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Got this on Monday, thanks to Jared for giving me advice on how to blood burst. :gwas: :gwas: :gwas:


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It just got nerfed a few days ago haha :p


Grats Billygodz :) Solid training and just beat the nerf.




We've just released a patch to NMZ regarding the equipment it supplies. Here's what we wrote in the dev blogs before the game was launched:

To get around it, the game will supply critical items that you need for the fight. For example, it'll supply anti-dragon shields if you're due to meet Elvarg, secateurs if you're due to meet the Tanglefoot, a suitable pickaxe if you're due to meet the Slagilith, some death runes and elemental runes if you're due to meet Chronozon, etc.

However, there's been a long-standing bug whereby a Rumble dream would sometimes supply equipment that you didn't need for the bosses in that dream. It depended partly on the order in which players entered the dream.

This has now been fixed, so the minigame supplies equipment for the monsters that can actually appear in the dream. Runes are therefore supplied only if you're due to face the Dagannoth Mother, Gelatinnoth Mother or Chronozon. Anything else should be killable without specific runes.

To make this work, the equipment won't appear until the party's finished assembling. We've therefore slightly increased the time you've got before the monsters start spawning so that you have ample time to equip yourselves.

Although this bug's been around for months, we simply haven't seen it come through on the form in the 'Report Bugs Here' thread. Please don't forget to use that thread to bring bugs to our attention - we won't always spot the message if you post them elsewhere.

Mod Ash

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Gratz man! and yea it did get nerf sadly. :(

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Duck Sitting

you couldn't have picked a better time to get it lol

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Grats on 99 Mage :)

Good to see you managed to get it before the nerf!

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gratz gj on not being late

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