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Telling my story and wishing good luck <3

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edit: Why the fuck did I post my life story on RoT forums?

Edited by Flynn

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inb4 cool story bro

This kind of stuff helps me vent.


I'd also like to apologize to those I scared, including that certain female I mentioned in the beginning of the original post.

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Inuyasha Xpk

How did your mom abuse you? Why are you worrying about relationships in a mess like that anyways? Only think about yourself dude, you obviously want to get somewhere in life, and nobody will do that but you bro. I also have anxiety from my past but i have a very different way of thinking then most people, so I'm not really sure how you deal with that. But for real, Why would you even consider suicide? Life is shit for everybody, not just you, get over it. Not even trying to be mean, It's just the truth. But for real keep your head up and work yourself up that ladder, Do you, fuck everybody else nigga #1v1me

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Hey buddy! You go to penn state main?


Got a few m8s up there hope you enjoy it.


Good luck getting everything turned around and being the happy little asian lover you are

Edited by D2~

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Actually read it all really not sure what to say

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Hope to see that you gain some stability again, just keep believing, your a good guy, theres some korean girl out there for you, don't worry.

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No wonder you've been doing horrible in fantasy.

Hope everything starts getting better for you bro, you're a really funny dude in #old_school

Edited by DJ Luda

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Sounds rough. Like Inuyasha said though man, everyone has hardships and that's life. Everyone has breakups and everyone has family feuds. Some may be worse than others, but at the end of the day you just have to suck it up and realize that there's not much you can do about that. Work for yourself, get yourself situated and stable before ever trying to meet another girl. Hope you have a good one and continue trying to do well.


Take care

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Inuyasha Xpk

Sounds rough. Like Inuyasha said though man, everyone has hardships and that's life. Everyone has breakups and everyone has family feuds. Some may be worse than others, but at the end of the day you just have to suck it up and realize that there's not much you can do about that. Work for yourself, get yourself situated and stable before ever trying to meet another girl. Hope you have a good one and continue trying to do well.


Take care

I Second this, if you don't take that advice i will take you for being insayan

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Yo if im ever online feel free to talk to me.. i like to listen to ppl and try to give them advice the best that i can do. I don't want you to end up going through all this anymore :\

Hope the best of luck to you pal <3

Edited by Anoobis30

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Read it all and I'm speechles, hope everything works out and dont give up! <3 :wub:

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