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Call of Duty Black Ops Topic

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jacob 1 main

Level 20

~ 8 Hours of game playing

You suck.

im lv 25 10 hours of game play who sucks ???

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kevin 0126

got it for pc and xbox360 :bananahitit:

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DOnt like it, expected better

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Alot better than mw2, Sticks and stones & zombies are so much fun lol

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Mystic Shyne

i liked the campaign..


and i dont know about every1 else. but i think the online game is SO shit :S


mw2 is better

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Amazing game but after sitting on my ass for like 6 hours without moving I felt pathetic and got off it.

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hearing diff views on it

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Like it alot. Very balanced. only things bad about it are the things that they can't control (the way people play and connection)

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Sucks, played it for 2 days and yeah it sucks lol.

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Vesta B0ng

I'll get it sometime soon. Idc when I never pre-order. Just get it whenever.

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About 3 hrs of MP and lv 20, I have played all modes and have come to an unbiased verdict that MW2 is better.


I don't know how you can say that MW2 is better unless you're a quick scoper. MW2 weapons have like no recoil and there are so many people running around with noobtubes that can easily 1 hit you. In Black Ops every weapon has a fair ammount of recoil and it takes more bullets to kill someone, and therefore requires alot more skill. Not to mention that sniping on Black Ops actually takes skill, which is how it is meant to be.

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About 3 hrs of MP and lv 20, I have played all modes and have come to an unbiased verdict that MW2 is better.


I don't know how you can say that MW2 is better unless you're a quick scoper. MW2 weapons have like no recoil and there are so many people running around with noobtubes that can easily 1 hit you. In Black Ops every weapon has a fair ammount of recoil and it takes more bullets to kill someone, and therefore requires alot more skill. Not to mention that sniping on Black Ops actually takes skill, which is how it is meant to be.

Hes mad because he can't use his ACR and killstreaks to get a great K/D.

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About 3 hrs of MP and lv 20, I have played all modes and have come to an unbiased verdict that MW2 is better.


I don't know how you can say that MW2 is better unless you're a quick scoper. MW2 weapons have like no recoil and there are so many people running around with noobtubes that can easily 1 hit you. In Black Ops every weapon has a fair ammount of recoil and it takes more bullets to kill someone, and therefore requires alot more skill. Not to mention that sniping on Black Ops actually takes skill, which is how it is meant to be.

totally agree,no doubt Black ops is better.But i must admit mw2 was a lot more exciting for me,probably because it was my first cod game.

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