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Wednesday: P2P fun with DI ft AF

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We heard shit clans were out in P2P so we quickly geared up and went on the hunt


Starting: 30x


We spotted DI in world 2 and rushed them at new gate. We slayed them there for a while before they dipped north and then to 50 port. After making a last stand there we swept them aside and they left the world. AF was there as well I guess but I can't remember what happened to them rofl













We tracked them through their next worlds. We rushed them on w70 new gate and they insta logged so we followed them into w45 where the fight restarted. This time it was a bigger and longer fight and moved around between new gate and 50 port.








Eventually AF rushed in to do some barraging but they're shit and ended up bailing into water maze hoping to catch us in a barrage pile when we chased, but we ain't retarded (unlike some leaders) so they just logged out.




However the night wasn't finished. DI remassed off world and went back to new gate so we logged into w35 underneath them and re-engaged. I think AF was there again but can't remember what they did. After another scrap they called it a night gg


thx for hasta B7NbBtK.jpg





We are RoD, we are coming.


Edited by Andrew

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p2p gods !!!!

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Shadow X

Thanks for fighting back, was easy.


Nobody knew what AF was doing because they were Gwasballing stragglers way outside the clump.

Edited by X X Shadow X

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im the best tank

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Devil King93

nice lads

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At least DI fought back shame AF didn't want a piece of rod

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