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New OSRS Dev Blog

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First part is a bunch of shit about slayer that nobody will care about, second part is about the Christmas event (rainbow & black partyhats) but the important part is:




As part of pre-launch feedback to PvP worlds, we've taken on board that there is a specific demand for high risk PvP and Wilderness worlds. These are worlds where essentially, it's no holds barred. The protect from item prayer is turned off and you are perma-skulled so anything you are carrying is something you would lose if you were killed. This should hopefully add more risk and more reward to those daring enough to engage in high risk combat whilst at the same time, hampering those who get away with 1-item griefing.
We're not sure whether we want one world of each, two of each world or just one PvP world which is high risk all over the world, including the Wilderness. Feedback on this would be much appreciated!


Question: Should we introduce a high risk PvP world and a high risk wilderness world where the protect item prayer is disabled?


Question: Should we add a bank chest to the respawn locations on PvP worlds to stop players teleblocking you on the way to the bank?




Full list of questions:



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Own u 1107

Good, I hope they make it one world for pvp world

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any news on the run glitch update?

seriously wtf is taking that fat mother fucker so long?

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Eh don't really care about any of them tbh

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Will be dead theres already under 200 on the main pvp world and their gonna add one where there will be just dds fights? Yea... on the other side u culd get decent multi fights then i guess

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  On 11/15/2013 at 10:09 PM, Zlat said:

any news on the run glitch update?

seriously wtf is taking that fat mother fucker so long?

They don't care about it, Mad K just posted saying that they were working on it on Zybez to stop people from asking him

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  On 11/15/2013 at 10:09 PM, Zlat said:

any news on the run glitch update?

seriously wtf is taking that fat mother fucker so long?

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Smh, wheres the fuckin question about EP fkn block heads :|

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Devil King93
  On 11/15/2013 at 10:09 PM, Zlat said:



  On 11/15/2013 at 10:31 PM, grab said:


  On 11/15/2013 at 10:09 PM, Zlat said:

any news on the run glitch update?

seriously wtf is taking that fat mother fucker so long?



Edited by Devil King93

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black and rainbow phats..............

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