erik Report post Posted January 27, 2015 Last but not least, we're releasing the entire #VR-ADMIN logs since 2013. It contains their sincere opinions of their "pawns", constant flaming their members, using desperate tactics such as hacking and ddosing. It doesn't stop there though, you'll see plenty of conversations between these clans to plot against us. AF and VR making treaties to join each other to compete and DF and DI begging for help (and some going even behind their leader's back).View entire #VR-ADMIN logs WARNING: Entire log split into two pages, big file here. Cya retard.VR Officials planning to drop DF TS so RoT gets blamed (source):[16:40] @Den||d1e2n3: did we rly get ddosed [16:40] @Blazer1332: whos making topic [16:41] @DJ_av_valenI: might been [16:41] @DJ_av_valenI: so. [16:41] @DJ_av_valenI: we need to drop df ts so they blame rot for it [16:41] @Blazer1332: wat [16:41] @DJ_av_valenI: 4nertactics ftw (source)[19:06] @D156: Kev| is there an option to possibly fight rot or nah if we have high #s?[19:06] @D156: as in get AF on our ts as well?[19:08] @Blazer1332: We would get fucking raped[19:08] @Blazer1332: Im not even saying that because you're a retard[19:08] @Blazer1332: thats just fact[19:09] @D156: ye probs[19:09] @Kev|: ye[19:09] @Kev|: fuck that[19:09] @Kev|: even 2v1[19:09] @Kev|: they strongf as fuck[19:30] @Kev|: WE HAVING FUN ROT IDK BOUT YOU LOL[19:31] @D156: Kev| back in the day did u guys move to CWA[19:31] @D156: last second ever?[19:31] @Blazer1332: [18:30:53] <@Kev|> WE HAVING FUN ROT IDK BOUT YOU LOL[19:31] @Blazer1332: l0l[19:32] @Blazer1332: thats legit something Dj_av_valenI would say while hes wacking someone with his rune dagger in 13 wildDF + DI begging VR to team against RoT (source):[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:48) - 4Evizu 14- yh[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:48) - 4Evizu 14- whats going on[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:50) - ggs - us and df teaming them[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:50) - ggs - they just showed[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - ggs - chaos[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - 4Evizu 14- u get them yet?[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - 4Evizu 14- or no[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - 4Evizu 14- tell me when ur fighting them[15:51] @Craiggg: dont do this go to moss n log thing[15:52] @Craiggg: always ends with no1[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:51) - Alex_Dawg - come crash rot[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:51) - Alex_Dawg - w316[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:51) - Alex_Dawg - us and df vs them[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - DONT KILL DF[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - DONT KILL DF[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - DONT KILL DF[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - JUST ROT[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - 4Craiggg 14- tell df not to kill any vr then[15:52] @Evizu: ) - 4Evizu 14- tell me when ur fighting them[15:52] @Evizu: (1521:52) - ggs - are now[15:53] @DJ_av_valenI: omw[15:53] @DJ_av_valenI: was getting food soz[15:53] @Evizu: Kaochinx27[15:53] @Evizu: cera[15:53] @Evizu: fights at chaos dwarves[15:53] @Evizu: dfvsrot atm[15:54] @Craiggg: dont kill df[15:54] @Craiggg: jsu rot[15:54] @Evizu: it's df+di vs rot[15:54] @Evizu: Mike|Cera_S6[15:54] @Evizu: we can go right in on em basically[15:55] @Evizu: goto chaos dwarves n we get rot easyVR ddosing their members (source):[16:50] @Craiggg: who can ddos [16:50] @Mike|Cera_S6: they logged in [16:50] @Abkb|: dont ban her [16:50] @Dj_av_valenI: lemme ddos ashley [16:50] @Mike|Cera_S6: before we were even logged in [16:50] @Dj_av_valenI: lemme ddos ashley [16:50] @Dj_av_valenI: lemme ddos ashley