@Matt Report post Posted December 22, 2010 Credit to Corruption for obtaining the information: http://corruption-clan.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=62227 Highlights: EoS Leader IRC I: sa having a panic attack while getting hunted by RoT, EoS admitting to faking ending picture via photoshop, SA not knowing what 8+5 is EoS Leader IRC II: EoS officials flaming SA EoS Leader IRC IV: EoS officials flaming members, complaining about poor community EoS Leader IRC V: EoS screaming for VR's help, EoS's witch spy hunting, Oli flaming VR and claiming EoS is the "main clan", moaning about RoT hunting them, EoS members complaining about EoS's deteriorating state EoS Leader IRC VI: EoS contemplating crashing Cj fights EoS Leader IRC VII: Complaining about RoT spies, speculating who is a RoT spy, Eos Officials being clueless, Proof of EoS's mass logins, Complaining about dead weight EoS Leader IRC (I) <@AARONHAND> Allstar049 are we still crashing exo <@sc00by-p00ns> we crash everyone <@AARONHAND> (13:41:07) ( Stone ) no warlords or oli r on <@AARONHAND> (13:41:13) ( Stone ) but exo plan on pvp fiting sometime tnite <@AARONHAND> (13:41:23) ( Stone ) if we still gunna keep crashing em <@AARONHAND> (13:41:38) ( Stone ) most likely be like 10gmt <@sc00by-p00ns> GASP <@sc00by-p00ns> GASP <@sc00by-p00ns> they'll be back by 5 est for sure <@mar> nigga <@Allstar049> ya they will be on by the time exo fights <@Allstar049> any idea who they fighting? <@sc00by-p00ns> downfall? <@Allstar049> ~highlight GET ON TS - MASS W 165 GDS * EoS (~Eos@Swift-A23F9AC3.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [EoS] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o EoS <@Allstar049> tt up to 42 in audiop <@Allstar049> ph might call em for blackup <@Allstar049> should get rsd to hit tt <@Allstar049> rsd got 30 in ts <@Allstar049> tt for 49 <@Allstar049> rsd got 55 on ts <@Allstar049> tt-57 * AARONHAND is now known as Daz1208 * ChanServ set mode: -o Daz1208 * Daz1208 is now known as `katrina * `katrina is now known as Katrina <@Allstar049> hmm rot aint shown up anymore * Katrina is now known as AARONHAND * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND <@Gazelle3> so basically <@Gazelle3> rot and tt are fighting eachother <@Gazelle3> and we are gaining loot <@mar> sum1 get ben's attention next chance u get <@mar> 22:12 Evizu • if we mass up <@mar> 22:12 Evizu • wanna both rush a clan n mass snipe it out <@mar> 22:12 Evizu • or want us to mass snipe it <@mar> 22:12 Evizu • and u stay on side n try pick ppl off <@mar> 22:13 mar • let me consult with benjamin <@mar> i need to brb nigs are being niggers <@mar> 22:14 Evizu • ok dude <@mar> 22:14 Evizu • this tr clan had 120opts <@mar> 22:14 Evizu • df jus rushed em <@mar> 22:14 Evizu • if ur still out <@mar> 22:14 Evizu • shud rush df quick while theyre spread l <@Allstar049> tt and rot still fighting each other ye? <@Gazelle3> no clue <@Gazelle3> i'll find out <@Allstar049> if we hit df/ph together then it be easy until rot/tt gotta run and help em <@Gazelle3> according to munkis yes <@Gazelle3> ^ <@mar> go find out whos not in game <@mar> thats in TS <@mar> right now <@Gazelle3> got a clue how many vr pulled <@mar> take a pic of TS then take a pic of CC <@sc00by-p00ns> marti nwasn't, just kicked him <@mar> go <@mar> sum1 do it <@mar> now * sa (Snake@Swift-4FE9CAD6.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa * tamatoman0 (~tamatoman@Swift-7206D83F.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +ao tamatoman0 tamatoman0 <@tamatoman0> why do we need to read irc * sa (Snake@Swift-4FE9CAD6.dyn.iinet.net.au) has left #eos.council <@mar> has any1 done it <@Allstar049> screening ts doesnt work for me, but so far everyone i checked is ingame/cc <@Gazelle3> allstar is mual in the cc <@Gazelle3> I don't know his new name <@Allstar049> o0o0o0o0o0o <@sc00by-p00ns> no he's not <@Allstar049> and no he aint here <@Gazelle3> im screening it <@sc00by-p00ns> yeah i just went through all the 0's <@sc00by-p00ns> was kinda hard <@sc00by-p00ns> he isn't there * sa (Snake@Swift-4FE9CAD6.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa <@sa> what <@sa> are <@sa> we <@sa> doing <@sa> what <@sa> are <@sa> we <@sa> doing <@sa> people <@sa> are <@sa> getting <@sa> mad <@sa> pissed <@sa> off <@sa> and <@sa> impatient <@sa> do <@sa> something <@sa> already <@mar> i just explained we where waiting for vr to tell me they where restarting <@mar> listen <@sa> ..... <@sa> this is <@sa> a dumb <@sa> idea <@sa> if evan is right about what he said <@Allstar049> hmm <@Gazelle3> ? <@Allstar049> oh nice finally 50 nigs <@Gazelle3> 2 just left lol <@Gazelle3> 48 <@sa> with 5 afk <@sc00by-p00ns> KICK <@sc00by-p00ns> KICK <@sa> charlydog <@sa> is skipping <@sa> btw <@sc00by-p00ns> what's he doing <@Gazelle3> he just left ts <@sa> he just logged out <@Gazelle3> i'll track his exp <@sa> and i saw him log <@sa> into another world <@Gazelle3> maybe he's banking <@Gazelle3> then he wouldn't go off ts <@Gazelle3> nvm <@Allstar049> he got koed to df on the other world <@Allstar049> so we shall see <@sa> ye and then he left ts <@sa> and irc <@sa> and is still on irc <@sa> in a p2p world <@sa> nothing to see <@sa> his skipping <@sa> another shit member we're giving a pointless chance2 <@Gazelle3> tbh if he's legit skipping might as well guest him right now <@sa> HE IS SKIPPING. * No such nickname/channel (charlydog4) <@bigjimmyv> post a win over df sa <@sa> im gonna <@bigjimmyv> bout to pm u pics <@bigjimmyv> sec <@bigjimmyv> ~highlight get in ts - slaying df <@Allstar049> we hitting tmc/aa later? * bigjimmyv is now known as bigjimmyv|ps3 <@sa> bigjimmyv|ps3 <@sa> http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t45/womble1010/eos/df24opts.png <@sa> that pic <@sa> need it reuploaded <@sa> http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1454051-echo-of-silence-obliterate-divine-forces/ Gf df was easy <@sa> o no wonder <@sa> i didnt put ng <@sa> ffs <@sa> png <@Gazelle3> sa <@Gazelle3> they figured out <@Gazelle3> you used an old pic <@Gazelle3> LOL <@sa> ye <@sa> mattyb <@sa> is a basement nejrd <@Gazelle3> next time <@Gazelle3> let me photoshop the options <@Gazelle3> with a legit ending <@sa> we need <@sa> to take an ending <@sa> and just drop <@sa> pizza <@Gazelle3> we can just photoshop it lol <@Gazelle3> takes 1 min <@sa> o <@sa> kk <@bigjimmyv|ps3> just take that pic out, and post the topic as df beat eos, with all the pics of df in single <@bigjimmyv|ps3> and flame tmo <@bigjimmyv|ps3> fucking faggot <@bigjimmyv|ps3> anyway, afk <@Allstar049> regardless how you post the topic of eos winning, it will get owned lol <@Allstar049> we cant have a winning topic <@Allstar049> so go with bigjimmy's idea <@Allstar049> just embarrass df <@Gazelle3> yeh <@sa> !calc 8+5 <@Gazelle3> trololol <@sa> na <@sa> my timezone chart <@sa> is off <@sa> trying to work out <@sa> why <@sa> ~highlight massing in 80 mins to pkj <@Gazelle3> facebook.com/removed (veseble) <@mar> ves dosnt deserve bein mustashe fucked irl <@mar> he used to be a bro <@mar> + hes not active in df now <@Gazelle3> kay <@Gazelle3> any df members <@Gazelle3> that deserve <@Gazelle3> it <@Gazelle3> ? <@mar> dennisnator * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone <@Gazelle3> dennis <@Gazelle3> kay <@Gazelle3> i'll see what I can do <@Allstar049> his name is giovani <@Allstar049> and lives in rotterdam netherlands <@Allstar049> dennis is his middle name i think <@Gazelle3> so Giovani Dennis (something) <@Allstar049> ye <@Allstar049> might be mixed up <@Allstar049> but i think he always went by dennis cause he didnt like the name giovani <@Allstar049> hes posted his pic on our forums * @bigjimmyv|ps3 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * @sa-gone is back [19m 44s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@Gazelle3> found dalejames' rl pic <@Gazelle3> link removed <@Allstar049> gay <@Gazelle3> yuh <@Gazelle3> I think it's a few years old though <@Gazelle3> got it off some wg rl pic archive <@Gazelle3> on photobucket <@mar> LOL <@Gazelle3> got job is god as well <@Gazelle3> sec <@Gazelle3> link removed <@sc00by-p00ns> that's nothing new, he posted in our real life section <@Gazelle3> probably missed his one then <@Gazelle3> man looks like half of df <@Gazelle3> has been in wg <@Gazelle3> cheyney c is in there as well <@sa> ~highlight IF YOU ARE AT THE DOWNFALL VS PH FIGHT, LEAVE. <@Allstar049> he had his pic in his avator Gazelle3 <@Allstar049> avatar* <@Gazelle3> yeh it's the same <@Gazelle3> and an older one <@sa> ~highlight massing get in ts <@sa> some1 change top of forums <@Allstar049> ye <@sc00by-p00ns> i did <@sa> yo.... <@Gazelle3> yo <@sc00by-p00ns> yoyoydfsyo <@Allstar049> YO <@AARONHAND> aaaaaaaaaaaa EoS Leader IRC (II) <AARONHAND> why is nancy guested on forums <Allstar049> cause sa is a dumbass. <AARONHAND> what happened/ <Allstar049> keeps changing her back to