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Friday: AF Humiliated

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The day started as usual; we heard some AF were out and we decided to put them to sleep. Considering they were on a prep, we figured they would want to fight, but on the first world of hitting them everything would point towards the opposite.


Reign of Terror starting: 32 brave warriors

Ancient Fury starting: 43 downies (made of VR+DF)

Roughly 30 minutes after the initial hit, AF would wait for DF to allow them to PK. We knew from the beginning a big fight was about to go down and called every member we could. It wouldn't be long before we ran into AF at RDG, and from the beginning we absolutely destroyed them. This was by far the worst performance by AF considering they had JAJA+AC picking us off and they had all the advantages. Nothing was going to stop us today though and we showed it with consistent spam. Amazing tanking by our members would completely demoralize their members as they struggled with every single pile they called while we were just mopping the floor with AF. Throughout the fight, if I said AF had any good points, I'd be straight up lying. There was nothing but an absolute slaughter. The most satisfying part was watching AF desperately call a mandatory name change mid-fight which only made it easier to pile them. Unfazed, we continued steamrolling their members until eventually AF called it off after almost 2 hours. AF would get on their knees and surrender at RDG.

You tried everything tonight and you still couldn't win. I'd be embarrassed if I was in that shit hole right now. :$


Reign of Terror ending: 52 people on TS (didn't drop one person)

Ancient Fury ending: 0, nada, wiped, deleted




Edited by Andrew

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1. rot

2. di

3. jagz

4. ni

5. the

6. gladz

7. hof

8. dw

9. df

10. cor

11. bk

12. ronin

13. poison

14. fom

15. lr

16. killjoy

17. wg

18. hf

19. valhalla

20. sv

21. bp

22. awaken

23. hostile

24. eop

25. retaliation

26. fools

27. vitality

28. cu

29. dragonwood

30. eh

31. phobia

32. fear

33. dark legacy

34. saradomins army

35. wg

36. dg

37. titans

38. collision

39. luchador pkers

40. jaja

41. jaja legacy

42. zybezclan

43. divination

44. knights of order

45. ubh

46. tukuruks clan

47. trwf

48. eos

49. the neggas clan

49. wicked fury

50. tko blitz

51. exiled fury

52. shadow elves

53. exigence

54. kill orgy

55. rebellion

56. divine kings

57 the british elites

58. the death monkeighs

59. australian army



60. ancient fury - gf was easy lol

Edited by BA~~~~~~~~~~

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4 clans, a mass name change and they still can't compete



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only clans with name change are part of ancient community heh...

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Was so easy. I would be ashamed if my clan would do a mass name change mid fight while at least 3 clans are helping but still end 25 mins after.

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Guest jeffreyp

af would be more of a challenge if they risked more than steel kites/helms and chins lmao

20k 6d gf

Edited by jeffreyp

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