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Saturday: 7-0 less than half an hour

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VR posted a prep for today, we expected them to approach asking for a cap of some sort so they could claim some fake win. Deciding to post a fake win and giving us motivation to further humiliate you today probably wasn't your brightness move, you're not exactly a bright bunch though. We just told VR to meet us out in the wilderness and after they stalled again by about 10 minutes we walked down from spiders and rushed them north of mossies.

VR starting: 65 on TS
Reign of Terror starting: 58 on TS

The fights are relatively even numbers now with our pulls getting closer and closer to that of VR's. To no suprise VR are lasting a shorter amount of time each fight and immediately in this fight we destroyed VR. Their first pile getting dragged and VR never being able to recover. Our 50 man pile strolled around KOing people with ease while our 10 snipers easily dealt with VR's pile. After 10 minutes they were doing regroups and death marches, after 20 they were doing laps with 10 man fall ins. After 26 minutes VR logged out having been embarrassed off the world.









Reign Of Terror ending: 60+


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They should just close at this point lmfao

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i was there

Edited by Derek

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took longer for u to write the topic than it did to beat vr...

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Easy as fuck. 6 kills blasting 0 deaths.


04:32:23PM <erik> bitch
04:32:36PM <erik> i want 50 swat on me
04:32:43PM <erik> so i can wipe my ass 50x
04:34:59PM <erik> come north bitch
04:36:26PM <erik> Craiggg u coming or what pussy
04:37:11PM <erik> stop stalling ?
04:37:18PM <Craiggg> ?
04:37:22PM <Craiggg> stalling what
04:37:25PM <Craiggg> no time was set
04:37:59PM <erik> LMFAO
04:38:02PM <erik> fucking pussy
04:38:16PM <erik> whats next excuse
04:38:23PM <erik> not fighting because no cap?
04:38:44PM <Craiggg> 30min cap?
04:51:02PM <erik> Craiggg u niggas really regrouping
04:51:05PM <erik> 10 mins into the fight
04:51:32PM <Craiggg> are you
04:51:34PM <Craiggg> why
04:51:37PM <Craiggg> pretty sad
04:52:00PM <erik> english foreigner
04:59:15PM <erik> nigga rot is like
04:59:27PM <erik> unlimited g maul specing vr
04:59:27PM <erik> atm
04:59:31PM <erik> no cooldowns
04:59:47PM <Craiggg> jus tanked u off dough
05:05:00PM <erik> u logged?
05:05:01PM <erik> LMFOA

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Was only a 20 min cap though.. VR won

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Guest Evan

caps over log out

Edited by Evan

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They just get worse and worse

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cant believe they lasted 20 mins lol

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VR will probably gonna try to claim it was a 30 min cap heh

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Edited by Danne

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