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Part Three: Final Nail

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[18:12] @Paisa_man: Mike

[18:12] @Mike|Cera_S6: ?

[18:13] @Paisa_man: how many came to kill rot towards the end?

[18:13] @Paisa_man: ppl

[18:14] @Sethtroll: mike was with us

[18:14] @Mike|Cera_S6: we only had 13 on TS max and few with AF

[18:14] @Mike|Cera_S6: i was with AF

[18:14] @Mike|Cera_S6: so idk

[18:14] @Mike|Cera_S6: RJ was leading pretty much

[18:14] @Mike|Cera_S6: ask him

[18:14] @Mike|Cera_S6: i think like 7-8

[18:48] ::: Quit: (Den||d1e2n3) (~Dend1e2@Swift-271482B4.access.telenet.be) (Client exited)

[19:11] @Sethtroll: Mike|Cera_S6 setup that holiday thing

[19:11] @Sethtroll: so we dont pull 20 ppl

[19:11] @Sethtroll: vit can pull decent #'s

[19:11] @Mike|Cera_S6: read admin topic

[19:11] @Mike|Cera_S6: its matched

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[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [18:59:24] <~Ross> all df should pull outa tt
[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [18:59:24] <~Ross> fuck tht
[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [18:59:38] <+OA> tt would die
[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [18:59:39] <+OA> lmfao
[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [19:00:37] <+Snake> so?
[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [19:00:50] <+Snake> fuck those rot kids

[12:34] @Dj_av_valenI: (19:33:05) <@Harmr> [19:01:06] <+Snake> tell their staff to either kick them or you all grab ur stuff


[13:24] @Dj_av_valenI: Mike|Cera_S6
[13:24] @Dj_av_valenI: cluster for teams mass starts in 6 mins
[13:25] @Abkb|: we should go, rot will not expect it lol
[13:27] @Sethtroll: thats the dumbest thing ever

[13:27] @Sethtroll: rot will probably be there themselves

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dead for everything lmfao

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[13:44] @cami: [01:32:59] [@Kaochinx27]: cami trivia

[13:44] @cami: [01:33:18] [@cami]: ?
[13:44] @cami: [01:33:20] [@Kaochinx27]: Who is 48 years old, or something like, and refuses to stop texting my phone while im laying down with my girlfriend.
[13:44] @cami: [01:33:30] [@cami]: uh
[13:44] @cami: [01:34:09] [@Kaochinx27]: give you a hint
[13:44] @cami: [01:34:16] [@Kaochinx27]: the old hag is in this channel
[13:44] @cami: [01:34:59] [@Kaochinx27]: Donna im on irc
[13:44] @cami: [01:35:00] [@Kaochinx27]: idiot
[13:44] @cami: [01:35:01] [@Kaochinx27]: stop texting me
[13:44] @cami: in priv
[13:44] @Evizu: dont they live together
[13:44] @Evizu: lo

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[16:06] @DJ_Av_ValenI: gonna ddos df members and kill em


hmm not good

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[15:24] @Dj_av_valenI: this claudia bitrch

[15:24] @Dj_av_valenI: randomly flames me

[15:24] @Dj_av_valenI: ima dox her whole fam legit..

[15:24] @Dj_av_valenI: cuntbag..

[16:08] @Craiggg: tell him to kick claudia

[16:08] @Craiggg: or we dont stop

[16:08] @Dj_av_valenI: this claudia is such a ugly tramp acting as if shes hot..

[16:08] @Dj_av_valenI: ffs cunt

[16:08] %Death_Troll: and then link him that miley cyrus video

[16:08] %Death_Troll: picture Dj_av_valenI

[16:08] %Death_Troll: for science

[16:08] @Dj_av_valenI: i got her whole family ready to get leaked if she flames meh

Edited by claudia

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[15:02] @Dj_av_valenI: come ts
[15:02] @Dj_av_valenI: if u wanna p2p pk
[15:02] @Dj_av_valenI: D156 :3
[15:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: If nothing is going down between DF/DI/ROT
[15:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: we'll P2P
[15:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: DF not going out cuz of boards
[15:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: DI is CWA
[15:02] @Mike|Cera_S6: so its either fight ROT 1 v 1 lol or P2P
[15:03] @Dj_av_valenI: p2p

[15:03] @Dj_av_valenI: fuck fiting rot

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[15:51] @Dj_av_valenI: Kaochinx27

[15:51] @Dj_av_valenI: my intel says that rot is massing

[15:51] @Dj_av_valenI: for a p2p fight

[15:53] %Sethtroll: Your intel usually sucks

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[17:08] @Dj_av_valenI: ok i stop ddosing ashley right?



[17:08] @Abkb|: yes...



[17:08] @Dj_av_valenI: who



[17:08] @Dj_av_valenI: shud i dc


what a slug

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lmfao dj spaghetti going ham on his 5$ booter



but dw guys rots behind all the ddosing



fucking retards

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16:50] @Dj_av_valenI: lemme ddos ashley



[16:59] @Craiggg: k so it isnt ashley
[16:59] @Sethtroll: why are we pking
[16:59] @Abkb|: so it snot
[16:59] @Abkb|: i knew it
[16:59] @Evizu: we finding the spy
[16:59] @Sethtroll: if rot isnt fighting anyone
[16:59] @Abkb|: world tracker
[16:59] @Craiggg: they hit us b4 we even got in
[16:59] @Craiggg: cantb tracker
[16:59] @Evizu: next suspect


[16:59] @Evizu: legendary or c0nv

let me find the spy!!!

14months later... (THH)

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lmfao dj spaghetti going ham on his 5$ booter



but dw guys rots behind all the ddosing



fucking retards


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[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:27) <adriann> hopefully fite rot again
[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:29) <adriann> if they pk
[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:31) <Dj_av_valenI> o
[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:31) <adriann> dont tell VR
[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:33) <Dj_av_valenI> so i gotta 1000
[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:35) <adriann> since VR have ROT spies mao

[13:25] @Dj_av_valenI: (20:25:37) <Dj_av_valenI> 100% restock

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[17:48] @Evizu: dont insitgate with df

[17:48] @julian_6565: they wont

[17:48] @Evizu: we use them to help us


DF has always been a bitch clan lol

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My personal favorite lmfao so stupid


[15:53] @Dj_av_valenI: Abkb|
[15:53] @Dj_av_valenI: has it already been 2.50 pm + ?
[15:54] @Abkb|: wat
[15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: (22:54:25) <%Dj_av_valenI> has it already been 2pm?
[15:54] @Abkb|: its about to be 5:00 east
[15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: so
[15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: what is it
[15:54] @Dj_av_valenI: is it over 2pm
[15:55] @Abkb|: ??
[15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: are u
[15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: braindead
[15:55] @Abkb|: it's past 2:00 oclock
[15:55] @Abkb|: if your that braindead
[15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: i dont know american timezones
[15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: idiot
[15:55] @Abkb|: i said it's 5
[15:55] @Abkb|: which means its past 2
[15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: cud be 02.00
[15:55] @Dj_av_valenI: shit cunt



My FAV so far. DJ is fucking retarded.

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