Officials hacking their own members (source):[14:19] @Paisa_man: Sethtroll wirdy didnt spy did he? [14:19] @Sethtroll: Yeah [14:19] @Paisa_man: lol? dafuq [14:19] @Sethtroll:[14:21] @Paisa_man: i got access to his acc Sethtroll [14:21] @Paisa_man: lets clean him out? [14:21] @Sethtroll: move his shit off his account [14:21] @Paisa_man: doing now VR making SV believe DF hacked their forums (source):[12:40] @Dj_av_valenI: Sethtroll [12:40] @Dj_av_valenI: derek from sv got hacked remember by beast [12:40] @Dj_av_valenI: so he gave u that [12:40] @Dj_av_valenI: acp [12:40] @Dj_av_valenI: u directed it to df forums [12:41] @Dj_av_valenI: now the hosts are mad to df [12:41] @Dj_av_valenI: so they took df forums down [12:41] @Dj_av_valenI: basically that [12:41] @Sethtroll: lol [12:41] @Sethtroll: he gave it to a couple ppl [12:41] @Sethtroll: cause when i logged into the domain settings it was redirected to poisons website [12:41] @Sethtroll: but i quickly changed it to df [12:41] @Sethtroll: and also changed the admin settings 12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: (13:01:40) qprincrisis but i dnt play[12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: (13:02:03) |cera_s6>then wtf r u in VR for[12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: (13:02:16) gud point[12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: this is[12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: Evizu letting retards back in[12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: can u fuckin not[12:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: Dani, m69[12:03] @Kev|: evizu lets every retard in[15:41] @D156: we got 4/20 ranks here[15:41] @D156: presh[15:41] @D156: brb shower[15:41] @lisa_mitchell: llegit[15:41] @lisa_mitchell: if we dont have 20[15:41] @lisa_mitchell: ima just cancel[15:42] @lisa_mitchell: b4 we look like more of a joke[15:42] @Paisa_man: we still got 18mins of massing[15:42] @lisa_mitchell: still a joke[15:42] @lisa_mitchell: mass for 10m[15:42] @lisa_mitchell: not even 20ppl[15:48] @Abkb|: n 18 in chan means 15 in game lisa_mitchell[15:48] @Abkb|: cancel n say that callers got ddossed[15:48] @Paisa_man: Evizu mass poke[15:48] @lisa_mitchell: legit[15:49] @lisa_mitchell: Evizu isnt even here[15:49] @lisa_mitchell: so[15:49] @lisa_mitchell: in reality we have[15:49] @lisa_mitchell: 17[15:50] @lisa_mitchell: wheres 156[15:50] @lisa_mitchell: so i can say im cancelling this shit[15:50] @lisa_mitchell: b4 he rages[15:51] @lisa_mitchell: im cancelling[15:51] @lisa_mitchell: they got 30[15:51] @lisa_mitchell: n we dont even have 20[15:51] @lisa_mitchell: y waste our time[15:51] @lisa_mitchell: and make ourselves[15:51] @lisa_mitchell: more of a joke[15:51] @D156: why do we even play rsEvizu using the tactics to waste RoT's food? What? [16:11] @Evizu: Arma150[16:11] @Arma150: ?[16:11] @Evizu: stay ready[16:11] @Arma150: y[16:11] @Evizu: and we go w81 ina min[16:11] @Evizu: for rot[16:11] @Arma150: why[16:11] @Arma150: we have 40 ppl[16:12] @Blazer: how about we just world hop and flame rot for not having spies[16:17] @Abkb|: i can find all the piles, seems like others cant[16:17] @Evizu: Craiggg[16:17] @Craiggg: we got no spam cant see shit[16:27] @Evizu: di is nothing 2 me[16:29] @Evizu: oops wrong chan lol[16:33] @Blazer: warlords take over member plz[16:34] @Arma150: is af here yet?[16:34] @Mike|Cera_S6: ye[16:34] @Arma150: how is rot on us then wt flol[16:34] @Blazer: we need rg[16:34] @Blazer: gettin drag[16:35] @D156: Craiggg Evizu wtf u doing[16:35] @Evizu: ?