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My thoughts on the new weapons

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Abyssal bludgeon



- 85 strength bonus

- 102 crush bonus

- 2 handed

- attack speed 4(same as whips & d scims)

- spec attack does 0.3% increased damage per prayer point missing and uses 50% spec energy


Max hit with best str bonus(no slayer/no void) is 49

Theoretical max with special attack is 63 assuming you have 99 prayer and spec with 1 prayer(unrealistic) which would give you a 29.4% power boost on your attack


Thoughts: seems like a fun weapon that could be cool to mess around with, but somewhat dangerous to effectively PK with. Ags is still a far better spec wep, but consider that when specing with this weapon the attacks would be coming at whip speed not godsword speed, so I could definitely see this being at least tried.



Abyssal dagger


- 75 str bonus

- 75 stab bonus

- 1 handed

- attack speed 4

- spec attack is a double hit like the dds but does 15% less damage than normal and uses 50% spec bar. The second hit will always hit if the first one does.


Max hit would be 48 with highest possible strength bonus(again, no slayer/void)

Special attack max hit would be 40-40


Thoughts: Dds seems better honestly, you get 4 specs and it can hit higher. The guaranteed second hit is interesting but I'd be really surprised if these stay above 500k.




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gf chaotic maul



stupid spec attack for the dagger tho ppl keep crying lol just make it a spec wep and not a main hand


or just make it good so ppl stop crying

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let me know when they bring out dungeoneering

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let me know when they bring out dungeoneering


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Guest jeffreyp

seems like both shitty weapons

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i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire

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i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire

Pretty much

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Own u 1107

tell me this is a joke

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let me know when they bring out dungeoneering

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Thoughts: Dds seems better honestly, you get 4 specs and it can hit higher. The guaranteed second hit is interesting but I'd be really surprised if these stay above 500k.






I can see ppl trying out a 70 attack zerk build since its a huge upgrade from d scim, whip was never an option for them because you'd progressively ruin your zerker as you go, would be surprised if these dropped below whips

Edited by Maz

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both seem meh

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i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire i absolutely agree i mean on one hand you have weapon 1 with 4 atks and 85 str bonus but on the other hand you have weapon 2 with 3 attacks per minute and 230 str bonus now if you crunch the numbers and have 37 slayer you can easily achieve higher dps than the abyssal tire

Pretty much


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let me know when they bring out dungeoneering

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