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[Stevo] has been slain 1x

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Got back and realized [stevo] aka retard was still on IRC...so there was some work to do


[stevo] being slain:



Session Start: Sun Mar 25 22:04:46 2012

Session Ident: #rot-priv

[22:04] * Now talking in #rot-priv

[22:04] * Topic is '#rot-priv Defend the Holy Land'

[22:04] * Set by Mattbrazil_2 on Tue Nov 29 20:46:43

[22:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao erik erik

[22:08] * supercoke (~supercoke@Swift-AD797DB.lightspeed.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) has joined #rot-priv

[22:08] <@Q> [supercoke] win

[22:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o supercoke

[22:17] * Nachin (~Nachin@8CC6729E.ABF790D9.DC09EABF.IP) has joined #rot-priv

[22:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachin

[22:28] <@erik> [sTEVO]

[22:28] <@erik> still on?

[22:28] <@erik> lmfoa

[22:28] <@erik> jesus

[22:28] <+Icey-> still on ?

[22:28] <+Icey-> LOL.

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> i just got back

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> retard lmfao

[22:28] <@erik> i was here at like

[22:28] <@erik> 3

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> uve been on

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> all day

[22:28] <@erik> and this kid

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> all day

[22:28] <@erik> was talking in rot-priv

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> uve been on

[22:28] <@erik> i come back

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> all day

[22:28] <%[nick]> dude

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> uve been on

[22:28] <@erik> still talking

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> all day

[22:28] <@erik> lmfao

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> uve been on

[22:28] <@erik> no fucking life

[22:28] <+[sTEVO]> all day

[22:28] <%[nick]> i leak

[22:28] <@erik> straight fucking loser

[22:28] <+Lord__Joshua> I was talking here too, but was afk like 90% of the time

[22:28] <+Lord__Joshua> L

[22:28] <+Icey-> has been idle for 0secs, status: straight nerd status

[22:28] <@erik> [sTEVO] how do you feel?

[22:28] <@erik> lmfao

[22:28] <+Icey-> nice [sTEVO]

[22:28] <+Icey-> has been idle for 0secs, status: straight nerd status

[22:29] <@erik> loser

[22:29] <+Icey-> ^

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> u guys mad LOL

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+Icey-> nah pump my gas dough

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+Icey-> ive been to virginia?

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> jesus

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> fucking retard LMFAO

[22:29] <+Icey-> how am I a retard?

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> (20:29:21) <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> (20:29:28) <+Icey-> ive been to virginia?

[22:30] <+Lord__Joshua> LOL

[22:30] <+Lord__Joshua> virginia

[22:30] <@erik> [sTEVO] when was last time you took iq test?

[22:30] <+Lord__Joshua> #1

[22:30] <@erik> lmfao

[22:30] <+[sTEVO]> erik i have an iq of 183

[22:30] <+[sTEVO]> go fuck urself LOL

[22:30] <@erik> LOLOL

[22:30] <+Icey-> divided by 0

[22:30] <+Icey-> multiplied*

[22:30] <+[sTEVO]> erik when is the last time you worked?

[22:30] <@erik> i dont need to work

[22:30] <+[sTEVO]> oh wait ur a dumb ass mexican thats never had a job

[22:30] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:30] <+Icey-> me either lol

[22:30] <@erik> i make more money than you do in 8hrs

[22:30] <+Icey-> ?

[22:30] <+Icey-> bro

[22:30] <@erik> [sTEVO]

[22:31] <@erik> how much money you made today?

[22:31] <+Icey-> im sorry your parents cant afford to feed you + pay for your shit [sTEVO]

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> oh wait ur a dumb ass mexican thats never had a job

[22:31] <+Icey-> ;/

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> oh wait ur a dumb ass mexican thats never had a job

[22:31] <@erik> you work part time

[22:31] <@erik> lmfao

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:31] <+Icey-> [sTEVO]

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+Icey-> im getting an education

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+Icey-> ?

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> and Icey- lives off his parents

[22:31] <@erik> [sTEVO] do you too

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:31] <@erik> lmfao

[22:31] <+[sTEVO]> no?

[22:31] <@erik> working part time aint gonna pay your bills

[22:31] <@erik> yes

[22:31] <+Icey-> too lazy to type more lines? typical lazy gas pumper

[22:31] <@erik> you can't live off part time gas pumping loser

[22:31] <@erik> lmfao

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <@erik> what

[22:32] <+Icey-> [sTEVO] how am i fat?

[22:32] <@erik> you make no sense

[22:32] <@erik> lmfao

[22:32] <+Icey-> you probably weigh more than me

[22:32] <+Icey-> lol

[22:32] <@erik> this kid thinks having part time job is a big deal

[22:32] <@erik> lmfao

[22:32] <+Icey-> 6'1 205

[22:32] <+Icey-> ?

