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[DRAW]Reign of Terror vs The Titans

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We set up a fight with TT for this Sunday, honestly I don't know what it was..perhaps it was people going away for memorial day, really I'm not sure, but both clans pulled a lot lower than usual, fortunately we were on about even numbers for the majority of the fight.


Reign of Terror Starting: ~150


The Titans Starting: ~150


The fight started off really slow admittedly, both clans had fairly small piles but pretty decent KO power. The fight went back and forth, each clans snipers having a decent effect on the other's main pile at different times and each clan had pretty high momentum at different times. Not gonna lie our performance wasn't great today but we did pretty well for our numbers. TT kept level with us the entire time and outperformed us at times as well, so props to them. It's really only fitting that this fight ended in a draw, both sides performances were really even. At the end of the cap we decided to hop for ending after some randoms fell in on TT.


Reign of Terror Ending: ~180 (few hopping)


The Titans Ending: ~180 (few hopping)









I'll spare the pictures of TT's pile at low points as I'm sure they will do for us, the fact is both clans had their low points during this fight and our pulls weren't spectacular by any means. Regardless, it was a fun fight and pretty clean..thanks for that TT. Hope to have another one soon on a day where our pulls aren't so strange.


Good job Reign of Terror.


Thanks to Corruption and CD for the ac's at different times, much appreciated.

Edited by D2~

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Kill organ gave up (THH)

Edited by Bearcub

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Both clans did well regardless of memorial day causing some numbers to fluctuate.


Was sniping we did amazing.

Edited by Arj

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Good fight TT.

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GF was a weird fight

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Pk  Theory

Thanks for the fight :)

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snipers 0wned

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Good job lads, was fun

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Thanks for the fight

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ty for fight, made the last 2 hours was at a bbq

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Having the l0l0l0l names was certainly fun lol, gotta admit TT have some good snipers.


Good fight overall TT is always my favorite clan to fight.

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