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Feasting on Di

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Yeah so earlier in the day Supercoke was trying to kill green dragons and a group of Di members killed him.




At that point b289 led about 10 of us to go hit them in single but they had switched to multi pking by the time we got ready. For the next hour our PK would consist of us walking around with like 15 people and clearing randoms (AF/NR/PH?)


Soon enough we heard Di was on W2, so we hopped there and went after them. They saw us and logged out. We went to 50, they saw us, and logged out, however, on world 67, they didn't get away.


Reign of Terror Starting: 45-60 opts

Damage Inc Starting: 90 opts




The fight started by new gate and both clans called a mandatory (well it had been mand for Di for 15 mins before this). Di didn't run away instantly because they outnumbered us, nobody should really make the mistake of thinking otherwise. This wasn't some legitimate attempt to be a competitive clan, it was a cowardly move because they knew they had twice the numbers on us. However, despite calling a mand, they couldn't really match our skill, and because of that, within 20 minutes Di was cleared and called off returning.








Reign of Terror Ending: 42 people

Damage Inc Ending: 20:36:33 | Brian``: 45



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thanks for the fight

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Send your loot this way



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Good fight

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Guest Desire

thanks for the fight hope to do it again soon this time

Edited by Desire

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Everytime we fight DI it's just a fucking feast



So much fucking loot.

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Thanks for the fight, shame i only made the end. Hope you decide to fight us again

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Much loot was had. Somewhere between 5-7 kills and 0 deaths.

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Can't believe I missed this..

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missed it , gf di

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