[22:32] <@erik> it's [sTEVO]s first job

[22:32] <@erik> gas pumper

[22:32] <@erik> lmfoa

[22:32] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:32] <@erik> bro

[22:33] <+Icey-> i cant read that

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> why do you repeat what you say?

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> are you mad?

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> lmfao

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> omfg

[22:33] <+Icey-> u need some commas

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> hes so mad

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> LOLOLOLO

[22:33] <@erik> lmfao

[22:33] <@erik> Icey-

[22:33] <@erik> look at him

[22:33] <@erik> lmfao

[22:33] <@erik> hes heated

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> as fuck

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> erik has never had a job cuz hes a dumb spic and Icey- lives off his parents cause hes a fat retard LOL

[22:33] <@erik> he won't say shit back

[22:33] <@erik> lmfao

[22:33] <@erik> hes just spamming

[22:33] <+Icey-> hey if i pumped gas for a living i'd be mad too

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> im

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> drun

[22:33] <+[sTEVO]> k

[22:33] <+Icey-> ?

[22:33] <@erik> on deisel?

[22:33] <@erik> lmfao

[22:33] <+Icey-> LOL

[22:33] <+Icey-> got me

[22:33] <+Icey-> em

[22:34] <@erik> ie

[22:34] <@erik> lawl

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> i worjed today erik

[22:34] <@erik> part time

[22:34] <@erik> lmfao

[22:34] <@erik> first job ever?

[22:34] <@erik> hes so proud

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> you sat on the computer ALL DA

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> you sat on the computer ALL DAY

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:34] <+Icey-> ?

[22:34] <@erik> of having part time gas pump job

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> i worked today erik

[22:34] <+Icey-> nobody can sit on the computer all day [sTEVO]

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> you sat on the computer ALL DAY

[22:34] <@erik> [sTEVO] do you feel proud of having a part time job as a gas pumper?

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> you sat on the computer ALL DAY

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:34] <@erik> lmfao

[22:34] <+Icey-> you're wrong [sTEVO]

[22:34] <@erik> hes so mad

[22:34] <@erik> omfg

[22:34] <@erik> i've never seen him

[22:34] <@erik> this mad

[22:34] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <@erik> lmfao

[22:35] <+Icey-> ?

[22:35] <@erik> spam

[22:35] <@erik> spam = mad

[22:35] <+Icey-> [sTEVO]

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+Icey-> it's physically impossible to 'sit on the computer ALL day'

[22:35] <+Icey-> your body just wont let it happen

[22:35] <+Icey-> so i proved you wrong

[22:35] <@erik> why would anyone sit on the computer anyways

[22:35] <+Icey-> nice one.

[22:35] <@erik> who does that?

[22:35] <@erik> you must be retarded [sTEVO]

[22:35] <@erik> Icey-

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <@erik> this retard probably

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+Icey-> 2/2 ?

[22:35] <@erik> sits on his computer

[22:35] <@erik> and watch chair

[22:35] <@erik> all day

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> watch chair

[22:36] <@erik> he watches his wheelchair

[22:36] <@erik> lmfao

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> fucking dumb spic LMFAO

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> watch chair

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> fucking dumb spic LMFAO

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> watch chair

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> fucking dumb spic LMFAO

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> watch chair

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> fucking dumb spic LMFAO

[22:36] <+Ecko> lool

[22:36] <+Icey-> [sTEVO]

[22:36] <+Icey-> stop lol

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- go fix radios you fucking retard

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:36] <+Icey-> ?

[22:36] <@erik> [sTEVO] it actually takes some sort of iq to fix radios

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:36] <@erik> gas pumping doesnt

[22:36] <+Icey-> i've had more than you lol

[22:36] <@erik> lmfao

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:36] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <+Icey-> bro?

[22:37] <@erik> [sTEVO] go pump gas

[22:37] <@erik> lmfao

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <@erik> [sTEVO] neither did you

[22:37] <@erik> lmfao

[22:37] <%[nick]> u guys r nuts

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <+Icey-> i've had more girlfriends than u [sTEVO] lol

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <+Icey-> hes mad

[22:37] <@erik> you have no tongue, how are you going to get girl [sTEVO] ?

