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h u s s s a r 6 6

might as well

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h u s s s a r 6 6

thank you for the effort at least (Y) .

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hussar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 142

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h u s s s a r 6 6

hussar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 142


hmm...troll turns out to help something is fishy


explain the steps please

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h u s s s a r 6 6

Tried to minimize trolls and still end up with one that turns out to know?

Edited by h u s s s a r 6 6

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h u s s s a r 6 6

knew it was too good to be true, btw nty on links (so much numbers jumping out of my ears already).

Edited by h u s s s a r 6 6

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u just use SADMEP duh lol

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h u s s s a r 6 6

u just use SADMEP duh lol

ok sir.


start from here




show your work for the slow people like me i guess

Edited by h u s s s a r 6 6

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h u s s s a r 6 6

lol what a waste of time, nvm it's fine i'll just get this done tomorrow

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There is just no way i can go through all the training again. I'll have my fingers crossed for whatever that poll on rs is for.



........ should of done waterfall quest @ lvl 3 = auto lvl 30 cb

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h u s s s a r 6 6






There is just no way i can go through all the training again. I'll have my fingers crossed for whatever that poll on rs is for.



........ should of done waterfall quest @ lvl 3 = auto lvl 30 cb


ty but to much of a hassle to even log into rs atm, rather just wait for the possible update on the main rs

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