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Thursday: 17+ hour P2P PK

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woot was fun ownaging owners

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pked a whip + zammy hasta, ty for loot af

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Own u 1107

Everyone made bank today

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Look at all that lootie

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so what is the new update exactly? couldnt tell much from pics

long story short 6 new bosses added in Wild that drop new shields and d pick. its fun but 1 itemers are going to take over soon

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only got 2 kills since everyone basically ran and logged every time we logged into the world

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17hrs of mind fuck non stop pking.i hope we do this all week :D

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was a feast

thanks to af that fights back

di (H)

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30 kills 1 death l0l, so much loot my swag bag is burstin

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passed out 14 hours in


up 10m

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