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Reign of Terror vs Echo of Silence, then Violent Resolution

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Yeah, so basically EoS asked us for a fight. We had a day off today and we knew EoS were already massed up, but we accepted anyways.



- Uncapped

- No Snipers


Reign of Terror Starting: 150

Echo of Silence Starting: 150




The fight began at spiders and got off to a quick start, after about 10 minutes EoS started regrouping a lot and eventually logged out after like 20 minutes of fighting.


I came into contact with EoS officials and they told me to wait a few minutes while an AC was sorted out, as VR were too useless. We waited another 10 or so minutes and eventually it did come and EoS returned to World 93. I felt as if the second round was a lot more in our favor, we were warmed up and despite the VR members sniping us, we kept it together and applied a lot of pressure.


After about another 20 minutes of fighting, EoS handed us the win. Thanks for the fight EoS. Final kills for anyone who is wondering was like 115 for us and 65 for EoS.













Reign of Terror Ending: 200~

Echo of Silence Ending: 0




After EoS was finished, we decided we'd go find VR who had crashed us and showed them that we do our talking in the wilderness, we found them just south of spiders.


Reign of Terror Starting: 66

Violent Resolution Starting: 120 opts


We rushed them and transitioned through them, the few VR members who had not had the chance to log out bailed to single with their tails between their legs.









Reign of Terror Ending: 200~ few scattered (68 on TS)

Violent Resolution Ending: 9 opts wondering why they'd ever pick a fight with RoT




Thanks to Echo of Silence for the fight, and another thank you for the laughs from Violent Resolution. I guess I'll wait until you guys can pull 60 people to short preps, that's what Cera S6 said you needed to fight RoT right?

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We did amazing. VR are going to regret showing their faces.

Edited by Merlini

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Sorry I missed it, Gratz boys

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Gf you piece of fucking shit clan.

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Good fight, was fun :P

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I went to take a shit before round 2 and by time I got back they ended lmfao.

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Gf eos shit clan youre never able to give us a real fight. I don't see why we fight you in the first place all you do is run away and regroup. Another victory for the Kings.

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Pumpkin head

eos your clans a waste of time not even a challange

Edited by Mj1323

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Good job guys, thanks for the fight shit clans

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Ariana Grande


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