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Sunday: RoT against the world

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you literally lost a 1v3 in under 2 hours you should feel bad lmfao...

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shittered on em lmfao 2ez 3v1 np

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Can't believe they actually got raped 3v1 lmfao, not to mention VR being taken down by us 13 snipers...lmfao.

Edited by JcJack

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try harder alliance was easiest f2p to date.

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they should feel bad that they can't end us 2 vs 1 lol

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Niggas can't even compete 2v1

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14 RoT snipers had 60 VR on ropes with 80 opts all the time. Can't wait for VR posting they ''did good'' even though they got dragged around the wilderness by 14 people for almost 2 hours without really hitting our main pile, who were slaughtering DF, atleast once.


Still can't wait for the day when any of these clans will man up and fight us in a 1v1, but I guess that won't happen anytime soon, lmfao.

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vr vs 12 snipers 2 hour cap

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that was pathetic they should re-evaluate life

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ending two former ''top clans'' in a legit 1v2 within 2 hours... out of anybody's league tbh

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Guest jeffreyp

god damn df not even gonna try the 1v1 tho?


19 kills 1 death easy as fuck

Edited by jeffreyp

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