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Born Two Pk

It is time to make things right..

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Born Two Pk

First let me introduce myself, my name is Jason I was apart of Kill Orgy, currently honoured on their forums (but not for long as you will understand if you read below) and I am here to make things right on my own behalf.


It has been a long road and having moved on from the game and putting all the very past beef aside I would like to tell you about one of your members who was a spy for us and is still currently in your clan.... That member being:




Let me explain: B0rntowildy is a scum bag who takes onions as a bribe, he had joined KO and was stuck needing an onion to complete a quest, I had the onion in my inventory and as collateral for giving him the onion he promised he would spy on a clan for us, and so began his career of deceiving antics and lies.


Clans he has spied on us for (past present and even future):



- Elite Pures of the Sky (the first clan he spied on us, mainly a mith pure clan, no loot just strictly provided us action)


- Ass on Table (a small forum clan which we smited a leader for a bgs back in the day)


- Not Worth (another small forum clan made up of mostly ass on table members [they disbanded after the leader lost the bgs]).


- Corruption (F2P clan, he was our main man, even managed to get app manager or some slave rank like that and would accept all of our spies / decline the actual good members, ultimately forcing them to make the public apology and soon after close as they realized their members were all spies [dnp would sell each spy to a specific clan for a profit]).


- KO (Yes, this scumbag even spied on his own clan for his own clan, talk about spy..)


Reign of Terror: (As hard as it is to believe, he is currently spying on all of you for us, there is currently a compilation of images and forum leaks in a subheading on our forums, we sell these to speicfic clans when the time of beef is right, this is how we are paying for our ts3, dnp's mansion etc.)


DI: (He has gotten out of control and being the minion of Dnp decided if he ever gets kicked from RoT he will move onto DI and spy on them for Dnp, if the time ever arose)


As hard as the above is to believe it is true, I am no longer playing the game and expect my rank on our forums to be taken away in the near future as soon as word of this post gets out (I am currently "Honoured")


Reason for doing this?

As I said before I am long past this game and just want to set some things straight I have already pmed other officials of other clans who we have done wrong to hoping to at least clear my own name as I no longer want to be apart of what was once a mess and am looking to follow in the path of the Buddha but in order to do the latter I must first clear my conscience completely. (Also I no longer want to keep funding Dnp's mansion.. He never even shares his wealth.. Stingy cunt)


That is all if you have any questions feel free to pm me on IRC.


Proof that the above is true ^





Edited by Born Two Pk

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DOWN WITH ERNIE @@!!!!!!!!!

Edited by RICE

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Born Two Pk

ty for coming clean

There is more to add on to this but doing so will go against the vow of silence I took when I first became a rank in the clan, so i apologize for leaving behind other minuscule details

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and why would we give a fuck about a dead team ? ko were never relevant at all lol.

how about you do us a favour and find yourself a nice deep lake and drown yourself




thx :gwas: :gwas: :gwas:

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Born Two Pk

and why would we give a fuck about a dead team ? ko were never relevant at all lol.

how about you do us a favour and find yourself a nice deep lake and drown yourself




thx :gwas: :gwas: :gwas:

I truly am sorry we have caused you so much distress, please.. If you should be mad at anyone it is b0rntowildy.. He has deceived us all unfortunately

Edited by Born Two Pk

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Thx Eyad lakers r shit kobe is shit not sry

Edited by Sh0w

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