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Part Three: Final Nail

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dear vr,


you seem to be having troubles flaming and putting cami down. as a master flamer i will go ahead and do the honors for you.



1. i met cami and took her on a date IRL. so instead of turning her down by saying "lmfao stupid edater hahaha" change it to "lmfao stupid irl dater hahaha"


2. if you wanna know what really offends her, mention how she got lost driving out of my neighborhood. i know it was dark outside but lmfao who fucking does that, right? a simple "/query cami learn 2 read maps idiot" will certainly strike a nerve.


3. it's pointless to flame her for spending 14 months spying on a clan because a majority of that time she'd be playing league on her other laptop while bullerik was on her teamviewer. why else do you think she was so silent? make sure to remind her how much of a shit inactive official she is for skipping half of vr pks


trust me, take my advice and she'll be bullied out of rs within a month.

Good read 10/10.


Edater L0l0l0l....


No. But seriously, half of them would struggle getting a online girlfriend, nevermind meeting a woman in real life.

Edited by ThatBoyRange

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damn, serious edating detected

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rot - where true love happens

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[12:41] @Dj_av_valenI: Arma150

[12:41] @Dj_av_valenI: if fools ask u for a cwa war

[12:41] @Dj_av_valenI: decline

[12:41] @Arma150: y

[12:42] @Dj_av_valenI: because they will kick all the rot off fools

[12:42] @Dj_av_valenI: if they dont get fights over that

[12:42] @Dj_av_valenI: every1 is doing it

[12:42] @Arma150: k

[12:42] @Dj_av_valenI: df/di

[12:42] @Dj_av_valenI: they looking for fights and if they dont get any they will either kick all rot

[12:42] @Dj_av_valenI: or they will die like cd

LMFAO this kid is so retarded

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dear vr,


you seem to be having troubles flaming and putting cami down. as a master flamer i will go ahead and do the honors for you.



1. i met cami and took her on a date IRL. so instead of turning her down by saying "lmfao stupid edater hahaha" change it to "lmfao stupid irl dater hahaha"


2. if you wanna know what really offends her, mention how she got lost driving out of my neighborhood. i know it was dark outside but lmfao who fucking does that, right? a simple "/query cami learn 2 read maps idiot" will certainly strike a nerve.


3. it's pointless to flame her for spending 14 months spying on a clan because a majority of that time she'd be playing league on her other laptop while bullerik was on her teamviewer. why else do you think she was so silent? make sure to remind her how much of a shit inactive official she is for skipping half of vr pks


trust me, take my advice and she'll be bullied out of rs within a month.

Vr has pks? What?

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rot - where true love happens


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rot - where true love happens



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Will update next year when I'm done reading

Update postponed, need a few more years

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