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Official: VR no longer a clan

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I officially declare Violent Resolution a dwarf team as of November 17th 2014 — exactly a year and six weeks since the crash war started.


A clan, by RS definition, is a large group (35+ is fair amount) of members who actively have mandatory planned fights to gain ranks (examples: DF, DI). As we've seen the entire last year, VR hasn't really lived up to the standards of a clan. Last official fight? Over 380 days ago. Average pull over the last 6 months? 25.08 members. This isn't a clan in my eyes and neither should it be in the eyes of anyone, and anyone that denies it is blind.


However, a dwarf team, is more fitting label for VR. What is a dwarf team? It's a small team usually consisting of 20 or less people who try to have events but don't pull enough to keep up with any of the clans. A dwarf team will purposely put themselves in several altercations with one of the real clans in an attempt to remain relevant. A dwarf team is similar to a group of friends in the aspect of lacking a real competent leadership, but unlike a group of friends, members in a dwarf team barely know each other and don't even have a single drop of loyalty. In VR's case, the language barrier is big and their members constantly spy on them.


You may ask if I really have the power to strip Violent Resolution from being clan after 5 years since they opened. My answer: Pluto wanted to be a planet until humans decided not to, why the fuck can't I do it?

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Edited by BA~~~~~~~~~~

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Nice detective work Bullerik

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Why do they even try? Been a waste of space for years now.

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