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Friday: P2P Feast

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After our 10 hours of straight feasting yesterday we decided to go p2p pking to make bank once again and also hoping for a fight. Unfortunately, there is literally NO clans or teams that can compete with us in p2p. At the very start of our pk we ran into a few AF hoping they would give us a battle but after depleting their entire banks on Wednesday they would try to log at the sight of a ROT member. However, before they could even click their log out buttons in fear, we would catch 3-4 of them for bank loot including their +1 items just as we did yesterday. The rest of the night a few af would attempt to kill lava dragons to make their banks back (l0l?) but they wouldn't be seen in pk gear again. We continued 1 hitting anyone and everyone including a few random teams (including ac and ts) receiving very valuable runescape items over and over. Just another day of making bank in the most active rs clan.
P.S. sorry for slumping you again AF better luck next mass recruit




Edited by Fuzzy Adam

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ya we did that

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Pooped on em


AF is dead

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even at 10am the brits can't compete

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Devil King93

bank loot

Edited by Devil King93

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Wow sick loots!

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We smashed

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