guest <Allstar049> just the way he sees it <Allstar049> people online playing wow <Allstar049> and saying they dont wanna come to pks <Allstar049> although hes kinda singling nancy out <Allstar049> seeing as others got rl for the same shit <AARONHAND> I dislike how he tries to like bully people out of the clan <AARONHAND> like wordlife on the spy topic <Allstar049> oli can set him straight if hes gonna keep fucking with nancy's acc <Allstar049> with wordlife everyone thinks hes an idiot <AARONHAND> yea true <Allstar049> all the times we saw that idiot afk <Allstar049> was annoying <AARONHAND> ye <AARONHAND> but I don't think anyone <Allstar049> then he came about bitching about dedicated <AARONHAND> wants nancy kicked <AARONHAND> besides him <Allstar049> she isnt kicked lol <Allstar049> and wont be <AARONHAND> guested* w/e <Allstar049> you still got rot spy ? <AARONHAND> just a cc spy <Allstar049> someone who records cc for you? <Allstar049> or the acc itself? <AARONHAND> the acc <Allstar049> is the person who uses it quite active? <AARONHAND> no <AARONHAND> was a friend of mine <Allstar049> should attend some of their events more often <Allstar049> to be on top of where they log and shit <AARONHAND> and ye <AARONHAND> next time we fight them I'll watch it <Allstar049> you can screeny funny shit <Allstar049> but no need to leak stuff til much later <Allstar049> wish my df spy didnt quit scape <Allstar049> was fun watching saxo rage everytime we hit their pks <AARONHAND> lol <Allstar049> HOW THE FUCK DO THEY KEEP FINDING US <Allstar049> he was proper mad <Allstar049> oi <Allstar049> is ice mattyb? <AARONHAND> don't think so <AARONHAND> one of their officials or something <Allstar049> oh <Allstar049> maybe dakilla <Allstar049> i know he never uses his own acc <Allstar049> since its prob poor as fuck by now <AARONHAND> yeah <AARONHAND> (21:50:56) @AARONHAND: whos x icey x <AARONHAND> (21:51:12) @[619mwa]: icey <AARONHAND> (21:51:22) @[619mwa]: kyle <Allstar049> kill 2 be me <Allstar049> hm maybe he got banned think he rc botted <Allstar049> lol <AARONHAND> who? <Allstar049> kill 2 be me- kyle <AARONHAND> o <Allstar049> would this person be willing to give forums pics? <AARONHAND> they quit rot <AARONHAND> but because they have the numbers as rsn <AARONHAND> still cc access <AARONHAND> they quit rs and gave the acc to me <Allstar049> oh nice <Allstar049> guess since their ml is far from up to date <Allstar049> they might slack on the cc too <AARONHAND> yeah hopefully <Allstar049> why they quit rot btw? EoS Leader IRC (III) Log started: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 12:57:55 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums'>http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@Allstar049> (18:47:46) <tobap> that should be darck_angel0 <@Allstar049> (18:47:53) <tobap> he sometimes comes to my account <@Allstar049> (18:48:00) <tobap> wasnt even here <@Allstar049> from earlier when his acc was dunging with milagre <@Allstar049> whatevver just gonna give him his shit back <@Allstar049> he generally shows up <@Allstar049> just his friend didnt bother to come and cant pin that against tobap himself. * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * sa (Snake@Swift-4FE9CAD6.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa <@EOS_Oli> sa <@EOS_Oli> I had your back on that topic <@sa> ye i saw * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone <@EOS_Oli> Allstar049 <@EOS_Oli> did we not g ive tobap member back? <@Allstar049> im giving him it back <@Allstar049> was pissed then but he himself is active <@Allstar049> just his friend playing the acc and also usualy happens to come <@Allstar049> just not that time * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <@Allstar049> oli <@Allstar049> incase you deleted tobap's access in #rseos <@Allstar049> add it back * @sc00by-p00ns has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log ended: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:33:19 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:34:16 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@AARONHAND> sa Allstar049 EOS_Oli <@EOS_Oli> YO <@EOS_Oli> WHO DELETED THE ML YOU CUNTS * AARONHAND is now known as AARONHAND|AWAY * @AARONHAND|AWAY is now away: Away * pcprod (~Aaron@Swift-A23F9AC3.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [pcprod] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o pcprod * @AARONHAND|AWAY has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log ended: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 19:24:54 Eastern Standard Time EoS Leader IRC (IV) <@sa> Allstar049 <@sa> who was it who banned billy again <@Allstar049> idk he was unbanned yesterday l <@sa> i rebanned him <@sa> was it scooby <@sa> originally tho <@Allstar049> oh ye <@sa> whats chrisnumbers forum name <@Gazelle3> 00phelan? <@sa> chrisnumbers <@sa> not phelan <@sa> Allstar049 re register @ http://clan-dev.com/eos/register'>http://clan-dev.com/eos/register'>http://clan-dev.com/eos/register <@sa> btw <@Allstar049> his is <@Allstar049> ChRiS <@Allstar049> something like that <@sa> i cant find his name <@sa> on acp <@sa> lol <@sa> wont let me search it <@Allstar049> he has seer <@sa> idk why <@Allstar049> or had it yesterday <@sa> ik i changed him to it <@Allstar049> so search people with that rank <@sa> coz we didnt have legendary <@sa> at the time <@sa> o <@sa> ye <@sa> RIGHT <@sa> Thx bruv <@Gazelle3> theres old school <@Gazelle3> and senior now <@Gazelle3> what's the difference <@sa> what rank was omerta b4 <@sa> i think senior is old school <@sa> old school becomes legendary <@sa> and legendary becomes LEGENDARY <@sa> yo what rank was omerta Allstar049 <@Gazelle3> then i'll move cece back to old school <@bigjimmyv> he was old school <@sa> i want to go to bed <@sa> but fuckin oli <@sa> wont wake up <@bigjimmyv> get some1 to ring up the black man <@Gazelle3> so bascially <@sa> dont <@sa> he went to bed <@sa> at like <@sa> 7pm <@sa> for me <@Gazelle3> senior will become 6 months? <@sa> na <@sa> 1 yr <@Gazelle3> old school 2 <@Gazelle3> legendary 3 <@sa> and legendary 4 <@Gazelle3> ah that way <@sa> or something <@Gazelle3> oh <@sa> not 100% sure <@sa> or straight legend <@bigjimmyv> thats good anyway <@sa> mar suggested it, i dont even know lol <@sa> but lets be honest old school isnt 1 year :$ <@Gazelle3> not really lol <@sa> makes more sence if its senr <@Gazelle3> can we rename it tho <@bigjimmyv> true <@Gazelle3> we seem like cor <@Gazelle3> with senior members <@sa> not my ranks <@sa> l0l <@Gazelle3> l0l * bigjimmyv is now known as bigjimmyv|ps3 <@bigjimmyv|ps3> senior or honoured <@bigjimmyv|ps3> old school @ 1 year was always dumb <@sa> ye <@sa> should still be <@sa> 3 years <@sa> imo <@sa> and legendary, straight legend i.e sage <@sa> i.e chrisnumbers <@sa> someone whos done somethin <@sa> or has been around <@sa> 4ever <@Gazelle3> basically <@Gazelle3> something like <@Gazelle3> retired legend <@Allstar049> heroic members should exist too:) <@sa> and knights of camelot <@sa> knights of the round table <@Allstar049> ye man <@Allstar049> majority of prev mems gotten access back? <@sa> still 100+ who havent requested access <@sa> they got a day and a half left <@sa> im assuming then we will give the rlers who need access byd efault back <@sa> and make the idiots who couldnt post on forums in 2 days <@sa> re intro <@sa> at least then theyre forced to be active <@sa> i kno why no1 could see announcements b4 james <@sa> we deleted the ranks <@sa> didnt add em <@sa> bak <@Gazelle3> tbh legendary should be heroic rank <@Gazelle3> sounds better <@Allstar049> was copying df's <@Allstar049> lol <@Gazelle3> lmfao <@Allstar049> 2 months and you are heroic <@Gazelle3> are you serious <@Gazelle3> lmfao <@sa> ye <@sa> justin/justinetimme/true 2k8 all those speds <@sa> already got it <@sa> and they flamed us for having old school at 1 year l0l <@bigjimmyv|ps3> do we have any people that qualify for a 3 year + rank? <@Gazelle3> ermm <@bigjimmyv|ps3> ballerox maybe <@Gazelle3> frank zappa <@sa> chrisnumbers <@Gazelle3> who else <@Gazelle3> err <@sa> 3366FF <@Allstar049> sojiro <@sa> 0099CC <@bigjimmyv|ps3> anyway, be back in a bit <@Gazelle3> how long is demondog in eos? <@Allstar049> a year <@Gazelle3> oh <@Gazelle3> my bad <@sa> lol <@Gazelle3> thought he was in it for longer <@Allstar049> think he joined after me. <@Allstar049> so be around a year. <@Gazelle3> trek <@Gazelle3> should be old school <@Gazelle3> that's malemare <@bigjimmyv|ps3> malemare and rocky have a real chip on their shoulder tho <@bigjimmyv|ps3> with the whole "immgrant" thing <@Gazelle3> yeh <@bigjimmyv|ps3> bbs <@Gazelle3> was mainly with nancy tho <@Gazelle3> well that's how it came off to me <@Gazelle3> with all the not hiting women shit <@sa> malemare is dumb as fuck <@sa> the rocky is cool <@sa> but malemare is a fucking retard <@Gazelle3> he aint a bad guy I used to