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1-99 Fishing Guide dawg

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Hello and welcome to a guide to help you achieve 99 Fishing! What a task and this could be so overwhelming to grasp your new head around so I will break this into small pieces to help you on your quest. However, I will not be doing like most guides and telling you everything possible to catch and everything possible to catch them with. I will tell you my ways (which will work) to gain fast experience and the best methods used by any fisher out there.
P.S. I do not wish to bore you with long text, so I will it sleek and easy to navigate ENJOY!


At this point your are bare bones and I will assume you have just started! Congratulations and welcome to Lumbridge.

This is the path in which you much venture to get to the town of Draynor. The red dot locatd on the right is where you spawn as a new member of the community, the red path is the one you should click along to make it to Draynor Bank at which point bank all of your items except for the Small Fishing NetSmall%20net.png

Now, take this path from the bank to the back of it where people are consistently chopping willows. With your net in your inventory begin to look for the fishing spot that gives you this option when you Right-click it:
Click it and you will start diving into the water and catching your first fish: Shrimp raw_shrimp.png(15 exp ea.)
Continue this and bank if you wish to keep them at the bank I gave you directions to earlier.

At level 15 you will begin to start catching a type of fish in conjunction to shrimp and that is: Anchoviesraw_anchovy.png(60 exp ea.)
Keep at it and you will soon be to level 20 in no time.
Time to move on up with our fishing standards. We won't waste anytime at all, time to Fly-Fish! Now keep in mind the title says 20+ this is because some people consider this the fastest method of fishing to 99. I truly believe this as it has been proven time and time again, sadly Shilo Village isn't implemented yet so it may not be the fastest yet!


  1. Current Location
  2. Port Sarim- Fishing Shop
  3. Chicken Coop - Feathers

The goal here is to leave (with gold, not much just enough to buy a new fishing item!) Draynor (1) and walk to Port Sarim's fishing shop(2) to buy: Fly Fishing Rod fly_fishingrod.png

From there venture to (3) on the map, I led you here because this Chicken Coop is much less congested and a much better alternative to gain: FeathersFeather.png!

Keep in mind this is not the only method of getting copious amount of feathers. The fishing shops carry them, giving that there isnt a good enough supply to gain you 99 fishing! So I suggest to start here and last as long as you can getting a surplus of 10k+ at a time. Players also sell these for a high price of 50 ea since there is a large demand for them.
To start your first fly fishing experience venture north to the allotted path in the map to Barbarian village and to the second red dot. Here you will find the right click option of:
Choose Lure

For right now this is your method of catching: Raw TroutRaw_Trout.png (75 exp ea.)
and soon after at 30 fishing you will begin getting a mixture of trout and: Raw SalmonRaw_salmon.png (105 exp ea.)

Keep in mind the best idea and fastest is to drop these after your inventory gets fool so do not expect a profit at all this way!
The good thing about this is that it is exactly the same as last method except you stop here at level 40.!
Congratulations you have now gained the ability to catch the most profitable fish in the game. So let's get started and get you to the best place to fish.


  1. Barbarian Village
  2. Catherby - Fishing Shop
  3. Catherby - Bank

So starting from (1) Barbarian Village go off the the west and take the tedious path I have layed out for you through White Wolf Mountain. Do not fear it, it is a simple feat. Finally until you reach (2) and venture into the shop to buy a: Lobster CageLobster%20Cage.png

Now that you have this go a bit south of the shop until you reach the fishing spots there which give you the option:

Choose Cage

Now here you will be catching: Raw LobstersRaw_Lobster.png(135 exp ea.)
This is the fastest profitable way to get to 99 and a very viable option as lobsters are efficient and sell pretty fluent through every person. Remember to bank those lucious things in (3) the bank!


From 40-80 is of course the exact same process, just fish lobsters at Catherby. The good news is you will be staying at Catherby for the rest of your journey, so buddy up cause its gonna be a long ride!


Last stop on this guide I want you to learn the second, if not the most, profitable method to 99. From Catherby go ahead and stop by that glorious fishing spot one more time. This time I want you to buy a: Harpoon Harpoon.png
Now go back to where you were currently fishing and start moving east, until the shore is at its farthest in, right click the fishing spots and find this:
Choose Harpoon (Also make sure it is these 2 options otherwise you will begin catching tuna/swordfish)
Congratulations you are now catching, at a decent rate I might add, the one and only: Raw SharkRaw_Shark.png(165 exp ea.)
Note: These will seem significantly slower than lobsters, well that's because it is. Just get used to it and you wont have any trouble at all changing paces as Raw Sharks sell for a sufficient amount more than lobsters however.

That's it guys! Enjoy that new 99 skill in no time with tons of gold in your bank. I have now let you pass through the gates of... knowlege? Hell I don't know just get out there and fish.

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fishing lobs atm in catherby gonna get to sharks make $$bank$$

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Gonna be camping Catherby for a while fishing lobbies.

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