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AF TS 1/12/2015

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Edit: Lol @ everyone that's trying to say that the audio is fake. It's so in sync, how could it possibly be fake? Everything that is said during the video correlates with whats actually happening in game.

1) 0:05 We were at GDZ + East of AF at the same time that person was saying it on TS
2) 0:20 Someone was telling all of the AF members to stand still (and basically suicide) at the same time in the video as it was happening in game.
3) 0:25 "Keep chinning into the middle" - You can clearly see black and red chinchompas being thrown right into the middle of our clump
4) 0:37 AF all ran and logged at the same time as the video (After Kyle asks Tom for permission)
5) 0:57 Someone on TS said "Yo Di is west so if you tank into them you'll probably be safe". Isn't it strange that you were actually ACing for Di and they were indeed west of where you were logging out of?
How could this possibly be fake? There's no possible way that there could be this many "coincidences". Idiots.

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lil smiley they're fuckin smashed lol!!!! theyre gettin fuckin handled bruv!!! fuckin RUINED!! they just got shredded m8 all over the place


spam a smiley run n log



Edited by Phaeo

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