talk to him a lot he's just pretty conservative <@sa> Legit tried flaming me <@sa> in another language on forums <@sa> or something <@Gazelle3> portugese probably <@sa> ye <@sa> lol <@sa> i had someone translate it <@Gazelle3> what about fazt <@Gazelle3> real lifer <@Gazelle3> or esteemed <@Gazelle3> he quit due to rl <@Gazelle3> as far as im concerned <@Allstar049> rl <@Gazelle3> sec <@sa> hell be back lmao <@Allstar049> hes not one who skips for other shit <@sa> ^ <@sa> his the definintion <@sa> of REAL LIFER <@Gazelle3> yeh <@Gazelle3> eoscia real lifer as well I'm guessing <@Gazelle3> or old school? she joined in 08 <@Gazelle3> saw her on forums not too long ago asking what's up <@sa> i think <@sa> we shouild <@sa> find a couple of decent public ts's <@sa> to use for pks <@sa> have everyone idle on this one <@sa> then have them all go to a public ts <@sa> before a pk <@sa> which cant get ddosed <@Gazelle3> lol man <@Gazelle3> I know a few <@Gazelle3> df uses a brazilian one but there's 2 others <@Gazelle3> hosted by the same thing <@sa> i was looking <@sa> for a brazillian/german one <@sa> b4 <@Gazelle3> sec <@Allstar049> you could just use the voice.teamspeak.com <@Allstar049> one <@Gazelle3> IP: play.TeamSpeak3.com.br:9987 <@Gazelle3> IP: play2.TeamSpeak3.com.br:9987 <@Gazelle3> IP: play3.TeamSpeak3.com.br:9987 <@sa> 37 in ts NISE <@sa> and the 3 rebels who wont idle because they think its pointless <@Allstar049> who are these 3? <@sa> emma/wordlife/farouk <@sa> im just gonna get ben <@sa> to make me <@sa> or well guest em <@sa> i think emma <@sa> has bad net or something tho <@sa> coz she is a rly good membe <@sa> wordlife is just being a fuckwit like usual <@Allstar049> ye she would hang in af ts quite a bit <@Allstar049> but not always <@Allstar049> farouk is just being a nigger.. <@sa> ye <@Allstar049> much nicer having almost 40 on at this time than 20 though <@sa> ye <@Gazelle3> ye <@sa> looks good tbh <@Gazelle3> i gave jr knight legendary btw <@Gazelle3> he's in the clan for a shitlong time <@Allstar049> fair <@Gazelle3> used to be warlord for quite a while <@Gazelle3> well I remember him leading eos when I was in other clans <@sa> i still havent gotten over <@sa> him voting no <@sa> on my fa <@sa> because i yelled in the snipe unit <@sa> when i got piled <@sa> :( <@sa> durin bh <@Allstar049> spass <@sa> i still tanked rsd out of the crater dude <@Gazelle3> lol <@sa> allstar re-reg on tracker: http://clan-dev.com/eos/register <@sa> btw <@Allstar049> registered <@Allstar049> does it send a verification email? <@sa> nop <@sa> ill give u admin <@sa> sec <@sa> gotta get mls done <@sa> then we can start usin it again <@sa> dont give in to Dylans sucking up lol <@sa> i assume he wants legendary bigjimmyv|ps3? loil <@bigjimmyv|ps3> :P <@sa> i think he understands shit now <@sa> doesnt matter <@sa> olol <@sa> TT might get a fight <@sa> theyre pking <@sa> in hopes to get a gmt clan <@sa> in 30 mins <@Allstar049> maybe <@Allstar049> 12 on ts atm <@sa> is that good <@sa> for tt <@sa> lol <@sc00by-p00ns> usually they have 2x <@Allstar049> their usual at this time <@Allstar049> at 2 pm its like 10-5 <@Allstar049> 15 <@Allstar049> df got 18 <@sa> dead clan then lol <@sa> maybe zedest <@sa> is full of shit <@sa> w/e <@sa> im going bed <@sa> in mean time <@sa> hopefulyl can sleep now <@sa> wake me up if we have an event * bigjimmyv|ps3 is now known as bigjimmyv <@bigjimmyv> wait so what are these new ranks <@bigjimmyv> senior 1 year, old school 2, legendary 3? * @Oww_My_Nose has quit IRC (Input/output erroro) <@Gazelle3> senior 1 <@Gazelle3> old school 2 <@Gazelle3> legendary, for legends <@Gazelle3> or something <@bigjimmyv> o * Oww_My_Nose (oww@iwinatlife.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Oww_My_Nose] holy shit i've been here a while... -NickServ- Oww_My_Nose is omn | Time registered: May 27 21:45:52 2005 UTC * ChanServ set mode: +ao Oww_My_Nose Oww_My_Nose <@Allstar049> doesnt look like tt is going out sa <@Gazelle3> probably a mandatory fishing event <@Allstar049> gained 1 person in last 20 or so mins * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * EOS_Oli (the@Swift-580DC749.bb.sky.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +ao EOS_Oli EOS_Oli <@Gazelle3> Yo <@Gazelle3> we had a spelling error <@Gazelle3> in the new rank <@Gazelle3> the senioro thing <@Allstar049> ? <@Gazelle3> it's sënior <@Gazelle3> already edited it <@Gazelle3> senioro doesn't exist as far as i'm concerned <@Allstar049> corruption pking soon * @bigjimmyv has quit IRC (Client exitedo) * bigjimmyv (~bigjimmyv@Swift-F3F5E532.bkl-bng-012.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o bigjimmyv <@bigjimmyv> ~highlight Massing - get in ts <@mar> fucks sake who are we massing for <@sc00by-p00ns> ~highlight MASSING W134 BH - GET IN TS NOW <@EOS_Oli> Gazelle3 <@EOS_Oli> Gazelle3 <@EOS_Oli> Gazelle3 <@EOS_Oli> Gazelle3 <@EOS_Oli> Gazelle3 <@bigjimmyv> ~highlight Massing - get in ts <@Allstar049> cor should be massing now <@bigjimmyv> (20:43:00) <Man_slayer93> my friend is doing agil on my acc so im gonna be hybriding on alexpans acc <@bigjimmyv> incase it comes up later <@mar> yo ben is vr massing <@EOS_Oli> vr is logging in bruv <@EOS_Oli> mar <@EOS_Oli> ^ <@mar> kzkz <@bigjimmyv> rsd gnna hit tt? * EoS (~Eos@Swift-A23F9AC3.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [EoS] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o EoS * AARONHAND (~kenya@Swift-A23F9AC3.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [aaronhand] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND * @AARONHAND has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * AARONHAND (~kenya@Swift-A23F9AC3.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [aaronhand] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND <@Gazelle3> allstar you think the pics are legit? <@Allstar049> most likely <@AARONHAND> what pictures Gazelle3 <@Gazelle3> the ones ahilis is pming every possible eos member <@Gazelle3> I think it's one big troll lol <@Gazelle3> remember when their officials flocked into our hacked irc <@Gazelle3> talking shit <@Gazelle3> you don't tell me they are against ddosing out of nowhere <@Gazelle3> and actually strike members that are considered "gods" in their clan <@Allstar049> is he pming a bunch of members? <@Allstar049> thought he just giving em to turk <@AARONHAND> I didn't see them o <@Gazelle3> [23:05pm] [@Kenyan] (00:05:17) ( Ahilis ) Kenyan u think ill get in eos eventually? <@Gazelle3> [23:05pm] [@Kenyan] (00:05:25) ( Kenyan ) idk man <@Gazelle3> [23:05pm] [@Kenyan] (00:05:30) ( Kenyan ) good luck if you intro <@Gazelle3> [23:05pm] [@Kenyan] (00:05:34) ( Kenyan ) it might take a while <@Gazelle3> [23:05pm] [@Kenyan] (00:05:38) ( Kenyan ) seeing as you just left df <@Gazelle3> [23:04pm] [@KGMB] (16:03:57) <Ahilis> just an useless pic that scared me <@Gazelle3> [23:04pm] [@KGMB] (16:04:03) <Ahilis> cause df justices are gay <@Gazelle3> [23:04pm] [@KGMB] (16:04:06) <Ahilis> and make topics like this <@Gazelle3> [23:04pm] [@KGMB] (16:04:09) http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/132/101208173901.png <@Gazelle3> [23:04pm] [@KGMB] (16:04:18) <Ahilis> i always thought theyll rape me <@Gazelle3> it's got troll written all over it <@Gazelle3> according to duv <@Gazelle3> he did the same with rj members <@Gazelle3> asking or he would get a shot <@Gazelle3> it's jsut a horrible attempt to get a spy in <@Gazelle3> but that's my thought <@Allstar049> he can give all the shit he wants, doesn't mean he get accepted. <@Gazelle3> i told turk <@mar> I CLICKED THE LINK WITHOUT THINKING IS IT A KEYLOGGER <@Gazelle3> to get him to tiemview their forums <@Gazelle3> right now <@Gazelle3> teamview* <@Gazelle3> "i lost access" <@Gazelle3> horrible troll <@Gazelle3> the timing is perfect as well <@Gazelle3> they just got merked <@Gazelle3> literally <@Allstar049> jm? <@Allstar049> hm? <@Gazelle3> anyhow I'm skeptic about all these "hey look i leak pics" thing <@Gazelle3> when he did the same in the past <@Gazelle3> trollingwise <@sc00by-p00ns> <Daz121994> hey, told 2 pm u for cc access. <@sc00by-p00ns> give or not <@sc00by-p00ns> he's af and comes to pks sometimes <@Gazelle3> wasn't he <@Gazelle3> in rot <@Gazelle3> before <@Gazelle3> or df <@Gazelle3> either one of those <@bigjimmyv> different daz#s maybe <@Gazelle3> sec <@AARONHAND> ill go look at his af intro <@bigjimmyv> dont give it to him honestly <@Allstar049> he had it before <@Allstar049> but rather not <@Allstar049> as we are limited on space <@Allstar049> like 1 space left at, <@Allstar049> atm <@AARONHAND> why do we have 200 people added in cc <@Allstar049> you try and find names to delete lol. <@Gazelle3> what we could do <@Gazelle3> to see if that ahilis lad <@Gazelle3> is legit <@Gazelle3> is get him to join rot <@Gazelle3> and spy <@Gazelle3> even though rot isn't retarded <@Allstar049> but they are desperate somewhat. <@Gazelle3> I