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Tuesday: 2 wins, 1 day

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I got word early in the morning DF had a 2 day prep with VR and we decided to come make sure they pay their taxes for being in our wilderness. Upon confirming DF and VR began their mass, we decided to wait a bit because they mass terribly slow, but our goal was to hit them within the first minutes of starting their fight. As the fight started, we were in full force ready to hit one hit anyone. We located DF and VR at greater demons and we while making our way there, I'd say probably one-third of their clan made a good donation to us but we weren't going to let this loot keep us away from disrupting the fight.

We set up south of greater demons and began beating on VR who were rolling away on their wheelchairs. Thank god this is a game or else I'd be in jail for condoning this kind of shit. But relentlessly we continued pressure on VR and made sure they came to us. DF and VR would march towards us together but when they walked back, we would just fly planes into their jaws and put them in the cheapest of garbage bags. Soon enough VR realized too many of their members were dying so they instructed their members (the 10 who can speak english) to camp RoT in single and since we were in adamant, we brought them south and strategically lured them into multi and would drop many of their members. We pretended to walk away and just repeated this over and over until VR told their members to go back north, but we stuck on them. VR, with no where to go and angered, told their members to go back south and camp us. We repeated our tactic and by this time VR was nowhere near the original fight. DF angrily waited at old gate while we kept VR busy. After about 20 minutes, DF gave up on their 2 day prep and left the wilderness. But VR decided to stay on us, while we were in adamant, trying to pick a fight — big mistake.

We continued moving VR across the wilderness and repeating our previous tactic but this time we had instructed everyone to return in real gear. We continued messing with them until at least a good portion of us were in real gear and once we were ready we rushed them and a fight broke out south of spiders. We've been outnumbered to shit before but it will never faze us. At this point VR had about 60 people on TS (including 6 clan friends, and 5 AF, and a DF member) vs 50 RoT (every person on TS was 100% RoT). Keep in mind this doesn't include the AF that didn't join VR ts and the DF that were sniping us. We started wearing down VR's main pile and taking out their retarded members and forced VR to mass snipe at RDG. VR would attempt to regroup NW of RDG before going to GDS. Once at GDS, even though it was a really messy, we kept our composure and remained determined to win. Our brave 50 warriors began doing work until the point that VR members stopped returning in rune. We used this to our advantage and it wasn't long before we took yet another victory.

DF/VR had no fight. We beat VR right after. Easy wins. Set up another fight. I'll see you around in our wilderness.

Only lazy and weak clans use autochat to fight.

Reign of Terror ending: 50 people
Violent Resolution ending: 0 (had 62 people on TS when ending lmfao)
Divine Forces ending: 0
Ancient Fury ending: 0


Note: apparently two DF members showed up on their TS but I wasn't able to get pic because my leak had to go sometime after this pic. So much for AF talking about how they don't care or help VR but yet they go on their TS lmfao.

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How are you so fucking shit VR?


Where was DF?


Are AF even alive?



so many questions so little time

Edited by Zlat

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Devil King93
was fun gj rot (Y)

lmao vr










Edited by Devil King93

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too easy

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glow1:wave:L M F A O L M F A O L M F A O

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Gf shitters lmfao DF left you l0l0l

Edited by Badgers

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Guest jeffreyp

gf 10 kills 2 deaths blasted whole fight

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I guess DF finally realized that VR is hopeless?



Edited by Fasty

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How are you so fucking shit VR?


Where was DF?


Are AF even alive?



so many questions so little time

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you all fucking suck srs

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This is why i'm rod

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