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <@erik> lmfao

[22:37] <@erik> [sTEVO] gas pumping isnt attractive job

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:37] <+[sTEVO]> nice

[22:37] <@erik> lmfao

[22:37] <@erik> hes so mad

[22:37] <@erik> omfg

[22:38] <@erik> this is

[22:38] <@erik> good

[22:38] <@erik> i actually

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:38] <@erik> got to him

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:38] <@erik> i study

[22:38] <@erik> lmfao

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+Icey-> yo stevo stick ur tongue out n say ahhhhhhh

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:38] <+Icey-> oh w8 LOL

[22:38] <+Icey-> yo stevo stick ur tongue out n say ahhhhhhh

[22:38] <+Icey-> oh w8 LOL

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <@erik> i study though

[22:38] <@erik> lmfao

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:38] <+Icey-> yo stevo stick ur tongue out n say ahhhhhhh

[22:38] <+Icey-> oh w8 LOL

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:38] <@erik> [sTEVO] come talk on ts? oh wait no tongue

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> erik no job is very attractive

[22:38] <@erik> lmfao

[22:38] <@erik> hes SO mad

[22:38] <@erik> this is

[22:38] <@erik> great

[22:38] <@erik> lmfao

[22:38] <+Icey-> [sTEVO] a model is

[22:38] <+Icey-> i proved you wrong again?

[22:38] <+Icey-> 3/3?

[22:38] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- gino told me you have never had a girlfriend

[22:38] <@erik> [sTEVO] so mad he gonna get out his wheelchair and start walking

[22:39] <+Icey-> "thank you come again" - [sTEVO]'s paki manager

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+Icey-> "thank you come again" - [sTEVO]'s paki manager

[22:39] <+Icey-> "thank you come again" - [sTEVO]'s paki manager

[22:39] <+Icey-> "thank you come again" - [sTEVO]'s paki manager

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+Icey-> you work for a paki

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+Icey-> you work for a paki

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <+Icey-> you work for a paki

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+Icey-> got em

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+Icey-> yeh man i get bullied

[22:39] <+Icey-> =/

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:39] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:39] <@erik> [sTEVO] you got molested by your dad

[22:39] <@erik> LMFAO

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:40] <@erik> [sTEVO] you got molested by your dad

[22:40] <@erik> LMFAO

[22:40] <@erik> for real though [sTEVO]

[22:40] <@erik> how shitty is your life

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> at least what im saying is the truth

[22:40] <+Icey-> ?

[22:40] <+Icey-> how are you saying the truth

[22:40] <@erik> you're too stupid to know what reality is

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> ?

[22:40] <+Icey-> gino just gets mad and rages at me, hes never hit me

[22:40] <+Icey-> cause he knows

[22:40] <+Icey-> just like you

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- you get bullied by ur little brother

[22:40] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:41] <+Icey-> ight brh

[22:41] <+Icey-> bruh

[22:41] <+Icey-> its true though

[22:41] <@erik> [sTEVO] why don't you man up and talk on ts?

[22:41] <+Icey-> so got em

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- fakes like hes goin to the military

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> to try to be cool

[22:41] <+Icey-> [sTEVO] ?

[22:41] <+Icey-> what did i fake?

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> Icey- is like

[22:41] <+Icey-> let me prove you wrong :D

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> im shipping out next weekend

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> !

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> oh wait

[22:41] <+Icey-> ? never said that

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> got pushed bacK LMFAO

[22:41] <+Icey-> 4/4

[22:41] <+Icey-> it did, the government had lots of cut backs

[22:41] <+Icey-> 4/4 read the news

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> got pushed bacK LMFAO

[22:41] <+[sTEVO]> got pushed bacK LMFAO

[22:41] <+Icey-> 5/5*

[22:42] <+[sTEVO]> fucking retard LMFAO

[22:42] <+Icey-> ok 1 moment

[22:42] <@erik> i feel bad for you [sTEVO]

[22:42] <@erik> tbh

[22:42] <+[sTEVO]> ok 1 moment im gonna prove im a fucking idiot - Icey-

[22:42] <@erik> did you ever have a father [sTEVO] ?

[22:42] <%[nick]> that ur an idiot?

[22:42] <+Icey-> sec [nick]

[22:42] <+Icey-> [sTEVO]

[22:43] <+[sTEVO]> kyle federico has 3 friends on facebook

[22:43] <+[sTEVO]> gino and his dead parents

[22:43] <@erik> [sTEVO]

[22:43] <@erik> do you plan on going to school?

[22:44] <+Icey-> [sTEVO]

[22:44] <+Icey-> my first date was 4/16/12

[22:44] <+Icey-> then got pushed back to 6/18/12

[22:44] <+Icey-> now since i have to get surgery

[22:44] <+[sTEVO]> LOL

[22:44] <+Icey-> ill probly leave in august lol

[22:44] <+[sTEVO]> next jokr

[22:44] <+Icey-> or july

[22:44] <+Icey-> its not a joke :/ ?

[22:44] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life

[22:44] <+Icey-> want me to vid my surgery bro!?