think it's the only way to find out or that guy is legit lol <@Gazelle3> btw <@Gazelle3> he posted this a week earlier <@Gazelle3> In Topic: Top 5 Most Valuable Members In Your Clan <@Gazelle3> Posted 9 Dec 2010 <@Gazelle3> 1. Saxo <@Gazelle3> 2. Merked05 <@Gazelle3> 3. Dilz <@Gazelle3> and all this shit <@Gazelle3> [23:16pm] [@turk] <Ahilis> (23:13:29) <@Dilz> ye <@Gazelle3> [23:16pm] [@turk] <Ahilis> (23:13:31) <@Dilz> some <@Gazelle3> [23:16pm] [@turk] <Ahilis> (23:13:34) <@Dilz> sounds like <@Gazelle3> [23:16pm] [@turk] <Ahilis> (23:13:38) <@Saxo> u heard like h0z? <@Gazelle3> [23:16pm] [@turk] <Ahilis> (23:13:38) <@Dilz> a man version of crystal <@Gazelle3> [23:16pm] [@turk] <Ahilis> (23:13:40) <@Saxo> lmaooooooooooooooo <@Gazelle3> i don't buy it lol <@mar> tell him we will belive him when he will hand us over every ts ip that df uses from now till the 2nd coming <@Gazelle3> that guy straight up hates eos btw <@Gazelle3> he's been doing nothing else but bait us on rsc lol * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @Kvn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @sa-gone is back [4h 5m 35s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@sa> can we jut kick wordlife now <@sc00by-p00ns> what he do now <@sa> just being a bitch <@sa> sc00by-p00ns <@sa> reg again <@sa> http://clan-dev.com/eos/register <@sa> yo dont give lykon access back <@sa> hes full of shit <@sa> his always on hon <@Allstar049> dam what a hard life. * @mar has quit IRC (SVSKilled: NickServ (GHOST command on nickname Mar (Mar) by Unknown16436 (authorized by password))o) * mar (~nnscript@Swift-BCBCD131.range86-146.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o mar * @bigjimmyv has quit IRC (Client exitedo) * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944), "The Little Prince", 1943 * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn * AARONHAND is now known as AARONHAND|AWAY * @AARONHAND|AWAY is now away: Away * @sa is away "afk" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone <@Allstar049> apparently castrmx introd to exo * @Oww_My_Nose has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect Log ended: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 21:40:57 Eastern Standard Time EoS Leader IRC (V) Log started: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 08:47:23 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@Gazelle3> allstar you know daviddamage's rsn? <@Gazelle3> like display <@Allstar049> erm <@Allstar049> maskiboidee <@Allstar049> that show up? <@Gazelle3> sec <@Gazelle3> doesn't show up <@Allstar049> maskiboi dee <@Allstar049> just 1 space * Oww_My_Nose (oww@iwinatlife.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Oww_My_Nose] holy shit i've been here a while... -NickServ- Oww_My_Nose is omn | Time registered: May 27 21:45:52 2005 UTC * ChanServ set mode: +ao Oww_My_Nose Oww_My_Nose <@Gazelle3> kk * @Oww_My_Nose` has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * mar (~nnscript@Swift-75240499.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o mar * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Quit:o) <@sc00by-p00ns> ~highlight MASSING W134 BH - GET IN TS NOW * @sa-gone is back [8h 49m 43s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@sa> get a public ts <@sa> redy <@sc00by-p00ns> Allstar049 <@sc00by-p00ns> Allstar049 <@Allstar049> . <@Allstar049> wut sc00by-p00ns <@sc00by-p00ns> public ts <@sa> find <@sa> a public ts <@sa> if we <@sa> get <@sa> ddosed <@sa> gogogogogogo <@Allstar049> whats the pass to the chan you made alex? <@sa> spastic <@EOS_Oli> AF fighting Brut <@EOS_Oli> idiots. <@sa> are you <@Allstar049> rot will prob take that as priority before coming f2p lol <@Allstar049> df got 45 in ts <@mar> IS VR COMIN <@mar> WE NEED SAVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <@Allstar049> df got 50 on ts <@sa> that public ts <@sa> has an idle time <@sa> we owuld need a diff ts tbh * @sa has quit IRC (SVSKilled: NickServ (GHOST command on nickname sa (sa-gone) by sa-gone (authorized by password))o) * @mar has quit IRC (SVSKilled: NickServ (GHOST command on nickname Mar (Mar) by Unknown16436 (authorized by password))o) * sa (~Snake@Swift-EA10A5D8.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa * mar (~nnscript@Swift-75240499.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o mar <@Allstar049> df up to 55, tt hasnt massed <@sa> cor <@Allstar049> cor not doing anything * Gazelle3 (~Gazelle3@Swift-A8D3CBC9.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Gazelle3] [23:15] [``Devin``] i bet you kill yourself before you're 20 [23:16] [Gazelle3] I'm 20 [23:16] [``Devin``] then gtfo the game retard [23:16] [``Devin``] fuckin old ass people with no lives [23:16] [``Devin``] redictulas * ChanServ set mode: +o Gazelle3 <@Gazelle3> how long <@Gazelle3> was that jayskiii here <@Gazelle3> he got accepted today <@sc00by-p00ns> whole time <@Gazelle3> bit odd don't you think <@Gazelle3> obby2own ex rot <@Gazelle3> as well <@Gazelle3> was mual here today? <@Gazelle3> (I just got here) <@sa> Just kick him <@Gazelle3> kick who <@sa> iobby2own <@Gazelle3> you sure <@Gazelle3> allstar049 <@sa> ive got <@sa> EVERYONE LEGIT added <@sa> its either <@sa> sal <@sa> toyloco <@sa> obby2own <@sa> mean spike <@sa> king nl <@sa> dave day ending <@sa> everyone else i have added <@sa> ironically theyre the ones in that channel as well <@sa> and alan i dont have added <@Gazelle3> obby2own <@sa> its one of them <@Gazelle3> is ex rot <@Gazelle3> out of all of them <@sa> just kick him lol <@Gazelle3> alright <@sa> !track obby2own <@Gazelle3> so we agree on kicking him <@Gazelle3> because then I do it right now <@sa> lmFOA <@sa> dude <@sa> i cant say to kick some1 l0l <@sc00by-p00ns> rawli's his ref <@sc00by-p00ns> ask him <@sc00by-p00ns> if you haven't <@sa> im down for kicking him <@sa> anyway <@Allstar049> rawli trusts him <@Gazelle3> rawli reffed <@Gazelle3> a shitload of people <@Allstar049> but that doesnt mean anything <@Gazelle3> all ex rot <@Gazelle3> or questionable <@Gazelle3> past <@Allstar049> df - 56 active <@sa> [6:25a] [RAWLI2] Kick him if you're sure <@sa> [6:25a] [RAWLI2] he lives in like <@sa> [6:26a] [RAWLI2] think its nw england <@sa> [6:26a] [RAWLI2] he's close 2 me <@Allstar049> wordlife being afk again, might as well get rid of him after pk <@Gazelle3> Yeah <@Allstar049> does the same shit after giving him another shot * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale. -Arthur C. Clarke (1917 - current) * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn <@Allstar049> yo is vr planning on coming? <@Allstar049> df dropped 5 in ts <@Allstar049> tt still got 14 <@sa> Is Aaron <@sa> even here <@sa> or is he playing wow <@sa> in our ts chan <@EOS_Oli> Allstar049 <@EOS_Oli> df ts ip <@mar> :DDDDDDDD <@Allstar049> 74.********* <@Allstar049> 9*** <@sa> where is vr? <@sa> where is vr? <@sa> 1 <@sa> 1 <@sa> 1 <@sa> where is vr? <@sa> where is vr? <@mar> this new hit system <@mar> is beyond stupid <@EOS_Oli> they're garbage <@EOS_Oli> lmao <@EOS_Oli> doesn't matter <@EOS_Oli> makes us look like the main clan <@EOS_Oli> we step it up now <@EOS_Oli> and we bail <@mar> hits are delayed <@mar> and then they run and no one can get a click <@sa> TALK IN TS DO NOT LET IT DIE <@sa> USE UR MIC SCOOBY <@sa> ALLSTAR TALK <@mar> 4 deaths <@mar> zzzzzzzzzzzzzz <@sa> thats what u get <@sa> for changing ur name <@sa> to Muppetlol <@mar> i wouldnt be dying if i could move <@mar> #5 <@mar> #6 <@mar> i cant do this <@mar> if we move <@mar> every second <@mar> i cannot keep the fuck up <@Allstar049> log in ahead l <@Allstar049> cause rot will just be following <@mar> i just did spaz i logged in at gap when we where at fucking single <@mar> takes 30 seconds to log in by then we where at RDF <@mar> waiting till someone says gds then im logging in then <@sa> can we do <@sa> a chan hop <@sa> via cc <@sa> because theres legit people afk <@Allstar049> tt got 39 on ts <@sa> aifh <@Allstar049> df ts must be down <@sa> aifhsigh <@sc00by-p00ns> i think the main proble mwas us and vr remassing up <@sa> na <@sc00by-p00ns> when they wer ealready out with more * sa (~Snake@Swift-EA10A5D8.dyn.iinet.net.au) has left #eos.council <@Allstar049> how many did they have earlier? <@sc00by-p00ns> basically the same <@sc00by-p00ns> rot had 65-70 throughout <@sc00by-p00ns> in game, don't kno wabout in ts <@Allstar049> prob had prepped a day as well * Mitchell|Fu_Gee_La (~Mitchell@Swift-537F1EA3.res.umass.edu) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +b *!