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Most Influential Music Figure?

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Who do you think? It could be a single person, or an entire band.


I honestly think The Beatles, I don't like their music but you can't really deny how pretty much every rock band will tell you they have influence from them.

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Coldplay. :unsure:

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Oasis, basically the Beatles of my generation. They didn't have much of a legacy in America though. Them in Argentina:



They aren't even that old of a band, couldn't have motivated that many artists just yet.

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Oasis, basically the Beatles of my generation. They didn't have much of a legacy in America though. Them in Argentina:



They aren't even that old of a band, couldn't have motivated that many artists just yet.

Bands like The Killers formed from Oasis gigs. The age gap between Oasis and The Beatles is about the same as Oasis and current bands. Oasis were heavily influenced by The Beatles.


From The Killers Wikipedia:

Formation (2001–2002)

After seeing Oasis play at the Hard Rock Hotel, Flowers decided he wanted to be in a rock band and began searching for a guitar player,

Edited by Harry

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Oasis, basically the Beatles of my generation. They didn't have much of a legacy in America though. Them in Argentina:



They aren't even that old of a band, couldn't have motivated that many artists just yet.

Bands like The Killers formed from Oasis gigs. The age gap between Oasis and The Beatles is about the same as Oasis and current bands. Oasis were heavily influenced by The Beatles.


From The Killers Wikipedia:

Formation (2001â??2002)

After seeing Oasis play at the Hard Rock Hotel, Flowers decided he wanted to be in a rock band and began searching for a guitar player,

That is 1 main stream band, and the first part of your post proves my point lol. I'll most likely agree that they're a huge influence, but not just yet.

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Just realised you can't have a topic on Influential music figures without mentioning Freddie Mercury and Queen it'd be criminal.

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Just realised you can't have a topic on Influential music figures without mentioning Freddie Mercury and Queen it'd be criminal.

True that.

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Queen, The Who, Beatles, Pink Floyd, the list is endless really.


One single musician? Michael Jackson.

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bob marley.

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l Kreiger l


Everyone knows who Beethoven was.



Edited by Jake

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michael jackson


passed away on june 25th a couple years ago if i'm not mistaken.

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mj and the beatles

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Metalica, Queen (freddy as well), Jimi, L.S.,...List goes on and on and on and on...



Ima hick, So Hank Williams Jr is obvioulsy one of my favs :blush:


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