I used to rarely get sleepy, but now for some reason I fall asleep at like 9:30 PM when I used to go to bed at like 2 am.

i might try that, i usually work out in the morning and hockey's at night.

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Do something that gets your body moving every day (sports, gym, jog, bike, whatever) and make sure to have atleast 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Having a good sleep pattern helps alot too but that might be a little bit difficult for you in this case.

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Do something that gets your body moving every day (sports, gym, jog, bike, whatever) and make sure to have atleast 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Having a good sleep pattern helps alot too but that might be a little bit difficult for you in this case.

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Masturbate more

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I read somewhere that if you use a computer/play on a games console before you go to bed it makes it harder for you to sleep

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Work out bro, go run and lift.

Then have good meals and watch tv before you like go to sleep lol.

Having my tv on always helps.

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