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Own U 1107

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kicked from RoT?


Is this real life?


Thoughts go out to his family at this sad moment in his life.



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own u is more retarded then ruon3bs

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Now he can focus on his career as a professional football player. Good luck in your journey Drogba

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Now he can focus on his career as a professional football player. Good luck in your journey Drogba

the funny thing is he kept saying hes not a dumb nigger



and that his jaja mates dont care about him otherwise they wouldnt have got him kicked LMFAO!!!!!!!

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good luck in chelsea i guess. no need to make a topic about it tho

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You gotta unban my boy lol serious now hes always saying ROTROTROTROTROTROT he lives and breathes your clan lol I don't want him to do anything hasty lol stop being such sourpusses you would have lost anyway lol.


Serious now Lol


Don't Test Me.



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Look at all you nerds getting jealous cuz i'm strong beautiful athletic black man - Own u 1107

Look at all you nerds getting jealous cuz i'm strong beautiful athletic black man - Own u 1107

Look at all you nerds getting jealous cuz i'm strong beautiful athletic black man - Own u 1107

Look at all you nerds getting jealous cuz i'm strong beautiful athletic black man - Own u 1107

Look at all you nerds getting jealous cuz i'm strong beautiful athletic black man - Own u 1107

Look at all you nerds getting jealous cuz i'm strong beautiful athletic black man - Own u 1107

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