*@Swift-537F1EA3.res.umass.edu * Mitchell|Fu_Gee_La was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.o) Log ended: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 13:25:26 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 14:08:28 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@Gazelle3> btw allstar I agree on kicking wordlife <@Allstar049> :) <@Gazelle3> who was that guy that leaked ts btw <@Gazelle3> or no clue yet <@Allstar049> today? <@Allstar049> or last time rot was chasing us? <@Gazelle3> today <@Allstar049> dont think there was anyone echoing <@Gazelle3> just someone giving locations then <@Gazelle3> bit odd they show up in the middle of bh <@Allstar049> well we used 134 as a regroup world before <@Gazelle3> yeh <@Gazelle3> lucky guess <@Allstar049> so i mean, not like its a secret lol <@Gazelle3> probably <@Gazelle3> btw <@Gazelle3> oa decided to be retarded <@Gazelle3> and call donuu without hiding his number <@Allstar049> what a horny fellow <@Gazelle3> so now rot has his cellphone basically <@Allstar049> lol derek called my bro a few days ago <@Allstar049> asking to join cor <@Gazelle3> i would've been better off poking the number <@Gazelle3> instead of just posting it on the bottom <@Gazelle3> kinda feel bad for oa <@Allstar049> ah well, if people plan to prank nigs they can use their brain. <@Gazelle3> about 7 people called her apparently <@Gazelle3> hopefully post used their brain <@Gazelle3> people* <@Allstar049> lol <@Gazelle3> I don't want half the clan to get stalked * EoS (~Eos@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [EoS] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o EoS * AARONHAND (~kenya@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [aaronhand] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND <@Allstar049> why is tobap banned on forums? <@sc00by-p00ns> pretty sure he attended immigrant cluster over our fight <@Gazelle3> yeah he skipped <@Gazelle3> apaprently <@Gazelle3> apparently* <@Allstar049> oh prob for that brazilian cluster <@Allstar049> wonder if adenina did as well <@Allstar049> cause he was on during the mass <@Allstar049> !highlight SIGN UP FOR SUNDAY/ PKING THURSDAY - CHECK FORUMS <@Kvn> ~highlight SIGN UP FOR SUNDAY/ PKING THURSDAY - CHECK FORUMS * sa (~Snake@Swift-EA10A5D8.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa <@sa> - <@sa> [9:55a] [busterlin] Yo. <@sa> [9:55a] [sa] sup <@sa> [9:56a] [sa] ill paypal <@sa> [9:56a] [sa] u the money <@sa> [9:56a] [sa] bak <@sa> [9:56a] [sa] btw <@sa> [9:56a] [busterlin] This is real gay and all. and i'd usually not do it, but i'm considering leaving. and having you as one of my only friends here, i thought i'd talk to you first. <@sa> [9:56a] [busterlin] i dont want it back lol. <@sa> [9:56a] [sa] o.o <@sa> [9:57a] [sa] well spill as to y <@sa> [9:58a] [busterlin] Well, mainly it's this crash war. i know keeping moral up is a big part of being in the top 5. but i've noticed people spread so much shit to others within eos that they begin to belive their own stuff. <@sa> [9:58a] [sa] elaborate <@sa> [9:58a] [busterlin] today was an example, we could all see we never had 58 people, yet everyone was saying "58 in ts guys good job" <@sa> [9:58a] [sa] we did have 60 <@sa> [9:58a] [sa] at one point lolo <@sa> [9:59a] [sa] we never had them in game <@sa> [9:59a] [busterlin] not ingame. <@sa> [9:59a] [sa] ye <@sa> [9:59a] [busterlin] we maxed at around 140ish ops <@sa> [9:59a] [sa] and we're working on it.. <@sa> [9:59a] [sa] I know <@sa> [10:00a] [busterlin] although this has nothing to do with my thinking right now. <@sa> [10:00a] [busterlin] one of the only clans sticking it out with us, VR. people decide to flame them. <@sa> talked him into stayin <@sa> but ye... <@Allstar049> so why is he upset really.? <@sa> but the other 5 are as good as they get <@sa> oops * @sa is away "bbl" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * @EoS has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * EoS (~Eos@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [EoS] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o EoS * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Quit:o) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect * Cannot join #eos.council, you need to be logged into a registered nickname Log ended: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 16:43:37 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 16:50:21 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 * @sa-gone is back [54m 5s] * sa-gone is now known as sa * @sc00by-p00ns has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @Oww_My_Nose has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * Oww_My_Nose (oww@iwinatlife.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Oww_My_Nose] holy shit i've been here a while... -NickServ- Oww_My_Nose is omn | Time registered: May 27 21:45:52 2005 UTC * ChanServ set mode: +ao Oww_My_Nose Oww_My_Nose Log ended: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 18:10:02 Eastern Standard Time EoS Leader IRC (VI) Log started: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 08:18:03 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 * bigjimmyv is now known as bigjimmyv|afk * @sa-gone has quit IRC (Quit: AnacønÐa · "If at first you don't succeed, you will never succeed"o) * Oww_My_Nose (oww@iwinatlife.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Oww_My_Nose] holy shit i've been here a while... -NickServ- Oww_My_Nose is omn | Time registered: May 27 21:45:52 2005 UTC * ChanServ set mode: +ao Oww_My_Nose Oww_My_Nose * EOS_Oli (the@Swift-9FEC9F57.bb.sky.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +ao EOS_Oli EOS_Oli * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Quit:o) * [Ar]EchoScript (~es@Swift-9015A4B7.bootp.virginia.edu) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +h [Ar]EchoScript * %[Ar]EchoScript has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * [Ar]EchoScript (~es@Swift-9015A4B7.bootp.virginia.edu) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +h [Ar]EchoScript * %[Ar]EchoScript has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * mar (~nnscript@Swift-4DE65C44.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o mar * [Ar]EchoScript (~es@Swift-9015A4B7.bootp.virginia.edu) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +h [Ar]EchoScript * %[Ar]EchoScript has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * EoS (~Eos@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [EoS] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o EoS * sa (Snake@Swift-EE56458F.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa * @Kvn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] Associate with well-mannered persons and your manners will improve. Run around with decent folk and your own decent instincts will be strengthened. -Stanley Walker * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn * [Ar]EchoScript (~es@Swift-9015A4B7.bootp.virginia.edu) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +h [Ar]EchoScript * %[Ar]EchoScript has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * Gazelle3 (~Gazelle3@Swift-F43FC191.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Gazelle3] [23:15] [``Devin``] i bet you kill yourself before you're 20 [23:16] [Gazelle3] I'm 20 [23:16] [``Devin``] then gtfo the game retard [23:16] [``Devin``] fuckin old ass people with no lives [23:16] [``Devin``] redictulas * ChanServ set mode: +o Gazelle3 * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Quit:o) * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * bigjimmyv|afk is now known as bigjimmyv * @sa-gone is back [1h 1s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@sa> can we ban <@sa> maul <@sa> mual <@sa> from <@sa> ts <@sa> and idle him lol <@sa> he comes on just for when we pk <@sa> obvious spy <@Allstar049> has only come at that time <@EOS_Oli> do not move in mual <@sa> some1 change top of forums <@sc00by-p00ns> i do it <@sa> ~highlight GET IN TS W41 BH MASSING <@sa> ~highlight GET IN TS W41 BH MASSING\ <@sa> allstar/scooby/james <@sa> we dont have a ml yet <@sa> do we? <@Allstar049> (19:14:15) <``mual> whats the massing room pass? * @bigjimmyv has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * bigjimmyv (~bigjimmyv@Swift-F3F5E532.bkl-bng-012.