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Things you miss from post 07?

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dragon boots i think should be added somehow

people were saying having something drop dragon spikes that you add to your rune boots so they dont become useless

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God wars

hp run pray in the upper right

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i miss...

dragon claws


pack yaks

chaotic shitstorms

staff of light

divine spirit shield


i miss the good days of pking

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only thing i miss is Search tab and castlewars :p

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Perfected x


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Guest B0rntowildy

Clan competition

Pvp worlds with ep

Somewhat godwars, it might've changed pvp for better or for worse, but it was pretty much the only pvm I'd ever do.

Bank search


I actually hated the HP and pray in the upper right, it became nearly impossible to smite a person.

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Things I kinda miss but not necessarily want back:


Bank tabs

Bank searching


HP/Pray/Run orbs by the minimap


Quick Prays

Auto join CC



Kuradal Slayer master


there fixed it

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I think dging was actually pretty fun when groups of ppl from rot did it, got all the way to 100 just from hangin out in ts while ethan/michael/arjun slaved xD <3



Other than that yea I wouldn't mind a terrorbird or quick prayers. I feel like the updates Jagex implemented could have worked if they kept them out of the wilderness/kept them non pvp items. Oh well


Things I kinda miss but not necessarily want back:

Bank tabs

Bank searching


HP/Pray/Run orbs by the minimap


Quick Prays

Auto join CC


Kuradal Slayer master


there fixed it



Just read this and agreed bank tabs/searching and cs/ls was great too. I also enjoyed corp a lot but I don't really think I'd actually want it back cuz obvsly no divines n shit

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Dark Nite666

godwars wouldn't be too bad.

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Tbh I always thought the best time for P2P multi was when 26k/76k Bh/PvP worlds , always active no matter what time of the day it was

Kill someone for a max hybrid set with dfs and ags, get glory and d boots










Then again kill someone for a cmb bracelet and climbing boots and you get a d full helm

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