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Ipod/Iphone help

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I have a problem with my iPod that when I plug in any other headphones besides once pair (the apple ones) they sound distorted. It's not the headphones as I just bought them (Beats by Dre) and they work fine on any other device. The iPod speakers work fine as well, but for the headphones I have to push them in a certain way and hold it in their for it to sound decent.


Now my question is, Has anyone else had this problem? How did you solve it? And do you think I could purchase some sort of iPod headphone adapter to make them sound normal? I think it may just be that jack or something I have no idea.

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Idk, I have a zune.

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Not even joking I got a friend who like works for apple and is like tech support or whatever for ipods and shit. I'll let you know next time he's on if you're still having problems.

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Which generation is it? I highly suggest going to the Apple Store and asking them (hopefully you have a warranty) because I've had similar problems (glitching issues) and it can be frustrating to fix.

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It's an iPod Touch 4g. I bought it the first week they came out so maybe 6-7 months?

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dat sounds like a personal problem my dude

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Should have warranty, go to the store

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I had a friend that had a similar problem a while back she just ended up sending it in and because she had a warranty they replaced it :x not sure how to help you with it though, gl getting it sorted

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damn that sucks, seems like a problem with the devine because i know beats by dre have a rep.


How are the headphones btw?

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African Myth

yeah i had the same problem a while back i just sended my ipod back to apple and they gave me a new one

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8 gig ipod...

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No idea bro, ive had my 4g for as long as you with no problems. Hope you get it fixed

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damn that sucks, seems like a problem with the devine because i know beats by dre have a rep.


How are the headphones btw?

They're great headphones, highly recommended if anyone is wanting a sturdy pair of headphones.

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This has happened to me before, I wasted 80$ on two skull candy earphones, and they broke in like a week, or didn't work with my ipod. Pretty strange though.

Edited by Chris

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