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o bigjimmyv <@EOS_Oli> not even suree <@EOS_Oli> mual's the spy <@EOS_Oli> <+pkdoompk> r vr coming toooooooo <@EOS_Oli> doesn't idle in ts <@EOS_Oli> came in as we were massing <@EOS_Oli> is one of the people that viewed the topic <@sa> who is <@EOS_Oli> talked in ts about the pk times <@EOS_Oli> not ts <@EOS_Oli> irc <@EOS_Oli> pkdoompk <@sa> thats osama <@sa> in irc <@sa> ts* <@sa> he does idle on ts <@Allstar049> ^ <@EOS_Oli> well <@EOS_Oli> idk about mual <@EOS_Oli> but hes in the channel <@sa> we said pass in game <@sa> miught be why <@EOS_Oli> that is why <@sa> yo <@sa> do we want maul <@sa> in chan <@sa> or not <@sa> TAKE NAMES OF EARLY LEAVERS <@sa> TAKE NAMES OF EARLY LEAVERS <@sa> allstar <@sa> who is elite bt <@Allstar049> sal.. <@Allstar049> jose's recruit <@sa> just checking <@sa> ty <@sa> i kno who sal is a <@sa> dw <@sa> just checkin :P Log ended: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 14:55:31 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 15:00:38 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@sa> andy slang <@sa> are brut <@sa> as well <@sa> btw <@EOS_Oli> sa <@EOS_Oli> sumit <@EOS_Oli> ?? <@mar> rofl nearly 80 in ts this is lmfao <@sc00by-p00ns> all noob brazillians evacuated ts <@sa> they went to some nig ts <@sa> they cant understand us <@sa> or something <@sa> lol <@mar> I FORGOT TO CHANGE MY NAME <@mar> TO A 0000000000000000 <@mar> SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT <@EOS_Oli> lmao.. <@EOS_Oli> so funny <@mar> WHAT IS <@sa> 'How is VR doing <@EOS_Oli> they wont answer <@sa> if shit gets to bad <@sa> just end <@EOS_Oli> sa <@EOS_Oli> how long <@sa> dont make the good form go to waste <@EOS_Oli> have we been fighting <@sa> idk lol <@sa> not long but dont waste the good form <@sa> so ppl dont get angry at pointless shit <@Allstar049> sal was only one to leave early <@Allstar049> adenina elft ts but still in game <@sa> Ste <@EOS_Oli> he dc's <@sa> o <@sa> k <@sa> kk <@Allstar049> k then just sal <@Allstar049> who never came back <@EOS_Oli> and Ste <@EOS_Oli> had to go to bed <@sa> good that we ended lol <@sa> still had 120 opts <@sa> in game <@sa> let them have their 10v2 <@sa> win <@bigjimmyv> ye <@bigjimmyv> we ended with 200 opts still i think? <@Allstar049> did it seem like rot was echoing anything? <@bigjimmyv> better to do that than end hours later with 90 opts <@sa> rot echod fuck all lol <@sa> that or we were just wierdly beast <@mar> we performed like we did when we used to fight them 1 v 1 and rape their mass snipe attempts <@bigjimmyv> Allstar049 you're sorting out a ml? <@sa> Gf Slave Alliance and grats on your 7vs2 win - http://rseos.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=48027 /amsg <@bigjimmyv> Allstar049 you're sorting out a ml? <@bigjimmyv> Allstar049 you're sorting out a ml? <@Allstar049> yeee <@Allstar049> whats your nameee <@bigjimmyv> 0o0o0o0000o0 <@bigjimmyv> but <@bigjimmyv> dont put ranks or anything on the ml, for when we're crashing this tourny <@sa> dont put ranks period <@sa> so we get sniped less <@bigjimmyv> or that <@Allstar049> everyone will be membro then <@sa> :D <@mar> put me as leader <@Allstar049> whats your name? <@mar> Feral Jungle <@sc00by-p00ns> just have member and official <@sc00by-p00ns> i liked it when our ml was like that <@mar> i liked it when u wer not scum <@Allstar049> same same * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * @sc00by-p00ns has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <@EOS_Oli> mar <@EOS_Oli> fuck off cunt <@mar> ben mad <@mar> ben sad * @bigjimmyv has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * @sa is back [1h 38m 15s] * @EoS has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log ended: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:32:08 Eastern Standard Time EoS Leader IRC (VII) Log started: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:32:08 Eastern Standard Time * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * @Kvn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log ended: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 22:10:29 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 09:57:45 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 * @Kvn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * bigjimmyv (~bigjimmyv@Swift-98599BA8.bkl-bng-012.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o bigjimmyv Log ended: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 10:30:22 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:46:24 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 * Gazelle3 is now known as Gazelle|brb * AARONHAND (~kenya@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [aaronhand] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND <@sa> I dont think its Sean M l0l <@Allstar049> who else stil hadd cc access? <@Allstar049> irc* <@sa> idk i wanted to ban emma <@sa> without doing it <@sa> thats why i had to akick someone <@sa> so it clears the false names <@sa> whos mean spike again lol <@sc00by-p00ns> it's like charlydog's minion <@Allstar049> charlydog's friend <@Allstar049> from ea <@sa> o <@sc00by-p00ns> he's like another coolis <@sc00by-p00ns> retarded, but probabyl not the spy <@Allstar049> emma already lost her access ye? <@sa> e <@sa> i took it <@sa> so had to ban her <@sa> without doing it myself <@Allstar049> she said she was bored of crashing, and would rather rejoin when it ends <@sa> thats why i akicked you <@sa> lol <@Allstar049> she lose forum access? <@sa> ahh k <@sa> shes esteemed guest <@sc00by-p00ns> so the day she leaves <@sa> What about Skades lmao <@sc00by-p00ns> we get into kind of "fights" <@sc00by-p00ns> what about skades??? <@sa> his name pops up and his been a complete bitch lately <@sa> his active but his not at the pk <@sa> even tho his online <@sa> allstar/scooby who is anurag in irc <@Allstar049> mctubbyt <@sa> o. <@sa> lets see if we get hit in this world <@sa> then we kno its a rot spy <@sc00by-p00ns> there's really not many worlds, unless we get hit on login <@sc00by-p00ns> or almost instantantly <@sc00by-p00ns> we can't be sure there's actually a spy <@sa> i meant if they come to our loc <@sa> etc <@sa> check my Licho619 <@sa> idle time on irc <@sa> his freinds with some rot <@sa> I think <@sa> PH <@sa> or <@sa> TMC <@sa> asked rot to ac <@sa> lol <@sa> ROt do mass at gds so its not hard for them to take 5 mins to get up <@sa> i dont think there is a spy <@sc00by-p00ns> yeah , there might be a spy <@sc00by-p00ns> but it's not with us <@Allstar049> would make sense they ask for an ac * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time. -H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956) * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn * @sa is away "bbl" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * mar (~nnscript@Swift-BFD38668.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o mar * @AARONHAND has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) * @EoS has quit IRC (Quit:o) * AARONHAND (~kenya@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [aaronhand] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND * @Kvn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. -Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn * bigjimmyv|afk is now known as bigjimmyv * @sc00by-p00ns has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log started: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:50:32 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 * AARONHAND (~kenya@Swift-E3B02100.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [aaronhand] (18:44:13) @mmilord`: i would let michael vick fuck me |||| #RSEoS - #RIPClans * ChanServ set mode: +o AARONHAND * sa (~Snake@Swift-53333CBB.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o sa <@sa> oli <@sa> u recruiting him <@sa> ? <@EOS_Oli> ye <@EOS_Oli> ez <@sa> you must have made tristin pretty upset his trying to make some sort of an anti eos group <@EOS_Oli> sa <@sa> hi <@EOS_Oli> he was so annoying at the pk <@EOS_Oli> his voice <@EOS_Oli> omfg <@sa> ye <@EOS_Oli> so <@EOS_Oli> I had to put a stop to it man <@sa> dinkums <@Allstar049> sa, bought 300 gold seals, you use 6 to recharge <@sa> recharge for me <@sa> idk how <@Allstar049> 1st option takes you to place to recharge <@Allstar049> you talk to the mummy there. <@sa> recharge for me <@sa> idk how * AARONHAND is now known as pcprod * @pcprod is now auto-away after 1h idle <@EOS_Oli> sa <@EOS_Oli> give me some addy arrows nigga <@sa> HI <@sa> i will <@sa> when Allstar049 is done <@sa> with my acc <@sa> how many u need <@EOS_Oli> 300 <@Allstar049> stil throwing shit into party room <@Allstar049> hold on <@sa> what <@sa> wait <@sa> wtf <@Allstar049> lol jam * @Kvn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] Good habits result from resisting temptation. -Ancient Proverb * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * @sa-gone has quit IRC (*.SwiftIRC.net *.SwiftIRC.neto) * @EOS_Oli has quit IRC (*.SwiftIRC.net *.SwiftIRC.neto) * @mar has quit IRC (*.SwiftIRC.net *.SwiftIRC.neto) * sa-gone (~Snake@Swift-53333CBB.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #eos.council * mar (~nnscript@Swift-BFD38668.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * *.SwiftIRC.net set mode: +oo sa-gone mar * @sc00by-p00ns has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @sa-gone is back [2h 9m 35s] * sa-gone is now known as sa Log ended: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 19:09:26 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 19:09:26 Eastern Standard Time * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * Steven` (Steven__@Swift-792B81DB.wp.shawcable.