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Reign of Terror vs Ancient Fury

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About 2 days ago I was pmed by an AF member that AF was preparing to PK this Sunday. We set up a PK with full intentions of finding and destroying AF after all the trash they been talking over the past few weeks. Came show time, AF decided to delay their mass about 15 minutes. So we logged into their massing world just so they knew we were waiting for them.


Eventually AF logged out. I told them we would be on World 137, however for some reason they went to World 72. After that they hopped to World 86, at this point I knew they were trying to avoid us so we logged into World 86 and rushed them south of old gate.


Reign of Terror Starting: 255

Ancient Fury Starting: 88 on TS




The fight began and AF made the mistake of trying to mass barrage us, which backfired on them and resulted in us killing them at a rate of about 2:1. We began gaining on TS and gaining momentum and AF were struggling to gain any momentum. Shortly after the fight began, VR, EoS, and KO were crashing the fight. I asked RP to come AC them, and they did for the rest of the fight (so thank you for that). AF rushed GDS in order to avoid getting cleared but anything after that was pretty useless, we chased them around GDS (north to south to east to west) for like 30 minutes then Bilbo pmed me that AF TS had been DDoSed.


I was skeptical of it but I offered stopped the fight, so it was stopped, and after 2 minutes their TS was up again and the fight began. The fight would last about 20 minutes after this, until AF left the world and handed us the victory. The fight lasted about 90 minutes.




















Reign of Terror Ending: 300 (Few randomers on us)

Ancient Fury Ending: 0




Roll out with the excuses, at the end of the day we both got crashed, when you got DDoS'd we stopped immediately and only began when your TS was back up. If the DDoS was as devastating as you made it out to be you would of ended right after, not fight on for over 20 minutes. On top of that you guys didn't really think you could beat us, did you?


Thanks to RP for ACing the EoS/VR from the fight.

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Guess who's back

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RoT's back

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Was easy. You're pretty terrible Af.

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goodfight faggots, we're back in buisness baby

Edited by Bloodrico

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Initial Rush




5 Minutes Later . .



Edited by Supercoke

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Fucking raped them.

Edited by wolfmon56

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gf was fun, diddnt lag that much coz their alliance is slumping to shit

Edited by Reddevil159

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gf dead clans, 762942834 kills 5 deaths was too easy

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