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Pasting Game

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il ftw i

Ironically enough I already had this copied lol



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Guest Scotty

tell ur grandad gratz on dieing irl for commiting suicide, having a grandsone like you, don't blame him, don't blame ur mum for killing herself because you was her son D O NT blame any scotty. =] love you babe





Haters gon' hate

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06:44.26 ·· quit: Sir_Severed (~Sir_Sever@Swift-F991551C.cable.mindspring.com) (Ping timeout)

06:46.52 ·· quit: Muumi75 (~Muumi75@Swift-E7A5DC1A.regionline.fi) (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com ))

06:47.04 ·· join: Novalok (~Localhost@i.used.a.fake.windows.and.got.caught.by.the.interpol.be)

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l Kreiger l


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Porcupines masturbate

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l Kreiger l

; ---------------

; v1.1 link checker

; ---------------


on *:text:*:*: {

var %x 1

if (*rscript.org* !iswm $address($nick,2)) {

while (%x <= $0) {

if (%last.link != $eval($+($,%x),2)) {

if (http iswm $left($eval($+($,%x),2),4)) {

echo -t $iif($chan,$chan,$nick) 4** Warning:14 $+($chr(40),$eval($+($,%x),2),$chr(41)) is hosted on $+(7,$urlchk($eval($+($,%x),2)).host,14.) If you aren't familiar with this site then do NOT click on it!

set %last.link $eval($+($,%x),2)



inc %x




alias urlchk {

var %x 8,%a ÿ,%pr0 http

while $mid($replace($1=ÿ,&,=&,?,&),%x,1) > {

%c = $v1

if %c isin :@/=ÿ {

set -l $+(%,$replace(%a,ÿ,$count($1,@),1,us,0,@,:,$var(h*),1,po,

0,pa,@,ho,/,di,&,at,=,$iif($var(at0*) > $var(v*),va0),%a,an),$and(0,%o),%x) $iif(%a < %,%a) $+ %o

%o =

%a = %c

%c =


%o = %o $+ %c

inc %x


return $(,$var($left($prop,2) $+ 0*,$iif($count($prop,tt,v,d),$iif($2 isnum 0-,$2),1)))



; -------------------

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