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Missed you guys ready to tear shit up like the old days!

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hell yeah nigga pker 4 lyfe welcome aboard homie

Edited by Danne

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ohh whats goooddd!!! Hell yeaa I remember you bro! how you been!?

fucking fantastic bro!


Thats whats upp!! whats your rsn now?? add me brothaa


Its Diamond5Duv (THH)

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In all srs you shud just buy an acct from a rot member instead of starting all over again

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holy shit lol, been a while man how you been? thought you died

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LOL brett naa man im alive and well I fucking got perm banned years ago and quit playing and one day just for shits and giggles i appealed it and it said all the things were expired and it let me have my account back. But im back now and ready to get shit poppin again with you guys!! Hello to everyone that I didnt say hey back too!

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ohh whats goooddd!!! Hell yeaa I remember you bro! how you been!?

fucking fantastic bro!


Thats whats upp!! whats your rsn now?? add me brothaa


Its Diamond5Duv (THH)


Alright I added you bro

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Hey man, you might remember me i'm Jao


welcome back

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Hey man, you might remember me i'm Jao


welcome back

Yeaa i think I do mann! Thankyou!

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Whats upp? Hows it going??

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Guest Desire

hows it goingg??? And just chilling trying to get this account going fucking sucks starting over with nothing.

hey im rly oldschool man rsn is sam egnar from mb lol how r u doing?



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yo whats up man

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hows it goingg??? And just chilling trying to get this account going fucking sucks starting over with nothing.

hey im rly oldschool man rsn is sam egnar from mb lol how r u doing?




tryed to add you it says unknown player??? And im good mann just living the life wbu???

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