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RoT vs. AA+KO+HA

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Part 1: The Beginning

Earlier today, RoT held a P2P trip to hit Bane's PK trip. After finishing them, we called it a day and many members got off. Around midnight, we heard that the Australian Army were committing heinous crimes at the Chivalry Legions vs Corruption fight. Reign of Terror quickly massed up about 20 people and went to the fight world. RoT and AA met and a fight immediately ensued around Chaos Dwarves. AA began with 30 on audio, while RoT had 25. It seemed like it would be an easy and quick fight, as AA were getting KO'd left and right while very few RoT were dying. Eventually all AA were cleared, and RoT went back to the CL/CoR fight. About 10 minutes later, AA remassed and another fight began. Soon after, members of Hell Army and Kill Orgy began swarming the fight, and it quickly turned into a 3v1. RoT, never phased, were ready to fight our enemies.


Part 2: RoT vs. World

The fight against HA+AA+KO was fairly easy. RoT stayed incredibly organized while the other clans were all over the place. RoT dominated the entire fight, never once leaving the battleground to regroup. Our opponents standards started deteriorating: AA members were mostly wearing 1-item or dragonhides; HA members just ran up to us and ripped our motto by spamming "this is way I'm Hell army!!!"; KO members just flamed and kept getting 1-hit over and over again.








Other pictures:




Part 3: EoS Appears, VR Secondaries Arrive

VR were invited by one of the clans we were fighting, and their officials made the call to have secondaries snipe us at the fight. Some VR members decided to make an appearance on their mains as well.



At around 1:20 into the fight, EoS decided to declare the cluster over and decide to fight RoT. Since we were already busy, we decided to continue fighting a cluster (which at this point had become a 5v1). EoS entered the fight zone and began killing RoT members. The following is a conversation between RoT & EoS leaders (note all times are EST):

01:26:23 | h0z: after we end the other 4 clans helping u

01:26:33 | EOS_Oli: Lol m8

01:26:38 | EOS_Oli: they all logged when we rushed in

01:26:44 | EOS_Oli: you just puss'd out and ran to single after 20 seconds

01:26:59 | EOS_Oli: We're giving you a chance to redeem yourselves in some sort of rematch

01:27:05 | EOS_Oli: man up

01:27:29 | h0z: u crash us than want us to 1v5 u rofl?

01:27:47 | EOS_Oli: We rushed you 1 v 1 after telling AA to log lmao

01:28:05 | EOS_Oli: We made sure there were no other clans on you when we rushed , don't try to save face m8

01:28:07 | EOS_Oli: just letting your self down

01:29:23 | EOS_Oli: Rolling into this cluster you've got going , good luck to all involved




Anyways, after about 10 minutes, EoS decided to leave the fight world, and RoT continued fighting AA+KO+HA+VR secondaries.


Part 4: The Ending

The remainder of the fight wasn't really that difficult. Everyone mostly mass sniped our pile, simply returning and dying right after. The fight only lasted about 10 more minutes, at which point there were no more opponents on the battlefield. Reign of Terror ended with ~120 opts ingame and ~40 people on TS at around 2:00EST.



I guess I'll say thanks for the fight(s), since this one was definitely a different one and a more interesting one than usual. Only thing that never really changes is the outcome. AA&HA, you know the way out. KO, see you guys around.

Edited by Gkef

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Kings of 5v1

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yeh we shitted on em.

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Lmfao, we fucked shit up.

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gf all shit klans lmfa0


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6v1 no problem


Just the usual humiliation of KO

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I was fucking owning.

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Do work



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Clearing the trash

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Reg was a little upset i camped him for 10 mins ;$

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