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Reign of Terror vs Alliance

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As far as I know, FF+KO+Brutality plan on posting a victory topic, video (and audio) proof of our victory is being uploaded.



Well earlier today I heard FF was going out to PK. At around 8:00pm they massed up. However, they planned a fight with KO (most likely to avoid us). When we were all massed up, their fight with KO ended and FF logged into World 159. We rushed them (on login) on World 159. Soon after KO logged in and rushed, and then Brutality.


Reign of Terror Starting: 150~

Frozen Fury Starting: 90

Kill Orgy Starting: 90

Brutality Starting: 90


We moved to GDS where our returners wouldn't be camped and the fight began. We started off with a disadvantage but once we remembered how to fight multiple clans at once (they had been too scared for months to try), we began turning it around. We moved out to the eastern entrance and began picking them off, our tactic of piling one clan specifically worked, as Brutality was sent to east tree (and would remain on the outskirts of the fight) for the duration. With KO and FF there, two teams notorious for being enemies, we knew their lack of chemistry would make for an easy fight, and it did. Eventually FF/KO/Brutality all ran to the area north of new gate, I notified them this was well out of the battlefield and to return. I knew they would, and after 10 minutes of waiting they rushed again. Begin 2 round.


After they rushed back, it was the same story pretty much. We knew if we applied enough pressure they'd run (just as they did last time), and sure enough they did. This time they ran back to new gate/volcano, I notified them if they wanted to uphold their running (all 3 of them) in the fight, they'd need to return to GDS. 5 minutes passed and no signs of life emerged, so we claimed victory and left.


Thanks for the fight, a pleasure as always.


Arcane PK from Arma150:















Reign of Terror Ending: 180+

Frozen Fury Ending: 0

Kill Orgy Ending: 0

Brutality Ending: 0




Though I did not expect arch enemies to team up to fight us, I did remember just how dangerous we are. Chins up. T

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Was 3 v 1, You merged Teamspeaks atleast Ko + FF did to avail we slaughtered a 100 of you with ease..


All i gotta say is way to easy













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Wish i was there, looked like alot of fun, Gj everybody (Y)

Edited by m8t

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Was so fucking easy.

Edited by Kane

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props to the Alliance for trying

Edited by Daniela

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way too easy. gf skiprats

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Kings of P2p for a reason

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0 deaths gf

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Was easy, lootiance.

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Good fight shit teams/clans w/e you are lol :blush:

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Was honestly a lot easier than I was expecting. Oh well, was fun finally getting decent P2P action.

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