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Happy Holidays from Reign of Terror!

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On behalf of @bullerik (praise be upon him) and the rest of the leadership team, I would like to wish all of our members and esteemed forum guests a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. The only thing stronger than @bullerik's (praise be upon him) rock solid abs is His iron will and determination to make 2014 an even better year for Reign of Terror. Unfortunately, for the other clans out there, that means an even more miserable experience in the coming year than in the current...if that's at all possible. However, @bullerik (praise be upon him), is not a merciless overlord; you will all be permitted to enjoy your holidays as @bullerik (praise be upon him) has announced a temporary ceasefire on the days of Christmas and the first day of the new year.

Don't get used to this luxury, though, because after January 1st, 2014, @bullerik (praise be upon him) will go back to drinking the tears of His rivals and ruling over the Runescape wilderness.

A new policy for 2014: Any 2 (or more) clans wishing to have a fight in the wilderness must first request permission from @bullerik (praise be upon him) using the official application form (release date TBA).

If your application is approved: the clans will be allowed to have their fight for as long as @bullerik (praise be upon him) sees fit; once that time has ended He will swoop in and end the fight, collecting the spoils of war.

If your application is denied: your clan will not be allowed to fight. If you try to hold the fight in secret, it will be swiftly dealt with and a penalty will be placed on the offenders; forbidding them from having another fight for a predetermined amount of time (anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 year, depending on severity of the crime).

No need to worry about that now, though. For now, have a happy holiday season.

- Reign of Terror Staff

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lmfao id love for the policy to be implemented

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Thanks! You have a good one too!

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Praise @BullErik!

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