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Dans tank

A public/intro teamspeak?

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Dans tank

Ok going to skip straight to the point,


As an intro you are told to stay active in irc/cc make friends


most of the time irc is inactive no1 speaks and if they do they aint members and in clan chat you can only talk so much before you get on people nerves i guess.


wouldn't it be so much easier to make a public team speak for intro's/applicants/members just to chat on to get to know the community more and do group events to make friendships/get known among the community leaders could idle it and it would be easier to make a decision on peoples intros as you would know them and could judge them on more that just a few posts and there clan history.


feedback appreciated



EDIT: woop 100 poost count



Just read some feedback and even a channel in the official rot team speak just for intro's would work also could be easily been montiord this way

Edited by Dans tank

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Wouldn't be such a bad idea I guess.

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I'd like that as well, would lessen the feeling of being an outsider a little.

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countless people who didn't know many members when they introed have managed to get involved with the community, even during times when the cc wasn't public so I'm sure it can still be done, it's just a matter of effort


this might sound a little arrogant/egoistic but a lot of us enjoy having a teamspeak as a place where only we can go to

Edited by Daniela

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Good idea in theory but I don't see it working like you expect it. People will just stay on normal ts and the public one would be dead except for intros.

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Dans tank

countless people who didn't know many members when they introed have managed to get involved with the community, even during times when the cc wasn't public so I'm sure it can still be done, it's just a matter of effort


this might sound a little arrogant/egoistic but a lot of us enjoy having a teamspeak as a place where only we can go to

everyone has there opinion its fine i understand your view also

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Wouldn't work out

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Back in the day you weren't allowed on teamspeak at all unless it was a fight that intros were allowed to come too. For years in this clan and many others people have done it this way. If you can't then...

2 bad so sad?


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Good idea in theory but I don't see it working like you expect it. People will just stay on normal ts and the public one would be dead except for intros.


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Guest Desire

countless people who didn't know many members when they introed have managed to get involved with the community, even during times when the cc wasn't public so I'm sure it can still be done, it's just a matter of effort


this might sound a little arrogant/egoistic but a lot of us enjoy having a teamspeak as a place where only we can go to

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Waste of money for such a small number of people who would benefit from it lol

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Back in the day you weren't allowed on teamspeak at all unless it was a fight that intros were allowed to come too. For years in this clan and many others people have done it this way. If you can't then...



2 bad so sad?


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