Sv` Report post Posted June 27, 2014 With the recent addition of Clan Wars to Old School, now seems like a fitting time to announce the Clan Cup 2014. While PvP will make up the majority of the event, this year’s Clan Cup will also see the addition of two PvM cups and one Skilling cup. On the 7th July registration will open for the Clan Cup and we would like your feedback prior to this.PvP CupsThis year there will be five PvP cups for clans to compete in; All-Out Cup, Pure Cup, Capped Cup, King of the Hill and Team Cup.The All-Out Cup is what it says on the tin, it is an all-out battle and you can bring as many people as you can pull. This Cup will highlight those clans with really active players who know how to fight in large groups.The Pure Cup is the same as the All-Out Cup, but Defence-noobs are not allowed. All participating clan members must be 25 Defence or lower.The Capped Cup limits the amount of players you bring to each battle to 30 per clan. This cup will highlight high level clans with really strong war leadership and organisation.The Team Cup will be limited to 8 players per side and is a great chance for small PK teams to show that they are best PvPers in Old School.The King of the Hill Cup will be a great way for clans to show that they can do more than just kill. Every war will take place in the King of the Hill game mode available at Clan Wars and will be limited to 30 members per side. An objective to achieve brings a new challenge to the table for any competing clans. Only clans that truly know how to work as a unit will be able to stand a chance in this cup.PvM CupsThere will be two PvM cups; the Endurance Cup and Head-to-Head Cup. Any events taking place within the PvM cup will be held at the PvM Arena.The PvM Arena will be a safe area in which different boss monsters will be spawned depending on the event taking place. Clan leaders will be able to access the PvM Arena and invite their members between the times of 6pm BST Saturday and 2am BST Sunday.The Endurance Cup will test a clan’s ability to make the least mistakes possible and to know the bosses they are up against. A group of 15 clan members will be invited into the PvM Arena in which a series of bosses will spawn once per minute. The challenge is to get as many kills as possible before the last member of the team dies, and the two teams that top that list will move on into a final Endurance challenge.The Head-to-Head Cup is a battle between two clans to steal kills away from the opposition. Both clans will be set up in the PvM Arena where bosses will be randomly spawned, the clan that deals the most damage to any boss that spawns will get a point. The clan that has the most points by the end of the one hour time limit will be the victor.To prevent any underhanded tactics being used, there will be a display board outside that will display the results of the events that have taken place. SkillingThe Skilling Cup will allow skilling clans to test their total levels against each other. Each week a different skill will be chosen and the Skilling Arena will be opened up to 5 members of each clan for one hour. The Skilling Arena will be filled to the brim with resources to train the skill of the week, and the clan that gains the most points by training the skill in the arena will take home the gold. The Skilling Arena will only be available for the timed challenge during the Skilling Cup and no experience will be gained there.At the end of the 5 weeks that the Clan Cup will run for, the Skilling clan with the most points will be declared the winner of the Skilling cup.As with the PvM Arena, there will be a notice board outside of the Skilling Arena to show the results of any events that have taken place. Global Rules - These rules will apply throughout all cups.1. Event time and world a) All events must take place between 6pm BST Saturday and 2am BST Sunday each week. b) All conversation regarding the times and world for the event must take place on the appropriate Cup Planning thread. c) Only leaders must post in the Cup Planning threads. d) Where necessary, both leaders must post agreement to a time and world on the appropriate Cup Planning thread by 23:59 BST on the Friday prior to the event weekend. e) If one leader suggests a time and date and no response is made from the second leader, the time for the event will be at the time and on the world the first leader originally suggests. f) If the two leaders cannot agree on a date or a world the time of the event will be at 8pm BST on the Saturday of the event weekend and the world will be world 333.2. Event Clan Member Rules a) Only those members listed as members of your clan when you registered can be used during a clan event.3. Event Result a) The winner of the event should post the result on the Clan Cup Results thread within one hour of the event being completed. b) The defeated clan leader has 24 hours from the time of this post to raise any disputes. c) Should your opponent not show up within 15 minutes of the starting time, you will win by default. d) Should your opponent not show up within 15 minutes, post in the appropriate Clan Cup Result thread within one hour of the start of the event that you have won by default. e) In the event of no posts about