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Wednesday - Last exclusive clan in the game

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Earlier today we got word VR had a planned PK trip for today, and of course we couldn't allow this to happen. While waiting for VR to finish massing (they massed for 50~ minutes), we went to watch DF and DI's planned fight with the numbers we had.


RoT Starting: 50 People


Eventually VR decided to hop over and logged in right next to us, which, as you can imagine, was not the best start to their trip. Over the next 45 minutes VR members tried logging in one by one to scout if we had left (and died) while the rest of VR stayed logged out. They knew they wouldn't get around us and ended their near 2 hour trip after spending less than 5 minutes in the wilderness. We knew our job was done and basically walked around spamming random shit waiting for DF and DI's planned fight to end.


Around 10 minutes before their fight ended DI decided to randomly start spamming witty comments at us basically calling us out. Us being us, we never turn down a fight and bound their fall-in leader and told them to "say it one more time". Sure enough they did and instantly started to run to DF as we killed almost half their clan as they tried to run. At this point we got all 65 people in game and just went to town on both DF and DI - something no other clan in this game could even come close to doing. Just 20 minutes later, both DF and DI logged out before VR could finish massing for the second time today.


RoT Ending: 65 People




It's almost sad how every single clan apart from RoT has each others officials on speed dial, ready to team, at any time. I'm glad my clan can hold it's own without having to rely on others. We'll stay exclusive while you guys keep letting each other down.




















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Last fucking independent clan


It's a shame these clans can't function without each other, would be embarrassing to be in one of those clans

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Last fucking independent clan


It's a shame these clans can't function without each other, would be embarrassing to be in one of those clans

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But where was VR lol


Oh right they were logged out for an hour

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Congrats to those level 80 pures on killing more RoT members (1) than VR (0) today


DF & DI teaming..nothing new there (THH)

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was too easy

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