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Reign of Terror vs Solace

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Well we set up a fight with Solace, which would basically serve as our return to the F2P scene. It was to be a 90 minute cap, starting at 17:30 (EST) and ending at 19:00 (EST).


Reign of Terror Starting: 165~

Solace Starting: 165~


The fight got off to a bad start for us, we were pretty rusty but after about 15 minutes we had gotten the hang of things again. At this point The Titans and Corruption came to anti-crash some open CC (Kill Organ or something?, I don't know they had red capes). Once the fight was clear of random level 90s crashing, we began to turn it around. We slowly gained momentum, with Solace close behind, and kept the fight just about even for the whole duration.


I told Solace for ending options we would be clearing any third parties, however when time came to compare options Solace was unwilling to make such an effort. Their reply to us killing randomers in their pile was to return action, and soon the capped fight became uncapped.


Fighting went on for about 5 more minutes and Solace ended, according to one of their officials they had made a miscalculation on just how many Solace were ready to go on all night, and decided to end while the night was still young.










Reign of Terror Ending: 210

Solace Ending: 0




Thanks for the fight Solace. Thank-you to: Corruption, The Titans, "THE" Clan, and Critical Damage for Anti-crashing. The favor will be repaid.

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Came like a couple mins late and saw a beautiful spam from ours.

Keep it up guys! (Y)

Edited by Anoobis30

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Put my head down for a few minute, fell asleep just woke up <_<

Edited by Bearcub

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Inuyasha Xpk

was a gf gf

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Was fun, got a bunch of kills

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Started of rocky but we pulled it back forcing Solace to regroup across the wilderness Dogs did amazing.

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As soon as we sent snipers we raped them.

Edited by Kane

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Thanks for the fight started good, lost it, brought it back.

You guys did really well.

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Thanks for the fights, was pretty fun and i got to use my new bow :D

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Gj every1 sorry i was abit later then planned.

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Good fight. Nice try kill organ.

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Eden Foodz

y u put public to friends mattyb



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Good shit

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