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ZERK W/ 99 str-att?

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Pure are bad, mkay? In f2p def really counts. Good luck tanking with 45 def.

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don't think so dude,45 def sucks dick in multi

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No, we mainly do f2p so your 45 def will do 0x.

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75 is the lowest def i recommend other then that you'll get one hit all the time

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Switch your attack style to defensive my friend

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You need defense to join Rot like others have said. So if you're going to remain a zerk then this isn't the clan for you and also 45 def would suck in f2p since p2p is dead and clans are doing f2p a lot. So it's recommended to get def up if you plan on joining.

Edited by Ruon3bs

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Once you get 99 stre you will be able to post a topic in the introduction forum

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Switch your attack style to defensive my friend

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you should minimum 70 def i think so and 70pray gonna help too then :)

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Moo Lou

better off joining a runepure clan

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You would have to train def man


There is 1 rune pure clan

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