[16:36] @Kaochinx27: mass snipe di[16:36] @Arma150: how is our performance so bad in wild lol[16:36] @Kaochinx27: this is boring[16:36] @Kaochinx27: and you guys are just bitching[16:36] @D156: oh ur on 2 accs[16:36] @Kaochinx27: so your making it worse[16:36] @Blazer: ye rly[16:36] @Blazer: stop fuckin crying[17:06] @Evizu: tell ppl the goal is to make rot members lose food right now[17:43] @Evizu: u sux[17:43] @Evizu: df got 160[17:44] @Blazer1332: they had 201[17:44] @vr_cody: they had liek 207[17:44] @vr_cody: when i clicked[17:44] @Blazer1332: im not mathmatician but[17:44] @Blazer1332: thats more than us Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Gig Report post Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) Just a few of my favorites. [17:09] @Paisa_man: Dj_av_valenI #207474 [17:09] @Paisa_man: can u hit those rot ips?? #207475 [17:09] @Dj_av_valenI: no booter anymiore [19:12] @Paisa_man: rot gonna get a huge boost after today #207564 [19:12] @Arma150: maybe idk #207565 [19:14] @Kev|: rot pulled 95 #207566 [19:14] @Kev|: and ended with 89 apperantly #207567 [19:14] @Kev|: thats fucking rough #207568 [19:15] @Craiggg: half of them must of been afking till we logged #207569 [19:15] @Paisa_man: we cant give em action for sunday #207570 [19:16] @Paisa_man: sunday(s) #207571 [19:16] @Abkb|: ye #207572 [19:17] @Abkb|: Arma150 #207573 [19:17] @Abkb|: if we fight in pvp #207574 [19:17] @Abkb|: it needs to be saturday #207575 [19:17] @Abkb|: sunday is a no no #207576 [19:17] @Abkb|: rot pulls too much [16:17] @Dj_av_valenI: tell em our leaders got ddosed #206983 [16:17] @Dj_av_valenI: or w./e #206984 [16:18] @Kev|: wanna just fight them #206985 [16:18] @Kev|: and fk it #206986 [16:18] @Kev|: kill them #206987 [16:18] @Kev|: ? #206988 [16:18] @Abkb|: we only got 1 caller fuck it #206989 [16:18] @Abkb|: if mike was on we could ye #206990 [16:18] @Abkb|: this sp33dy kid aint answering #206991 [16:18] @Dj_av_valenI: u either canccel now #206992 [16:18] @Kev|: rip #206993 [16:18] @Dj_av_valenI: or we fight #206994 [16:18] @Kev|: were so dead LOL #206995 [16:19] @Abkb|: we have 4 callers #206996 [16:19] @Abkb|: we need 2 to fight #206997 [16:19] @Abkb|: paisa should have made sure that 2 could make it before setting it up #206998 [16:23] @Abkb|: well as of now its still going on and its retared because this ac shitters dont use irc [19:36] @D156: Dj_av_valenI next time our suspects are on forums or on a topic #190765 [19:36] @D156: refresh rot forums and see who was on rot boards the past 15 min #190766 [19:37] @Dj_av_valenI: what #190767 [19:37] @D156: like on our signup/etc #190768 [19:37] @D156: if they are 1. teamviewing or directly communicating with the person. #190769 [19:37] @Dj_av_valenI: they prolly wud use irc dumb shiet #190770 [19:37] @D156: do we know who the main guy on rots end is? #190771 [19:37] @D156: paisa said derek #190772 [19:37] @D156: might b derek #190773 [19:37] @Dj_av_valenI: u know af has a spy aswell #190774 [19:37] @Dj_av_valenI: on there ts #190775 [19:38] @D156: from rot? #190776 [19:38] @Dj_av_valenI: yeh #190777 [19:38] @Dj_av_valenI: what if its the same person #190778 [19:38] @D156: what if its one of the vr members #190779 [19:38] @D156: ROFL #190780 [19:38] @D156: like reddevil #190781 [19:38] @D156: well then we leave af leaders to find out #190782 [19:38] @D156: rofl #190783 [19:38] @D156: cuz they smart #190784 [19:38] @Dj_av_valenI: af \ #190785 [19:38] @Dj_av_valenI: wont find out #190786 [19:39] @D156: have you spoken to them #190787 [19:39] @Dj_av_valenI: they just see it as 3 ops cuz they dont rly have events planned #190788 [19:39] @Dj_av_valenI: so they dont care #190789 [19:39] @Dj_av_valenI: as they said #190790 [19:39] @D156: they should be able to trace it back tho #190791 [19:39] @Dj_av_valenI: they legit dont care or dont put effort [13:23] @Dj_av_valenI: u think rot is already ready? #207258 [13:28] @Sethtroll: dont spam kik sheesh #207259 [13:28] @Dj_av_valenI: stfu we need to b ready #207260 [13:29] @Dj_av_valenI: 22 on ts #207261 [13:30] @Sethtroll: this is what we get for being hte laziest clan #207262 [13:31] @Sethtroll: and just relying on thes non prep crash trips #207263 [13:31] @Dj_av_valenI: we working on getting events #207264 [19:39] @Arma150: are we really a lot more dead than i think #207603 [19:39] @Arma150: like i thought we wud get 40 #207604 [19:39] @Arma150: to that cwa #207605 [19:40] @Abkb|: nah were not #207606 [19:41] @Abkb|: we can get 50 on a prep #207607 [19:47] @Kev|: no chance were getting more then 30-32 Arma150 #207608 [19:47] @Kev|: on ur prepped fight #207609 [19:47] @Kev|: no chance in hell we get more #207610 [19:48] @Arma150: we'll see i guess but it will be a good start either way #207611 [19:49] @Arma150: we have an 86 man ml tho #207612 [19:49] @Arma150: we shud be able to get half surely #207613 [19:50] @Kev|: nah #207614 [19:50] @Kev|: no chance [18:01] @Kev|: yo btw #174190 [18:01] @Kev|: these events fucking suck #174191 [18:01] @Mike|Cera_S6: yup #174192 [18:01] @Mike|Cera_S6: cant get near shit #174193 [18:02] @Evizu: why? #174194 [18:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: why AF should just fight DI/SV #174195 [18:02] @Evizu: af wont now #174196 [18:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: ye i know #174197 [18:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: we shoulda went on their TS and have me/kev lead lol #174198 [18:02] @Evizu: all we have to do is maintain a presence #174199 [18:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: cuz their callers r pussies #174200 [18:02] @Evizu: look how quick things change.. #174201 [18:02] @Evizu: di barely acing this #174202 [18:02] @Evizu: sv attacking df #174203 [18:02] @Evizu: soon it will be in our favor #174204 [18:03] @Mike|Cera_S6: DI is picking us off pretty easily #174205 [18:03] @Mike|Cera_S6: i gtg tho, dinner #174206 [18:03] @Mike|Cera_S6: we dont pull enough to these things anymore #174207 [18:03] @Mike|Cera_S6: cant do damage #174208 [18:03] @Mike|Cera_S6: bbl #174209 [18:04] @paisa_man: We had a few hrs notice #174210 [18:05] @paisa_man: And every1 busy #174211 [18:05] @Evizu: we need big prep to pull anything until we are used to it again #174212 [18:05] @Evizu: short notice isnt good #174213 [18:05] @Evizu: but we can still kill df [20:00] @Blazer1332: cami or Paisa_man #166080 [20:00] @Blazer1332: what time was the pk today #166081 [20:02] @lisa_mitchell: like #166082 [20:02] @lisa_mitchell: 5pm start #166083 [20:02] @lisa_mitchell: but we pulled 21 #166084 [20:02] @lisa_mitchell: and cancelled #166085 [20:12] @Blazer1332: i got class during that time cant make that shit #166086 [20:12] @Paisa_man: gotta strt changing the times we got events to accomodate more ppl [12:33] @cami: our members join a pking clan #163798 [12:33] @cami: and when they ask if were pking #163799 [12:33] @cami: you tell them to join another clan #163800 [12:33] @cami: your fucking braindead #163801 [12:33] @Abkb|: dont worry cami we will PK, theres good action coming soon #163802 [12:33] @cami: thats not the point #163803 [12:34] @Abkb|: i understand ur point #163804 [12:34] @Abkb|: but its our head wl lisa_mitchell [10:56] @Dj_av_valenI: we need to work on our actviity #207691 [10:56] @Dj_av_valenI: 25 ~ to a sunday fight w topics up on vr forums #207692 [10:57] @Dj_av_valenI: 24 peeps only read the tonight topic means only 24 peeps had visited vr forums this sunday #207693 [11:01] @Arma150: wasnt advertised at all tho #207694 [11:05] @Dj_av_valenI: i think abkb posted a topic not sure #207695 [11:06] @Dj_av_valenI: and even tho #207696 [11:06] @Dj_av_valenI: peeps know sunday is the day we almost go out every time #207697 [11:06] @Dj_av_valenI: shud atleast visit forums once #207698 [11:10] @Mike|Cera_S6: it was posted at like 12am #207699 [11:10] @Mike|Cera_S6: so only GMT unit has seen it #207700 [11:10] @Mike|Cera_S6: relax nigga #207701 [11:10] @Mike|Cera_S6: EST/PSTs are still in bed/school [17:37] @Sethtroll: yo #207942 [17:37] @Sethtroll: ts down or me #207943 [17:37] @Dj_av_valenI: its u #207944 [17:37] @Sethtroll: kk #207945 [17:38] @Dj_av_valenI: can we just leave