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Eros es Rain

ROT App, by Eros es Rain

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Eros es Rain

Hey guy's and girl's, I know you have to apply somewhere else but I honestly don't know what I'm doing I tried to but it wasn't working properly for me, so...I guess this will be my app to Join R.O.T.



Eros es Rain. Combat 103.

Incomplete piety main 202/242 Qps, Fc , Torso.


Att: 75 Str: 95 (getting 99) Hp: 87 Def: 70 Range: 80 Mage: 94 1500+ total, B gloves Lunar's + Ancients. Pre eoc I was maxed turm zerk 60 attack got 81 attack in eoc to try chaotics and they sucked quit 1 month into EOC due to Combat system going dead and not being able to do dung (was 105 working towards 120 because I wasn't just a pker I never pvm'd before other than slayer/quests I can pick up on things very quickly feel free to look up my rs3 acc still 45 def around 2061 total.



About Eros es Rain, John. (P.S. Don't read if you do not wish too) :P

I don't mind 07 it's okay just kind of gets boring same old same old, I miss doungeneering with a passion and didn't realize it till EOC came out because I pked 24/7 and not to sound full of myself but I do consider myself a Highly Mastered Risk fighter, and Believe Risk fights are completely different than pking, if you want to test me out we can go on an RSPS Pre eoc and have some fun because those were the times in Rs I loved the most.


I believe in my opinion 07 pking doesn't take much skill, not stat wise I mean using hot keys tactics 1 tiks, (pot specs for the bk's :P ), and so on I want to join this clan because most of my good friends left thanks to the Forced update of EOC without any polls, vote, ect. I don't hate people who play EOC because they like it, the only reason Id have to hate you is thinking EOC is "what saved Rs or some crap because in my opinion, which is probably a statement EOC is complete garbage forced onto the community without player's having a say for or against EOC, Yes Pvming and High Detail looks nice but no it's terriable I wasn't always a Zerker pre eoc I had a maxed main as well and it's terriable, and if you think different think to yourself why Jagex has 07 (the version of Rs which a lot of the Eoc community think's is garbage, Remember this, Why do you think 07 is not separate payment in membership benefits and you get access to Eoc as well as 07 for your payments? Because We the 07 Community keep Jagex sorry excuse of a company afloat, Just saying I'd rather have 2012 Pre eoc servers back but I prefer club penguin over Eoc, sorry but it's a joke since when was my little pony introduced to a mid evil role playing online game?


There is so much wrong.. sorry for dragging on Just thought I'd share my thoughts so you want to avoid talking to me or talk with me and have a decent friendship. I love to Skype but I refuse to give it out due to DDosing and all that crap but IDM talking to you in game ect, unless we really become good friends might Skype.


I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT OF JOINING R.O.T. I simply want to join to make friends maybe even learn how to brid in 07, I don't like the switches ect, or even try out pvming.


I don't multi pk though I know how to I think its kind of lame


. I will probably make videos and would love to include that I'm a member of R.O.T. and help get more people to join because getting more people means more new faces I get to meet.


I love music it is my life. I listen to almost anything except county (sorry for you country singer lovers I just don't like it mainly because my parents use to listen to it and it sounds terriable:PP ) I hate commentary's they're over used and annoying as hell the only person who I will ever watch is Chrisarchie, other than that yeah. Live streams are pitiful people who watch those waste time (maybe you skill and watch them whatever Gay go watch Netflix or something in my opinion) XD I do not mean to offend anyone so if I have made you upset we can talk on Rs and be chill about it, I don't like arguing unless I completely have to I'm quiet 90% of the time but I have a voice.


Anyways I Hope I am accepted into the clan I do no know the Friends chat ect... Anyone who has read this far PM me in game I'm not too sure how to use the clan's web sight and would be nice to soon, Thank's guys and Merry Christmas I hope you all have a good time. - Eros es Rain

Edited by Eros es Rain

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'web sight' thx for trying but try again next christmas :x

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Lengthy topic looks as if you put plenty of effort in to it, Just it's in the wrong place has you've said.


http://rs-rot.net/forums/index.php?showforum=244 - This is the link to the introduction center. Click here, Read the pinned topics and use the Introduction format.


http://rs-rot.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45214 - Introduction Format




Merry Christmas.


Edit: Pretty sure you need 25 post count minimum before you can post in that section. Post around boards.

Edited by ThatBoyRange

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Edited by Eruzione

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what on the fuck ..


By order of the republic




~Mod Ales

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