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [steven`] Yass!! U need 90 people to do some damage. We can do the same damage with 40 :XD: - Rafa - VR Member * ChanServ set mode: +ao Steven` Steven` * pcprod is now known as AARONHAND * @AARONHAND is back from: auto-away after 1h idle (been away for 4h 35m) <@sa-gone> dont give <@sa-gone> claveler <@sa-gone> any eg <@sa-gone> until exo <@sa-gone> actually ac's for us <@sa-gone> when we ask for an ac <@sa-gone> he says nah we dont ac <@sa-gone> and shit like that <@sa-gone> then he wants to be a clan friend? rofl no * AARONHAND is now known as pcprod * @pcprod is now auto-away after 1h idle * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log ended: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:50:09 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 07:29:53 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 * EOS_Oli (the@Swift-9FEC9F57.bb.sky.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +ao EOS_Oli EOS_Oli * @sc00by-p00ns has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * sc00by-p00ns (~sc00by-p0@Swift-CEE9BE52.tor.primus.ca) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [sc00by-p00ns] i * ChanServ set mode: +o sc00by-p00ns * AARONHAND is now known as AARONHAND|AWAY * @AARONHAND|AWAY is now away: Away * Gazelle3 (~Gazelle3@Swift-7409D908.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Gazelle3] [23:15] [``Devin``] i bet you kill yourself before you're 20 [23:16] [Gazelle3] I'm 20 [23:16] [``Devin``] then gtfo the game retard [23:16] [``Devin``] fuckin old ass people with no lives [23:16] [``Devin``] redictulas * ChanServ set mode: +o Gazelle3 * Kvn (~kvn@rseos.com) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Kvn] Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience. -James Boswell (1740 - 1795), Life of Samuel Johnson, 1791 * ChanServ set mode: +qo Kvn Kvn * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) <@bigjimmyv> ~highlight massing negro's - get in ts * Gazelle3 (~Gazelle3@Swift-D65C6E81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Gazelle3] [23:15] [``Devin``] i bet you kill yourself before you're 20 [23:16] [Gazelle3] I'm 20 [23:16] [``Devin``] then gtfo the game retard [23:16] [``Devin``] fuckin old ass people with no lives [23:16] [``Devin``] redictulas * ChanServ set mode: +o Gazelle3 * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (SVSKilled: NickServ (GHOST command on nickname Gazelle3 (Gazelle3) by Gazelle|brb (authorized by password))o) * Gazelle3 (~Gazelle3@Swift-D65C6E81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [Gazelle3] [23:15] [``Devin``] i bet you kill yourself before you're 20 [23:16] [Gazelle3] I'm 20 [23:16] [``Devin``] then gtfo the game retard [23:16] [``Devin``] fuckin old ass people with no lives [23:16] [``Devin``] redictulas * ChanServ set mode: +o Gazelle3 * mar (~nnscript@Swift-5CE246DF.range86-146.btcentralplus.com) has joined #eos.council * ChanServ set mode: +o mar Log ended: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 10:18:41 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 10:24:37 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@sc00by-p00ns> ~highlight MASSING W134 BH - GET IN TS <@Allstar049> titans massing <@Allstar049> df still 27 on ts <@sc00by-p00ns> we should go up soon, long masses usually aren't good <@Allstar049> rot - 61 <@sc00by-p00ns> ~highlight MASSING W134 MOSSIES - GET IN TS <@EOS_Oli> YO <@EOS_Oli> WHAT TEAMSPEAKS <@EOS_Oli> HAVE WE GOT <@EOS_Oli> PUBLIC ONES WHERE WE CAN SET A PASS <@sc00by-p00ns> Allstar049 <@sc00by-p00ns> give public ts <@EOS_Oli> allstar049 <@EOS_Oli> Allstar049 <@EOS_Oli> cmon <@Allstar049> voice.teamspeak.com <@Allstar049> 9987 <@Allstar049> the actual ts3 public one <@EOS_Oli> ... <@EOS_Oli> dont u get kicked <@EOS_Oli> for being idle <@EOS_Oli> lmao.. <@Allstar049> ye <@EOS_Oli> downs... <@EOS_Oli> right now <@EOS_Oli> idk what <@EOS_Oli> the fuck <@EOS_Oli> we are doing <@EOS_Oli> whats going on ingame <@mar> neither do i <@mar> im returning <@EOS_Oli> go to fucking batcave <@EOS_Oli> spam in cc <@EOS_Oli> or some shit * Sweet|Drew (~SweetDre@Swift-F54C6944.ok.ok.cox.net) has joined #eos.council <@Machine> [sweet|Drew] (22:21:12) <`Gerard> ~ Gay Meter ~ Sweet|Drew is 95% gay. (22:25:47) <`Gerard> ~ Chance ~ The chance that Sweet|Drew takes it up the ass is 99% (22:26:32) <`Gerard> ~ Chance ~ The chance Sweet|Drew takes it up the ass from baked_goods5 is 90% * ChanServ set mode: +ao Sweet|Drew Sweet|Drew <@Sweet|Drew> what ts are we using now <@mar> idk <@Gazelle3> we should have like <@Gazelle3> 3 backups set <@EOS_Oli> <@EOS_Oli> I thought sa and allstar <@EOS_Oli> were getting public ones and shit <@EOS_Oli> l0l <@EOS_Oli> <21:11:23> "Chrisaki": <@EOS_Oli> <21:11:24> "Chrisaki": 9987 <@Gazelle3> I made a channel btw <@Gazelle3> passworded <@Gazelle3> on a brazilian ts <@Gazelle3> if needed <@Allstar049> forgot we had nickos' <@Sweet|Drew> are we using the other one as the main ts <@Allstar049> sad rsd on 57 lol <@Sweet|Drew> how'd they know what world we were on <@bigjimmyv> ... <@Sweet|Drew> we seem to be on two different worlds, lol <@EOS_Oli> good job drew <@EOS_Oli> captain obvious <@Sweet|Drew> hey <@Sweet|Drew> i'm good at this <@Gazelle3> i love what we do <@Allstar049> do keep checking other ts for when people join <@Allstar049> cor logged from rsd <@Allstar049> bro choking calling 00o00o's lmao <@Allstar049> ah gay our current ts caps at 50 <@mar> thats not good <@Sweet|Drew> why is kiki talking <@Allstar049> changed to 75 <@sc00by-p00ns> move those guys down <@sc00by-p00ns> or gimme nice shields ill move them down <@Gazelle3> anyone got a spare with p2p btw I have to walk insanely long <@Gazelle3> from lumby to gdz <@Sweet|Drew> change to ooos you won't die <@Gazelle3> f2p can't change <@Sweet|Drew> ah <@Sweet|Drew> true <@Gazelle3> i'll log on kgmb's <@Gazelle3> sec <@Gazelle3> if I can still find the pass <@sc00by-p00ns> does the ts just assasinate random people if we go over 50 <@sc00by-p00ns> cuz it doesn't look like i can change the cap <@Allstar049> sc00by-p00ns <@Allstar049> martin use your acc? <@sc00by-p00ns> it's omerta <@Allstar049> oh <@Allstar049> nvm reg lending one of his <@Allstar049> cor rushed rsd again * Oww_My_Nose` is now known as Oww_My_Nose Log ended: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 11:54:18 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 11:55:55 Eastern Standard Time * Now talking in #eos.council * Topic is '[ Welcome to Echo Of Silence IRC Council Channel ‹-› Forums: http://rseos.com/forums ] Command ~ts added. Type ~update in here to change the stored TS pass, and members in #rseos can type ~ts to view it.o' * Set by Kvn on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:26:11 Eastern Standard Time * ChanServ set mode: +o Allstar049 <@Allstar049> cunts <@Allstar049> who is rsd taking?> <@mar> rsd i think <@Allstar049> yup <@Allstar049> keep poking nigs as they come into other ts <@Allstar049> that we are pking <@Allstar049> cor fighting df for now <@Sweet|Drew> should just crash df/corr <@Allstar049> rot crashing brut now? <@sc00by-p00ns> always been crashing brut <@Allstar049> really? * AARONHAND|AWAY is now known as AARONHAND * @AARONHAND is back from: Away (been away for 3h 14m) <@AARONHAND> what ts are we on Allstar049 sc00by-p00ns <@AARONHAND> nvm o <@Sweet|Drew> wow fall in leaders need to step up quicker, lol <@Allstar049> PM PEOPLE who come on the other ts.. <@bigjimmyv> just log out this is pathetic <@EOS_Oli> ye <@EOS_Oli> this is gay <@EOS_Oli> lol <@Sweet|Drew> log out, switch worlds, regroup, then come back? <@bigjimmyv> before we end get a legit attendance, cos we've been missing 7people+ at least all the time <@Sweet|Drew> did vr log out? <@AARONHAND> yo Allstar049 <@Allstar049> sup <@AARONHAND> can you change my name on ml / give me pass <@Allstar049> 15 or so nigs didnt show up i guess <@EOS_Oli> http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/503/101219174733.png <@EOS_Oli> <Andrew[L646]> ' <@EOS_Oli> http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/3526/101219174736.png <@EOS_Oli> http://i52.tinypic.com/25ow8zr.png <@EOS_Oli> http://i56.tinypic.com/2mcam3o.png <@mar> http://i51.tinypic.com/2dabp14.jpg <@mar> find out who wasnt there <@mar> and il kick them * @sa-gone is back [10h 22m 25s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@Sweet|Drew> are you proud of me?? <@Sweet|Drew> i was there <@Sweet|Drew> the whole trip <@Sweet|Drew> ! <@Allstar049> :D <@bigjimmyv> no <@Sweet|Drew> i even got two kills * AARONHAND is now known as TLO <@Allstar049> yruki <@Allstar049> andrew <@Allstar049> stevie <@Allstar049> russ <@Allstar049> soccer <@Allstar049> love4fun <@Allstar049> ell01 <@Allstar049> qkc <@Allstar049> exodia <@Allstar049> rawli <@Allstar049> razor jimbob <@Allstar049> joepalm <@Allstar049> naynay?? <@Allstar049> names of nigs as yes, didnt bother to a show, a few questionable <@Allstar049> then like 12-15 people who didnt bother to sign up at all. <@Allstar049> or happened to not be counted for. <@sa> guest qkc <@sa> i thought i quested him already <@sa> his useless <@bigjimmyv> what is going on with andrew? i thought his exams finished >.