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Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice

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The Man

There has been a cure for a good while I believe but what Matt said is basically holding it back.


Sucks that the world has to focus more on money instead of actual lives but if that happened then the balance would be thrown off.

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pl0x3r open

For the sake of playing devil's advocate, why would they invest in it? the world revolves around one thing: money.


Money is arguably the root of everything in the world, why would they invest in this research and spend billions to produce it but make little return on it? are their CEO's families dying of cancer? probably not, thus until it becomes personal or profitable they'll wait it out until something they can patent, and thus make billions (easily tens or hundreds of billions) they wont be pursuing it.


That's the world we live in.


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l Kreiger l

I want to see like a medical journal or something of the actual research before I jump to conclusions

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it's all about money at this point, no one really cares about curing the sick people just about how many different kinds of medicine you can sell to them

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Anything can be cured, people underestimate the power of a healthy immune system..

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Someone needs to be the fucking hero here and help out. The world is shit and everyone who has the money is a greedy shite and only wants more.

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just bought shares in the companys that produce the pills

Looking for a 100% profit return in 1 day otherwise i wont be happy!

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Hell  Pure

Government: Money > Lives

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Fucked up world we live in. Makes me sick.

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fucked up

Edited by Ckhuu22

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Guest Evan

Let the 10 years of studies and trials begin.

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Wolfmon/Aceman/etc. think a few of you misunderstood, it's not that they're being "denied" a patent but rather there is no need for one as the medicine needed to cure it is already out there just isn't being put the right use from my understanding. No one wants a patent for it because there isn't one needed.


And yeah Mattyb is right but on the other hand you can't just take all these articles you read as 100% true and stating all the facts. Articles like this tend to be biased because of website sponsors and what not. There could be any number of disadvantages to this method that they don't bother mentioning because what benefit do they get from it? It irritates me that people always make companies that make a lot of money out to be the "bad guys" in situations like this when the vast majority of people reading this topic have little to no information on the subject apart from what is said in this article lol.

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