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What a joke.


For asking if you'd still join? who said rot was opening?

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Honestly? Probably not. I've found myself to be less stressed about rs and I hardly ever flame since lol.


To rejoin there would have to be a certain few not rejoining, and I'd be a top notch member.

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Noone has the time bro, clan world being as it is it isn't even worth it anyway lol.

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Since Reign of Terror was a RuneScape clan, I do not see myself returning since I do not play the game anymore.


However, if we re-open as clan for other games such as Battlefield 3 or Modern Warfare 3...then I would definitely.


I can't even stay logged in RS for more than 3 minutes...the game has been extremely boring to play even with a good community.

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Pretty funny how some people in this thread act hardass but when rot was closed they were pussies.



Anyways, RoT being reopened would be cool but I might join, probably not since I work/have class and I don't want my gpa to drop over runescape lol

Edited by Breaker

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not gonna have all this stupid shit on this topic so gonna delete all the irrelevant shit, go make your own topic in member section if you wanna flame

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I'd try and return if Mattyb was leading. I don't want to be rude but he just seems the most fit and anyone else just wouldn't be the same. However, I literally have nothing on Runescape so if I would be to return, I'd need a bit of donations for sets and I would only log on Runescape for RoT events itself. I'm not busy in real life, but I'm busy enough to not want to spend all day making money on Runescape or trying to adjust to the new updates. I'd only play for RoT. But, sure, if Mattbrazil came back and RoT was just like it used to be I'd gladly buy membership again and return. The only issue like stated would be my bank.

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Would love to see Rot return, although after this time off I can't really see myself being that active. Just don't care for the game anymore.

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sold rs acc + hate rs + wouldn't be active + couldn't call

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