< <@sa> kick him <@sa> overthrow him <@sa> his useless <@bigjimmyv> lol <@bigjimmyv> btw sa scroll up to what i said about dylan <@sa> [8:56p] [@bigjimmyv] lol sa-gone, compared to some of the people that have legendary rank dylan more than deserves it <@bigjimmyv> ye <@sa> who <@sa> besides danny <@bigjimmyv> danny deserves it imo <@sa> every1 else had seer <@bigjimmyv> o LOL * TLO is now known as AARONHAND <@sa> or legit has been around for like 4 years <@bigjimmyv> i was thinking the people that are inactive <@bigjimmyv> like mariomanic <@sa> i deleted seer l0l <@sa> so just made them <@bigjimmyv> i havent seen him in like 2 years... <@sa> legendary <@sa> instead <@bigjimmyv> ohh ok <@sa> seer seemed pointless <@sa> just give em legendary with council mask <@bigjimmyv> people like mike too <@bigjimmyv> sigh, our forums down now? <@bigjimmyv> NVM <@sa> mike has been eos <@sa> for 4 years <@sa> dylan has only just been eos for 2 years now lol <@sa> legendary is 4 yrs <@Sweet|Drew> rawli was there <@bigjimmyv> how much of that time was mike active for? lol <@bigjimmyv> 1 year? <@Allstar049> oh ye heas there, just remember him joining other ts and didnt see if he was on backup <@bigjimmyv> anyway, i wasnt just giving him the rank because dylan bitched to me, but because i thought he deserved it as much as the others that had it. <@Sweet|Drew> why don't i have council mask * @Gazelle3 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone Log ended: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 13:52:07 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 19:01:20 Eastern Standard Time * @sa-gone is back [39m 41s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@sa> Kvn <@sa> can you give allstar 9999 access <@sa> in #rseos * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * @AARONHAND has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @EOS_Oli has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @sa-gone is back [1h 30m 56s] * sa-gone is now known as sa <@sa> Allstar049 <@sa> dont say <@sa> what <@sa> i <@sa> did <@Allstar049> ?? <@Allstar049> never did <@sa> making sure u werent gonna rip it out in front of kevan alliance <@Allstar049> l0l * @sa is away "auto away after 30 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off * sa is now known as sa-gone * @sa-gone has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * @mar has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Log ended: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 23:55:25 Eastern Standard Time IRC PM I (`Connor) Log ended: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:19:59 Eastern Standard Ti <`Connor> <`Connor> wat <`Connor> <`Connor> did he tell u <`Connor> <Man_slayer93> gonna be a 2v2 again soon <`Connor> niels <Allstar049> was considering getting 1 clan out, but may not need to <`Connor> df? <Allstar049> ye..but most don't want to if we can get activity better/ <`Connor> doubt it <`Connor> lol <Allstar049> nah think we can <`Connor> i doubt it lol <Allstar049> pessimistic bitch,, <`Connor> we could get 60's again <`Connor> if it was 2v2 <`Connor> people leave ts all the time <`Connor> bc its boring Log started: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 11:06:12 Eastern Standard Time <`Connor> is df here <`Connor> or we got a truce <Allstar049> no <Allstar049> just slow at massing <`Connor> o <Allstar049> cor is here to take their place <Allstar049> lmfao <`Connor> lol <`Connor> rsd here for cor? <Allstar049> yes <Allstar049> they will clear cor <Allstar049> they hate rot <`Connor> o <Allstar049> cor love mattbrazi <Allstar049> so ye <`Connor> lol Log ended: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 11:11:15 Eastern Standard Time Log started: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 13:18:03 Eastern Standard Time <`Connor> u stil dont think <`Connor> we dont need a truce????? <Allstar049> ? <`Connor> with df <Allstar049> nah today just didnt work as well <Allstar049> vr slacked a bit and need finals to pass over <`Connor> lol IRC PM II (`Connor, Pt 2) Log started: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:08:43 Eastern Standard Time <`Connor> so much beef <`Connor> in es <`Connor> eos <Allstar049> ? <`Connor> well <`Connor> mostly alex <`Connor> lol <`Connor> guestin forum accs <`Connor> etc <Allstar049> sa is a spastic <`Connor> ye <Allstar049> and he doesnt guest people <`Connor> nancy <Allstar049> ............ <Allstar049> hold <Allstar049> on <`Connor> dylan <Allstar049> nancy wanted to play wow <Allstar049> and not come to events <Allstar049> and be considered a real lifer <Allstar049> and we changed up real lifers so its more legit <Allstar049> she can bitch all she wants about it. <`Connor> whys dylan a rler <`Connor> i bought the nigger p2p <Allstar049> mm <Allstar049> ah well hes still be a legit rler <Allstar049> although <Allstar049> if was to play scape <Allstar049> he would just bot <Allstar049> lazy niggerss <`Connor> lol <`Connor> lmao Log started: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 22:08:55 Eastern Standard Time <`Connor> so <`Connor> after thisl ong talk <`Connor> u gonan take HC <`Connor> <03:08:04> "yruki": then every1 was like fuck it lets crash every1 <`Connor> <03:08:05> "Rampage": And we need to do something about it, because it's not going to get better unless we start pulling consistantly. <`Connor> i mean u can belive what evan/kiki say <`Connor> but elf boy and duv said this is the way DI closed <`Connor> because ghjff didnt listen to anyone <`Connor> lol <Allstar049> he prob didnt really enjoy scape anyways <`Connor> he lost <`Connor> 40~ memberds <`Connor> in 3 months <`Connor> and losin more <`Connor> lol <`Connor> and he was gettin fucked by rot <`Connor> who would enjoy that <`Connor> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkQkOAlyt0c <`Connor> u see that movie yet <`Connor> [4:13p] [EoMeri] ye he is <`Connor> [4:13p] [EoMeri] same with oli <`Connor> [4:14p] [EoMeri] both of them <`Connor> [4:14p] [EoMeri] big headed arrogant retards <`Connor> lol IRC PM III (Gazelle3) <Gazelle3> will fools hit rot tomorrow? <Allstar049> yes <Allstar049> thats why oli changed the times <Allstar049> to an hour earlier <Allstar049> fools pull good on sundays <Allstar049> and rot crashed em <Allstar049> so they want rot <Gazelle3> lol IRC PM IV (sa) <Allstar049> what does tt have to lose? <sa> nothing <sa> theyre having a clean fight <sa> right now <sa> i even said if anyone crashes you and a truce is done and nothing is done about the moron crashing you <sa> to crash us till we die <Allstar049> i can make sure people dont crash <sa> i can as well <sa> i just dont know <sa> about evan <sa> and his dumb group <sa> if evan wants to get <sa> 2-3 people <Allstar049> i get them to come <sa> it ruins it all lol <Allstar049> so i cant tell them not to <Allstar049> can <Allstar049> * <sa> jj <sa> kk* <Allstar049> lol.. <Allstar049> we were sniping rot earlier <Allstar049> when they fought tt <Allstar049> killed spastics like d3sire <Allstar049> would love to be a 2 v2 <Allstar049> as cor wont matter much at all <Allstar049> we dont need to pk at gmt times <sa> we can get cor to stop <sa> immid <Allstar049> and the slaves will follow <sa> and ye cor wont do anything <sa> we just pk after 6 <Allstar049> cor hit vr <Allstar049> and we dont want them hitting either Log ended: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:06:42 Eastern Standard Time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Abe Report post Posted December 22, 2010 (edited) shit clan, you claim we have no effect on you, crumbling to fuck already lmfao Edited December 22, 2010 by Bloodrico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
il ftw i Report post Posted December 22, 2010 lololol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Evan Report post Posted December 22, 2010 Poor EoS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Anoobis30 Report post Posted December 22, 2010 LOOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
dereadytobie Report post Posted December 22, 2010 got em Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Jimmy Report post Posted December 22, 2010 Corr ftw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
JustKool Report post Posted December 22, 2010 State of it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Shorty- Report post Posted December 22, 2010 gf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
chris Report post Posted December 22, 2010 sdsadasfdafadg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Wolfmon56 Report post Posted December 22, 2010 lmao, sucks for EOS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ownedu Report post Posted December 22, 2010 hahahahaha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0