portal #207946 [17:38] @Dj_av_valenI: pointless war #207947 [17:38] @Abkb|: no #207948 [17:38] @Abkb|: 122 is low #207949 [17:38] @Abkb|: get 122 after this #207950 [17:39] @Dj_av_valenI: and i dont its a good idea #207951 [17:39] @Dj_av_valenI: to have a r3 #207952 [17:39] @Sethtroll: i think the whole point of fighting is to show rot dont effect us #207953 [17:39] @Sethtroll: so essentially not fighting is doing exactly what they want #207954 [17:39] @Sethtroll: but ye #207955 [17:39] @Sethtroll: up to u guys [17:42] @Dj_av_valenI: i dont think we shud have a r3 #207985 [17:42] @Dj_av_valenI: just sayting #207986 [17:42] @Dj_av_valenI: it will fun for rot #207987 [17:42] @Dj_av_valenI: n not fun for us [13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: #196678 [13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: np sell ur acc n quit #196679 [13:25] @vr_cody: thx bud #196680 [13:25] @vr_cody: fcking idiot #196681 [13:25] @cami: you both are retarded #196682 [13:25] @Abkb|: YEAH DJ U FUCKING IDIOT #196683 [13:25] @vr_cody: people question why vr is in the running for last with df #196684 [13:25] @vr_cody: cuz of officials like him #196685 [13:25] @Abkb|: YEAH DJ ITS ALL YOUR FAULT #196686 [13:25] @vr_cody: lol Abkb| #196687 [13:25] @vr_cody: ur one of them to #196688 [13:26] @vr_cody: only council #196689 [13:26] @Abkb|: YEAH Abkb| #196690 [13:26] @vr_cody: i think is good #196691 [13:26] @Abkb|: U FUCKING #196692 [13:26] @Abkb|: o shit #196693 [13:26] @vr_cody: is Paisa_man #196694 [13:26] @vr_cody: only officials i respect in this clan r evizu mike kev and maybe craig #196695 [13:26] @vr_cody: only ones ive ever seen do anything #196696 [13:27] @cami: would you like to see me do something Edited January 27, 2015 by Gig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Evan Report post Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) [15:51] @D156: why do we even play rs Edited January 27, 2015 by Evan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Eruzione Report post Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) My personal favorite lmfao so stupid [15:53] @Dj_av_valenI: Abkb| [15:53] @Dj_av_valenI: has it already been 2.50 pm + ? [15:54] @Abkb|: wat [15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: (22:54:25) <%Dj_av_valenI> has it already been 2pm? [15:54] @Abkb|: its about to be 5:00 east [15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: so [15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: what is it [15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: is it over 2pm [15:55] @Abkb|: ?? [15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: are u [15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: braindead [15:55] @Abkb|: it's past 2:00 oclock [15:55] @Abkb|: if your that braindead [15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: i dont know american timezones [15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: idiot [15:55] @Abkb|: i said it's 5 [15:55] @Abkb|: which means its past 2 [15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: cud be 02.00 [15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: shit cunt Edited January 27, 2015 by Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Bloodarrow42 Report post Posted January 27, 2015 Blasphemous read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
≈Phaeo Report post Posted January 27, 2015 Blasphemous read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
