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Monday: RoT vs Top 5 FT EoS

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So we heard DI were getting a fight in the wilderness and massed up to make sure this atrocity didn't occur. We massed up a quick 50 people and headed out to hit their fight with DF. For the first 30 minutes of the fight they fought for a total of about 5 minutes before spamming 'Clear RoT!!!!'. EoS turned up with 25 people after a quick mass and the original 2 vs 2 began.


EoS Starting - 80 Opts

DF + DI starting - 300 Opts

RoT Starting 150 Opts











We proceeded in smacking them 2 vs 2 for about an hour or so until, knowing even with more opts two clans were never going to be enough to win, they called VR. VR started with 90 opts and I don't remember seeing them with more than 90 opts the whole fight but they gained to over 40 on teamspeak.


The fight was now a 2 vs 3 and the opts at this time were as follows:

EoS: 100 Opts

RoT: 210 Opts

DF + DI + VR: 450 Opts (150+210+90)


Even with all these opts against us our pile never lost it's KO power or binds. With EoS killing returners at mossies and clashing with DF we proceed to fight VR + DI who both had embarrasing binds and spam given the numbers they had against us. After 3 hours or so since the original fight, DI/DF/VR all ran to old gate, from where we were fighting, and proceeded to logg out. Probably due to the fact they were all still dropping on TS whereas we still had 70 online and EoS 30. We rushed old gate but they'd all logged out (they'd tryed to take fake ending a few times before but we'd managed to hit them before they logged). After taking a quick ending we went to w75 and chased DI down in P2P where all their members teleported out.














RoT Ending: 200 Opts (70 on TS)

EoS Ending: 90 Opts or so

DI + DF + VR Ending: 0 (Combined TS numbers made for 200 Opts having dropped a lot)






Was some great action from all clans today so props for that, amusing for us how bad you guys are though, honestly.

Edited by Andrew

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they mad

Edited by Indoff

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Too easy lol.

Edited by ecotecv

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Guest Desire

was so funny seeing foy boy (di ranked) return in 1 item blast. was good shit

Edited by Desire

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mongs tried ending 3 times finally faked it spastics tbh

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Broseph Joe

Strongest clan 2013.

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20+ kills 8(?) deaths


Quality > Quantity


embarassing fake ending di btw lmfao

Edited by bereadytodie

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Was nice to actually have a challenging fight, shame these days that takes the rest of the significant clan world to fight us

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#1 then, now, forever

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was fun tbh, kind of sad considering they were outnumbering us by heaps yet took the first opportunity to try and bail to mg in order to take ending.

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thanks for the fight, was fun, and thanks for the run (G) and 500k cash drop " Off Him Now" :)

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Good fight.. Shame it took you 3 clans to attempt to bring us down. Until next time!

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Can still not believe they had to mass snipe in a 3v2 lmfao (with eos having 35 people?)

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