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Monday: AF + VR in P2P at 8:00 GMT

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After getting a beating last night a bit past their bedtime, AF were looking for a safer timezone by heading out on a PK trip at an earlier time than usual. Hearing they were out, RoT massed up despite the obvious timezone disadvantage, as we knew we could defeat the alliance at any time of day. By 8:00 GMT, we managed to mass up 30 of our finest members and rushed AF.


Overwhelmed by the element of surprise (AF was expecting to avoid us by going out at at time), AF was forced to logout and re-mass for a bit. After 5 minutes of scouting, we found AF again. The fight quickly moved to Greaters, where we would stay for the duration of the fight. Soon after, VR members would enter the fight, turning it into a 2v1. Accustomed to being crashed, RoT members persevered and continued dominating AF. We outspammed, out-tanked, and out-killed AF and VR for an entire hour. At 9:00 GMT, AF ran to East Tree and logged out, leaving VR alone to get cleared. With AF gone and VR cleared, RoT was left the last clan standing - forever the kings of P2P and the kings of GMT.



















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gf faggots

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But where was balls

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Looked easy, good job rot, personally couldnt make it! (y)

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was messy as fuck but good job everyone

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Too fucking easy


Better luck next time AF + DF + VR

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fucking rekt 3v1 and u still cant compete lmfao

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Good fight AF + VR + DF + DI. Easiest 1 v 4 ever lmfao

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>claims to be independent

>ends when df+vr's cwa event is scheduled


keep telling yourself that youre not a slave clan :gwas:

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