@b289 Report post Posted January 27, 2015 [15:49] %D156: if we dont want to get better and just be a crashing clan then just say it idc either way just it gets annoying when ppl dnt want to do stuff [15:49] %D156: and i dont need no warlord [15:50] @Craiggg: i want us to be better its jus impossible when we have 2 'leaders' that holds the clan back [15:50] @Den||d1e2n3: do u know what holding back means [15:50] @Craiggg: hopfully it was what happend to you at school [15:50] @Craiggg: cuz ur a retard ---- [15:41] @D156: we got 4/20 ranks here [15:41] @D156: presh [15:41] @D156: brb shower [15:41] @lisa_mitchell: llegit [15:41] @lisa_mitchell: if we dont have 20 [15:41] @lisa_mitchell: ima just cancel [15:42] @lisa_mitchell: b4 we look like more of a joke [15:42] @Paisa_man: we still got 18mins of massing [15:42] @lisa_mitchell: still a joke [15:42] @lisa_mitchell: mass for 10m [15:42] @lisa_mitchell: not even 20ppl [15:48] @Abkb|: n 18 in chan means 15 in game lisa_mitchell [15:48] @Abkb|: cancel n say that callers got ddossed [15:51] @lisa_mitchell: im cancelling [15:51] @lisa_mitchell: they got 30 [15:51] @lisa_mitchell: n we dont even have 20 [15:51] @lisa_mitchell: y waste our time [15:51] @lisa_mitchell: and make ourselves [15:51] @lisa_mitchell: more of a joke [15:51] @D156: why do we even play rs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
O A Report post Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) Holy shit lmao Edited January 27, 2015 by O A Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
karma Report post Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) lmfao [16:36] @Arma150: how is our performance so bad in wild lol [16:41] @DJ_av_valenI: 4nertactics ftw Edited January 27, 2015 by imKarma Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Sv` Report post Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) [16:41] @DJ_av_valenI: we need to drop df ts so they blame rot for it [15:50] @Evizu: (1521:48) - 4Evizu 14- yh[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:48) - 4Evizu 14- whats going on[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:50) - ggs - us and df teaming them[15:50] @Evizu: (1521:50) - ggs - they just showed[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - ggs - chaos[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - 4Evizu 14- u get them yet?[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - 4Evizu 14- or no[15:51] @Evizu: (1521:50) - 4Evizu 14- tell me when ur fighting them[15:51] @Craiggg: dont do this go to moss n log thing[15:52] @Craiggg: always ends with no1[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:51) - Alex_Dawg - come crash rot[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:51) - Alex_Dawg - w316[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:51) - Alex_Dawg - us and df vs them[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - DONT KILL DF[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - DONT KILL DF[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - DONT KILL DF[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - Alex_Dawg - JUST ROT[15:52] @Craiggg: (1521:52) - 4Craiggg 14- tell df not to kill any vr then[15:52] @Evizu: ) - 4Evizu 14- tell me when ur fighting them[15:52] @Evizu: (1521:52) - ggs - are now[15:53] @DJ_av_valenI: omw[15:53] @DJ_av_valenI: was getting food soz[15:53] @Evizu: Kaochinx27[15:53] @Evizu: cera[15:53] @Evizu: fights at chaos dwarves[15:53] @Evizu: dfvsrot atm[15:54] @Craiggg: dont kill df[15:54] @Craiggg: jsu rot[15:54] @Evizu: it's df+di vs rot[15:54] @Evizu: Mike|Cera_S6[15:54] @Evizu: we can go right in on em basically[15:55] @Evizu: goto chaos dwarves n we get rot easy Edited January 27, 2015 by Sv` Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ethan Report post Posted January 27, 2015 wats gd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Own u 1107 Report post Posted January 27, 2015 :grin: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
derek Report post Posted January 27, 2015 used to think cera was the only alright guy in vr shame Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Pumpkin head Report post Posted January 27, 2015 lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Bennie Report post Posted January 27, 2015 brb with red bull and pizza lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0