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Monday: Ancient Fury

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I was just about to get off to handle some business when I got word that recently mass recruited AF were walking around the wilderness. Knowing that AF instantly bail from us, I decided to only get 12 of the strongest warriors to come hunt AF. After a 5 minute mass, we headed out.

Reign of Terror starting: 12 people (Had to rush, no time for pics)
Ancient Fury starting: 27 on TS

I logged into world 330 with chat on hoping AF would come hit me and soon after they did. They rushed me at 50 portals and while I was tanking them, I called the warriors who were just around the corner. The fight commenced at 50 portals and being severely outnumbered, we got many easy one-hits which would buy us plenty of time for the rest of RoT to get there.

Once the numbers became kind of even, there was no stopping us. Flawless transitions and tanking by our members allowed us to get an easy lead on AF. Roughly 20 minutes after fighting at 50 portals, on a clean 1v1, AF weren't able to keep up and ran to new gate for a regroup. We chased them down to new gate where soon after we would have other clans make an appearance.

We pushed through and got into the middle of the storm. Suddenly, you would start seeing VR and JAJA piling only RoT members. At this point, we had 3 clans on us while DI attacked both us. We stuck through it and knowing we were outnumbered heavily, the intensity of teamspeak rose. We continued getting key piles and dropping many people within seconds. After clearing AF (while 2+ clans were on us), AF decided to regroup at GDS where we would chase them. We rushed GDS and after few minutes of fighting, they decided to run back to new gate and log.

See you around AF.

Reign of Terror ending: 53 on TS
Ancient Fury ending: 0


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15 kills

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woot was fun as fuk. Props to af for finally fighting back for once lol

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Guest B0rntowildy

Became quite easy when numbers got even.


Good fight

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You don't even have to guess who the nice dad spam was for


visiting hours are over

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lol AF already down to <30 man pulls? keep it up, don't forget RoT killed you

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Was fun, browner clans made it more interesting because without them we would've ended AF in 10 minutes. Good fight anyway shitbags

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Alliance loses again, zero people were surprised.

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It was fun but I expected more

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