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If you could go back in time

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Would you still have decided to play Runescape and spend all of the time you have playing this game or would you have dodged the bullet and did other things with your time?

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no regrets baby

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Guest B0rntowildy

Do I regret playin rs? no


Do I regret spending as much time as I did on rs? Sure

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Do I regret playin rs? no


Do I regret spending as much time as I did on rs? Sure

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Devil King93


Do I regret playin rs? no


Do I regret spending as much time as I did on rs? Sure


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Own u 1107

Do I regret playin rs? no


Do I regret spending as much time as I did on rs? Sure

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I don't necessarily regret the time i spent on this game, but if i could go back i wouldn't do it over again.

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Honestly no, the only thing i'd do different is establish more ways to contact my older friends.

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No I wouldn't play, but that's because I'd probably play the lottery more than once with the winning numbers and be too rich for RS heh

Edited by Sfa05

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Guest jeffreyp



Do I regret playin rs? no


Do I regret spending as much time as I did on rs? Sure



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Do I regret playin rs? no


Do I regret spending as much time as I did on rs? Sure




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