[22:44] <@erik> [sTEVO] you pump gas for a living

[22:44] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life

[22:45] <@erik> how retarded r u

[22:45] <@erik> lmfao

[22:45] <+Icey-> [sTEVO]


[22:45] <+Icey-> a paki manages your paycheck

[22:45] <+Icey-> =]

[22:45] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life

[22:45] <+[sTEVO]> you dont even get a paycheck LMFDA

[22:45] <+[sTEVO]> you dont even get a paycheck LMFAO

[22:45] <@erik> you are too [sTEVO] with that job

[22:45] <@erik> lmfao

[22:45] <@erik> part time

[22:45] <@erik> [sTEVO] tbh

[22:45] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life

[22:45] <@erik> if you're gonna talk shit about having a job

[22:45] <+[sTEVO]> you dont even get a paycheck LMFAO

[22:45] <@erik> have a decent job

[22:46] <@erik> with decent pay

[22:46] <@erik> full time

[22:46] * Petitbleuet (~mcdjo_992@620E0E92.BEBA4E74.4AF3A595.IP) has joined #rot-priv

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[22:46] <@erik> not fucking

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> YOU HAVE NO JOB

[22:46] <@erik> part time job

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:46] <@erik> pumping gas

[22:46] <@erik> you pump gas for a living though

[22:46] <@erik> lmfao

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> YOU HAVE NO JOB

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:46] <+Icey-> ok lets get this straight [sTEVO]

[22:46] <@erik> that means nothing in america bro

[22:46] <+Icey-> stop

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> Icey-

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> LMFAO

[22:46] <@erik> pumping gas is meaningless

[22:46] <+Icey-> listen

[22:46] <+Icey-> the only reason why you have a job is to

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> at least i got a job erik

[22:46] <+Icey-> 1 pay for ur gas n food

[22:46] <@erik> part time job

[22:46] <@erik> lmfao

[22:46] <+Icey-> 2 insurance

[22:46] <+Icey-> thats it

[22:46] <+[sTEVO]> at least i got a job erik

[22:46] <@erik> pumping gas

[22:46] <@erik> [sTEVO] you study?

[22:47] <@erik> lmfao

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> at least i got a job erik

[22:47] <+Icey-> thats ALL u work for [sTEVO]

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> at least i got a job erik

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> at least i got a job erik

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> at least i got a job erik

[22:47] <+Icey-> thats ALL u work for [sTEVO]

[22:47] <@erik> you're too dumb to read a book

[22:47] <+Icey-> thats ALL u work for [sTEVO]

[22:47] <+Icey-> thats ALL u work for [sTEVO]

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life Icey-

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life Icey-

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life Icey-

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life Icey-

[22:47] <@erik> [sTEVO] last time you went near a job?

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> ur just a retard whos gonna live off his parents his whole life Icey-

[22:47] <@erik> [sTEVO] last time you went near a job? LMFAO

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> .ig erik

[22:47] <@erik> lmfao

[22:47] <@erik> LMFAO

[22:47] <@erik> LAMFAOSF

[22:47] <@erik> yes

[22:47] <@erik> i won

[22:47] <@erik> omfg

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> im trying

[22:47] <@erik> yes~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[22:47] <@erik> lmaosldoalsda

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> to watch a movie

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> u dumb spic

[22:47] <@erik> lmfao

[22:47] <+Icey-> thats ALL u work for [sTEVO] [ 1: food/gas money 2: insurance ]

[22:47] <@erik> movies online cuz dont got friends irl?

[22:47] * Alfy is now known as Alfy[AFK|BNC]

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> .ig Icey-

[22:47] <@erik> lmfao

[22:47] <+[sTEVO]> cya retards

[22:47] <@erik> lmfao

[22:47] <+Icey-> HAHAAH

[22:48] <@erik> lmfao

[22:48] <@erik> yes!!!!

[22:48] <@erik> omfg

[22:48] <@erik> Icey-

[22:48] <@erik> lets save the logs




will keep you updated as we slay [stevo] daily on IRC aka make retards mad

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X  Icey  X

Got verbally shut down, back to gas pumping

Edited by X Icey X

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Cya div stevo.

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Got verbally shut down, back to gas pumping

i bullied you out of rot and you begged to be back in lmfao

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[22:29] <+[sTEVO]> ur both virgins

[22:29] <+Icey-> ive been to virginia?

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Shadow X

[22:42] <+[sTEVO]> ok 1 moment im gonna prove im a fucking idiot - Icey-

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Guest Desire

[22:35] <@erik> why would anyone sit on the computer anyways

[22:35] <+Icey-> nice one.

[22:35] <@erik> who does that?

[22:35] <@erik> you must be retarded [sTEVO]

[22:35] <@erik> Icey-

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <@erik> this retard probably

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+[sTEVO]> erik Icey- NICE LIFE LOL

[22:35] <+Icey-> 2/2 ?

[22:35] <@erik> sits on his computer

[22:35] <@erik> and watch chair

[22:35] <@erik> all day

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Expected tbh

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