the event result by 23:59 on the Sunday following the event, both clans will be disqualified.4. Multi clanning a) Players may only represent one clan in any cup that they enter, however they may represent different clans in different cups.5. Disputes a) If you believe that your opponent has broken any of the rules above, post in the appropriate Clan Cup Disputes thread. b) Any dispute must be accompanied by evidence, we will accept evidence in any form although video or screenshot is preferable6. Byes a) It may be necessary to grant byes to clans due to the amount of entrants. If this should be necessary, we will do so by selecting clans at random to receive these byes.PvP Rules1. All battles must take place in the clan wars arena.2. The arena being used will be determined by the representatives of each clan and confirmed in the PvP Clan Cup Planning thread.3. Both leaders must post agreement to an arena and set of rules on the PvP Clan Cup Planning thread by 23:59 BST on the Friday prior to the battle weekend.4. If one leader suggests an arena and no response is made from the second leader, the arena and rules will be at those that the first leader originally suggests.5. If no agreement is made between the two clan leaders, the following default arena and rules will be used a. Arena: Turrets b. All combat styles allowed c. Food and drinks allowed d. Special attacks allowed e. All spellbooks allowed f. All prayers allowed g. All miscellaneous options disabled h. Stragglers: Kill ‘em all6. All battles are non-returning7. All-out a. No limit on clan members that can attend8. Capped a. Limited to 30 members per side9. Team a. Limited to 8 members per side10. Pure a. All clan members must have 25 Defence or lower11. King of the Hill a. Limited to 30 members per side b. Must use the King of the Hill game mode12. All F2P cups must take place on F2P worldsPvM Rules1. Endurance a. Must take place in the PvM arena b. Limited to 15 members2. Head-to-Head a. Must take place in the PvM arena b. Limited to 15 members per sideSkilling Rules1. Experience Gain a. Must take place in the Skilling arena b. Limited to 5 membersTournament ProgressionPvP CupsThe progression of the PvP section of the tournament will be very simple, with a loss meaning elimination.PvM CupsFor the Endurance Cup the first four weeks of the competition will be used to host the Endurance challenge for all clans entered. In order to retain the competitive aspect of this cup and step up the challenge a touch, the clans with the two highest scores will then re-take the Endurance challenge with the bosses spawning at a rate of one per 30 seconds for the week five final. The clan that gets the most Endurance points in the final will take the cup.The progression of the Head-to-Head cup will be elimination style, with the losing team of each matchup being eliminated.Skilling CupThe points gained by all clans would be totalled after the final week’s event and the clan with the highest overall Skilling points would win the cup.The PrizeThe winners of each cup will become permanent fixtures in the landscape of Old School, with every winning clan getting a dedicated statue in an appropriate location somewhere in the game. If a player left clicks a statue, they will see a message boasting the victory of the clan and letting them know what cup they took.Mod Ronan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Andrew Report post Posted June 27, 2014 Time to dust off the botnets Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Fasty Report post Posted June 27, 2014 Nice..looking forward to the skilling cup Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Eruzione Report post Posted June 27, 2014 gonna be easy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
cookson Report post Posted June 27, 2014 i hope they don't decide to remove us to give other clans a chance like they did last year Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Zlat Report post Posted June 27, 2014 mod ronan thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
D2~ Report post Posted June 27, 2014 sickening ms paint logo jagex can't afford to pay a graphic designer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Frank` Report post Posted June 27, 2014 King of the hill is gay lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Devil King93 Report post Posted June 27, 2014 should be fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
claudia Report post Posted June 27, 2014 Nice..looking forward to the skilling cup Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
B`` Report post Posted June 27, 2014 Yh I remember how well organised this event was last year.. zzzz... and these team/skilling/pvm cups gotta be a joke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Regnierz Report post Posted June 27, 2014 We need 2 win skilling 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
A7X Report post Posted June 27, 2014 skilling cup is gonna be fun cant w8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
≈Phaeo Report post Posted June 27, 2014 Lets win the skilling cup!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Desire Report post Posted June 27, 2014 wtf jargex i pay u good $ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0